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Steve Johnson's interesting tweet.

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I like to debate/argue and in my usual doggie breath fashion, I go a little overboard sometimes.(ok, ok, way overboard)


Bills fans love SJ, as do I , so for the sake of everyone concerned, I'll stop with all the negatives.


Its actually a pretty funny tweet, the more I think about it :D

Edited by dog14787
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You guys are absolutely crazy if you think your arguing for any reason whatsoever. Dog and the Stevie haters will NEVER give in. They hate him because he's fun and they are stick up their ass grumpy bastards. Just concede that you will never change their minds.


This tweet is so far off the radar it's unreal. Nobody cares except for about 3 People on this board (and I'm sure about 3 people somewhere on some stupid Pays message board).


The few media outlets that have made this known are only doing so because they have a right to report stupid things like this. Anyone that believes media outlets have opinions about stories that are printed are rediculous. They are completely neutral on just about every topic for a reason, to sell papers and ratings. They will almost never take sides and just stick to reporting crap stories.


The Bills of the past have done so much more than this its unreal and people out up with it. Lets go down the list of a few:


Kelly- womanizing alcoholic, coke head, partier that cried when he was drafted by Buffalo and refused to play for the Bills until the USFL crumbled and he had no job.


Bruce- Coke head that held out every training camp, showed up whenever he wanted to.


Thomas- Another coke head that was always flamboyant about his on and off the field antics.


Bennett- Sodemy anyone?


Henry- Statatory rape anyone?


McGahee- Buffalo bashing and talks of moving the Bills to Toronto.


OJ- Murder?


Of course there's more and yet some people treat Stevie worse than some of these greats because he is a young kid that likes to have fun. Instead of being a young kid and looking up to the above me ruined names.


You people need to get a grip of you get bothered by something as stupid as this. Omg, were giving both the Pats and N. Korea billboard material. Buffalo is doomed!!! News flash, The Pats own is and don't care anyway. News flash, Niagara Falls supplies most of the east coast with power and will be one of the first places bombed in the event of a nuclear war. Good luck everyone. Hope you've been saving your Twinkies all these years.



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North Korea is incapable of even manufacturing such a warhead. It's widely known that there is a severe shortage of paper mache', chicken wire, and gun powder in North Korea, so they lack any of the necessities for such a device based on their technology.

regardless of your thoughts about N. Korea or not. They will have Chinas backing in any war going forward. The reason for this is because if N. Korea get bombed, China will immediately be affected and that won't go over well. Say what you will. The times are changing.
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regardless of your thoughts about N. Korea or not. They will have Chinas backing in any war going forward. The reason for this is because if N. Korea get bombed, China will immediately be affected and that won't go over well. Say what you will. The times are changing.


I don't see china immediately backing n korea. If anything, this nuclear stuff has china moving away from them and closer to the US.


Hypothetically as well, lets say we did "bomb" n korea, china would think more than once before attacking a country that buys all the crap they make. China is doing well, and it a huge part to us buying their crap. If we are at war with them, their exports to us stop and that will ruin their economy. The US and China are economically tied together, even though we are far from allies. And if north korea sets off a nuclear weapon, no one, and I mean no one will be their ally.

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North Korea is incapable of even manufacturing such a warhead. It's widely known that there is a severe shortage of paper mache', chicken wire, and gun powder in North Korea, so they lack any of the necessities for such a device based on their technology.


You're clearly underestimating the asian black market for duct tape


American intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has been hoarding it for many years.

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You people need to get a grip of you get bothered by something as stupid as this. Omg, were giving both the Pats and N. Korea billboard material. Buffalo is doomed!!! News flash, The Pats own is and don't care anyway. News flash, Niagara Falls supplies most of the east coast with power and will be one of the first places bombed in the event of a nuclear war. Good luck everyone. Hope you've been saving your Twinkies all these years.


First, it's bulletin board, not billboard.


Second..."North Korean bulletin board material" is funny as ****. :lol:



"Dog and the Stevie haters" sounds like some kind of punk rock band , lol



Emphasis on punk.

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Dog, explain to me why, if Stevie was at all detrimental to the team, the team would use him as their face of the franchise more than any other player? He did the commercials for the "Lead the Charge" campaign. They send him out with video crews to big cities to meet with Bills Backers groups.

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I don't see china immediately backing n korea. If anything, this nuclear stuff has china moving away from them and closer to the US.


Hypothetically as well, lets say we did "bomb" n korea, china would think more than once before attacking a country that buys all the crap they make. China is doing well, and it a huge part to us buying their crap. If we are at war with them, their exports to us stop and that will ruin their economy. The US and China are economically tied together, even though we are far from allies. And if north korea sets off a nuclear weapon, no one, and I mean no one will be their ally.

China is primed to become the new super power on the planet with nobody to stop them if they have backing. Their goods don't need the US. We are a spec in world population. We are only in the way of a new power because of the backing of our military which Obama has single handedly dwindled down to a few hundred thousand which is nothing compared to China or N. Korea for that matter. Then lets not forget Russia and Vietnam.
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China is primed to become the new super power on the planet with nobody to stop them if they have backing. Their goods don't need the US. We are a spec in world population. We are only in the way of a new power because of the backing of our military which Obama has single handedly dwindled down to a few hundred thousand which is nothing compared to China or N. Korea for that matter. Then lets not forget Russia and Vietnam.


This is getting a little OT now, but if you are saying our military is down to a few hundred thousand people, that is one hell of a lie you are telling. I do believe China has a bigger military, but a few hundred thousand+ one million would be a closer to our active military size. With the reserves it might be double that.

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This is getting a little OT now, but if you are saying our military is down to a few hundred thousand people, that is one hell of a lie you are telling. I do believe China has a bigger military, but a few hundred thousand+ one million would be a closer to our active military size. With the reserves it might be double that.

ok. I give up. I don't care anymore.
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You're clearly underestimating the asian black market for duct tape


American intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has been hoarding it for many years.




Dog, explain to me why, if Stevie was at all detrimental to the team, the team would use him as their face of the franchise more than any other player? He did the commercials for the "Lead the Charge" campaign. They send him out with video crews to big cities to meet with Bills Backers groups.


It actually explains more then ever why SJ perhaps should refrain from some of his antics.


The team you speak of, our team, the Buffalo Bills, a team that hasn't reached the playoffs in over a decade, isn't exactly a football team you want to model yourself around, eh.


I wasn't going to go here again, but since you singled me out, we have a jokster as the face of our franchise that hasn't accomplished squat.


So your point is what?

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