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Political takeover of language nears completion — AP bans “illegal immigrants”


There has been a political push to remove words like “illegal alien” or “illegal immigrant” from usage as part of political messaging by amnesty/open borders advocates.


The preferred term is “undocumented,” as if it’s just a question of paperwork. Once the language is redefined, it becomes a much easier sell to treat the breaking of our immigration laws as just a formality.


Not only that, “illegal alien” supposedly is racist, as if illegal alien were a race, as I posted in What race is an illegal alien?

This is all a charade. It’s the typical Color of Change race card shakedown.


The advocates of eliminating the term “illegal” want to alter immigration policies. They can’t win on the merits of open borders, so they smear others as racist.


It’s just a dishonest word game using false accusations of racism as a political lever.


Back to the subversive question: What race is an illegal alien?

Today a major victory was achieved for those seeking political control of the language as AP removed the term “illegal immigrant” from its style book, ‘Illegal immigrant’ no more:

The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term “illegal immigrant” or the use of “illegal” to describe a person. Instead, it tells users that “illegal” should describe only an action, such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally.

AP has no term to replace “illegal immigrant.”



they're immigrating to our country against our laws... illegal immigrant really captures it perfectly.






Heh....................Jay Leno last night; "AP replaces 'illegal immigrant' with ......'Undocumented Democrat"





Arizona will be a Blue stronghold in 10 years.... as well as Colorado... its not untrue said above


Heh....................Jay Leno last night; "AP replaces 'illegal immigrant' with ......'Undocumented Democrat"




Not to change the subject but Leno is anything but a liberal. Romney was a fool for not going on the Tonight Show.

Posted (edited)

romney was also a fool for being a seriel lying dickhole. just sayin

Maybe he should have had his minions have some of Obama's records unsealed. School records or something. That's how upstanding men like him win elections.

Edited by RkFast

When the Associated Press is writing about her/him! The AP has revised its Style Book to do away with the term illegal immigrant and replace it with immigrant here illegally.




I think this distinction is an important addition to the whole media-sucks-up-to-POTUS thingy. I'm just in a dither now as I raise my personal awareness to its highest PC level in keeping with the new normal over at the AP....


Im going to rob a bank and call it an undocumented withdrawal.


AP's basically saying that "illegal" shouldn't describe people, but actions.


So you can still call it a bank robbery. AP should just consider it politically incorrect to call you a bank robber.


I'm old and crotchety, so I don't see how I can divorce the action of becoming illegal, perpetrated by a person, from that person. When I do finally figure that one out, I'll immediately go to work on determining what is is.




I know I never hire an undignified day laborer.

I believe the more dignified term would be 'botanical engineer'.

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