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What difference does it make? Are you saying nobody can play after they had an Achilles injury? If he passes a physical and is fine who cares?


I don't care.


I just wonder who the !@#$ he is.


Yeah, because my high motor comment was directed at the viscous. Although, the 15qts my truck takes is vicious.


That is vicious.


What grade do you use?

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I don't care.


I just wonder who the !@#$ he is.




That is vicious.


What grade do you use?

Meh, depends on the temps, but usually 15W-30. The filter, and oil generally costs $50-60 bucks at the least.

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What difference does it make? Are you saying nobody can play after they had an Achilles injury? If he passes a physical and is fine who cares?


Why yes, that's exactly what I meant. Nobody could possibly play after an Achilles injury. Who could imagine such a thing? But maybe, just maybe, my post had a sense of irony and a tongue and cheek feel to it. And perhaps only those without their thumb up their a** could see that.

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Why yes, that's exactly what I meant. Nobody could possibly play after an Achilles injury. Who could imagine such a thing? But maybe, just maybe, my post had a sense of irony and a tongue and cheek feel to it. And perhaps only those without their thumb up their a** could see that.

Dude sorry, but its not my fault you are ironic, or was that idiotic.

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Why yes, that's exactly what I meant. Nobody could possibly play after an Achilles injury. Who could imagine such a thing? But maybe, just maybe, my post had a sense of irony and a tongue and cheek feel to it. And perhaps only those without their thumb up their a** could see that.


I'm often amazed at how much seems to pass right over people's heads on this board. I appreciate a little sarcasm and irony, BTW, so thank you for that!

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I'm often amazed at how much seems to pass right over people's heads on this board. I appreciate a little sarcasm and irony, BTW, so thank you for that!


Yeah, you try and just let it ride but every now and again you get someone who only lives in the literal world and you just have to unload a little. All in all a small price to pay to talk Bills football!

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Yeah, you try and just let it ride but every now and again you get someone who only lives in the literal world and you just have to unload a little. All in all a small price to pay to talk Bills football!

Yeah, you try and just let it ride but every now and again you get someone who only lives in the literal world and you just have to unload a little. All in all a small price to pay to talk Bills football!

I was not aware a thumb inserted into said patooty could affect the vision and then the ability to comprehend post ups.

I am sure not gonna try that again when i'm bored.

Thanks for the heads up.


I myself appreciate the tolerance i get here from you folks with my punctuation and spellings errors and sometimes often dufus remarks. Because i do love to read this stuff. and put my two cents in now and again !

Go Bills !

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Christ, we're becoming the franchise of choice for those with damaged Achilles tendons. Can't we start looking at some stenosis cases?


Green Lightning, my good friend, get Russ on the line! YE OLE thinks you have just crafted the new 2013 motto.


2013 Buffalo Bills: The Franchise of Choice

Edited by Cotton Fitzsimmons
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Green Lightning, my good friend, get Russ on the line! YE OLE thinks you have just crafted the new 2013 motto.


2013 Buffalo Bills: The Franchise of Choice


Hi Cotton. It does have a ring to it doesn't it? Just add "eh" for the Toronto game.

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