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RIP Roger Ebert

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Wow, I still remember how exctied I got as a kid when he and Gene came on the air for a half hour...always wanted the show to last longer.


Very sad day...knew it was coming soon, though, with all he's been though. The mind could have gone another 15 rounds, but unfortunately the body couldn't.


RIP, Roger

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I am curious to hear Vaders take. I am sure it's coming.


Vader may have been plotting against him all along, for all we know...one less competitor.

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It was sad to watch Ebert deteriorate the way he did, may he rest in peace.


I remember watching Siskel & Ebert back when the show was called "Sneak Previews" on PBS.


They were an entertaining duo, and will never be forgotten.

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It was sad to watch Ebert deteriorate the way he did, may he rest in peace.


I remember watching Siskel & Ebert back when the show was called "Sneak Previews" on PBS.


They were an entertaining duo, and will never be forgotten.


I agree! Even in my " non pop culture" days

I watched the two!


Sad he is gone but happy that Siskel and

him are catching up!


I am curious to hear Vaders take. I am sure it's coming.


I see Vader has given his take! I think it was worth waiting to read.




Vader may have been plotting against him all along, for all we know...one less competitor.


Nah....not OUR Vader!! LOL

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Nah....not OUR Vader!! LOL





YOu know, Ebert's predicament is, in my opinion, one of the scariest prospects I can imagine. When I've cared for patients who were non-verbal, paralyzed, etc, it always made me wonder if they still had a lot going on upstairs and were essentially trapped within their body just waiting to pass. I remember seeing a video during the first day of the most intense class that I took during my BSN program at Emory U about this very topic. The video showed an elderly female being found on the ground while the medical team and family attempted to assess her condition. Although she was not speaking or showing any emotions outwardly, she was cognitively intact and narrating the video. Several of my fellow students began crying as the lady expressed the fear, uncertainty and frustration of not being able to communicate and being unaware as to what happened to her. I admit, it left a very profound impression on me and I felt that seeing this during my schooling allowed me to become a stronger practitioner. Thankfully Ebert never lost the ability to communicate, but it's very clear that his mind was as sharp as ever - perhaps even sharper - while his physical body essentially fell apart around him. He was powerless to prevent it, and that in itself is tragic, in my opinion. I cannot imagine what that experience must have been like for him, but it's obvious that he met it head-on and continued to live life to the fullest of his ability even when faced with such a powerful foe. The more I think about his predicament, the more I respect him.


It was sad to watch Ebert deteriorate the way he did, may he rest in peace.


I remember watching Siskel & Ebert back when the show was called "Sneak Previews" on PBS.


They were an entertaining duo, and will never be forgotten.


We're almost exactly the same age...wasn't it so awesome when we were kids and this show came on? It's funny cause last weekend when I was watching a piece on David Letterman, I was realizing that I started watching him back around '82 or so when he first got the Late Night gig on NBC, and I couldn't think of anyone else who has been "with me" that far back in to my childhood. When I heard the news that Ebert passed, I realized that he was right there too, which certainly explains why I was so saddened by this news. But we can probably totally relate to each other in terms of two movie lovers who couldn't wait for the next episode with Gene and Roger talking about all the newest movies. Good times!


One of the best Twitter accounts...ever.


If you've seen this, feel free to ignore. If you haven't...enjoy




omg, the mcdonalds exchange was hilarious...what a great clip

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