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Really, 5 percent. Come on you can do better than that!!

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All symbolism.................little substance.



No administration agencies instructed to limit American's "pain", in fact they appear to be trying to emphasize the "sequestration" results.


Don't worry about those White House banquets and concerts, The One is giving back.




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When Romney was Governor of Massachusetts, he refused his entire salary, taking just a token $1.


I never noticed anyone giving him credit for that.




Thats because one is an out of touch millionaire.......................................................the other is Mormon.




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The biggest problem I have with this "pay cut" is that the sequestration isn't causing people in most cases to have to take pay cuts. It's putting some people right out of a job. If he really wanted to "feel our pain" so to speak he should do what Romney did and refuse his entire paycheck for the year.

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