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Obama Declares April 1 ‘Fiscal Responsibility Day’ April 1st, 2013 Scott Ott

Obama signs National Fiscal Responsibility Day declarationPresident Obama declares April 1 ‘National Fiscal Responsibility Day’, as the infants and toddlers of Wall Street bankers crawl around his desk just out of the camera’s view.

In a White House ceremony this morning, surrounded by young children of Wall Street bankers, and of staffers at the Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, President Barack Obama signed an executive order designating today as ‘National Fiscal Responsibility Day.’

The president said the declaration would both “recognize the Herculean efforts of members of Congress and the Executive branch in paring down the federal budget to its core essentials, as well as issue a challenge that still more can be done to achieve the dream of my personal hero, President Calvin Coolidge.”

In fact, Obama echoed Coolidge, saying: “I am for economy, and after that I am for more economy. At this time, and under present conditions, that is my conception of serving all of the people.”

Obama noted that from now on, the first day of April each year will “remind all Americans of the kind of government we ordained and established in our Constitution — one of limited, enumerated powers, that maximizes individual liberty.”

“The best way to achieve that is to perpetually devote ourselves to reducing the size and scope of the federal government,” Obama said, noting that the “little children are the ultimate beneficiaries of our frugality, since they will inherit a government that pays its way day-by-day without a load of unsustainable borrowing.”

The President encouraged all Americans to greet each other today with a cheery “Happy Fiscal Responsibility Day!” but to exchange cards and gifts “only if you can do so without incurring additional debt.”

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Even liberals can’t ignore Obama’s ineptitude


The president has gotten off to a rocky second term.

This seems as sound a take as any I have seen lately on the Obama administration’s competency deficit:

Obamacare will fail if he doesn’t start paying more attention to the details of implementation, if he doesn’t start demanding action. And, in a larger sense, the notion of activist government will be in peril — despite the demographics flowing the Democrats’ way — if institutions like the VA and Obamacare don’t deliver the goods. Sooner or later, the Republican Party may come to understand that its best argument isn’t about tearing down the government we have, but making it run more efficiently.

Yuval Levin? Gov. Scott Walker? Nope, that’s uber-liberal columnist Joe Klein, who has — to his credit — discovered and is willing to admit to the serious absence of administrative competence and effort endemic in this administration.

It is much more than just Obamacare, as we have witnessed the president bounce like a ping-pong ball in a wind tunnel from crisis to crisis. Sequestration. North Korean saber-rattling. Failure of his anti-gun agenda. There is not an initiative he’s begun either foreign or domestic that has been well conceived, introduced and implemented. Add in Fast and Furious and the series of green-energy crony capitalism flops and you have an extraordinary record of ineptitude. (Klein supplies examples of less-discussed failures: “There has also been the studied inattention to the myriad ineffective job-training programs scattered through the bureaucracy. There have been the oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a study conducted by its own bureaucracy — the Department of Health and Human Services — has found nearly worthless. The list is endless.”)

This is precisely why effective GOP governors offer such an inviting contrast to Obama. In Virginia, Wisconsin, New Jersey, New Mexico and other states with GOP governors, budgets get passed, education is reformed, health care is modernized and bureaucracy is tamed.


Republicans certainly would be smart to start talking about delivering value for the taxpayers’ dollars. After his final general assembly session as governor, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell issued a statement, which read in part:

We set out to make Virginia government do more with less, and after this session the Commonwealth will be on sounder financial footing. Over the past four sessions of the General Assembly, we eliminated many of the past budget gimmicks, reformed our pension system, and appropriated sufficient funds to more than double Virginia’s rainy day fund from $295 million to nearly $800 million. We have accumulated $1.4 billion in budget surpluses the past 3 years through sound management by the legislative and executive branch. Moody’s rated our transportation funding legislation this session ‘credit positive’ toward maintaining our AAA bond rating. Our unemployment rate has fallen from 7.3 percent at the start of the administration to 5.6 percent, the lowest in four years and the second lowest East of the Mississippi, with 147,000 more Virginians back to work and able to support their families.

Now imagine if a Republican could offer that on a federal level.



Now imagine if a Republican could offer that on a federal level.

Sounds nice, but how to you go about offering that on a Federal level, when that Federal level includes:

1. Califorinia

2. Illinois

3. Michigan



4. Massachusetts






5. New York (and that is only here becaue (*^*&%^$^#Sheldon Silver somehow still has a job, and we like to pass budgets in the middle of the night)


These states are F'ing disasters. No surprise that they also are where most of the Democratic problem children come from.


I wonder if it would be Constitutional to forcibly kick a state out of the union? I suppose it would be, you could do it just by getting an amendment ratified.


California needs to go. :lol: Just think how much easier it would be on the rest of us without those idiots in Congress, and without their $ supporting so much nonsense? I wish there was a "state penalty box" that says: your delegation won't be seated if your state is bankrupt. Stay home, and prove that your ideas work in your own state. Until then, don't burden the rest of us with them.


GOP: Washington isn't America; The states are America



Gov. Sam Brownback gives the Weekly Republican Party Remarks


Hi I’m Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. A week ago nearly a third of the world’s population celebrated Easter, the resurrection of Jesus. New life. Well, we need new life in our nation and economy.


Washington is broke. Big spending programs are running out of money and change is coming. The ideas on how to fix the federal government are now percolating in the states, 30 of which are led by Republican governors.


You see, you don’t change America by changing Washington—you change America by changing the states. And that’s exactly what Republican governors are doing across the country—taking a different approach to grow their states’ economies and fix their governments with ideas that work.


They involve a more focused government that costs less. A taxing structure that encourages growth. An education system that produces measurable results. And a renewed focus on the incredible dignity of each and every person, no matter who they are.


Now, take my state, Kansas, as an example.


The year I became governor, the state began the fiscal year with just $876.05 in the bank—less than $1,000 and it projected a $500 million deficit. Two years later we had a $500 million ending balance—and did it without tax increases.


Now to make that financial turnaround a reality, we didn’t cut state funding to schools, we didn’t cut state funding for our universities and colleges, we didn’t cut state funding for our Medicaid system, we didn’t cut state funding for our prisons.


We did consolidate agencies, cut overhead costs, offered a voluntary retirement buyout to state employees and eliminated outdated programs.


We reformed our state’s Medicaid system to save a billion dollars over five years while at the same time, we expanded health care services for our neediest Kansans.


We found ways to reduce the cost of running state government while increasing our investments in key areas like research in aviation, agriculture and medicine.


We reduced the number of state employees and increased the number of students taking technical education courses, which will help them prepare for a future with a better-paying job.


We reformed our court of appeals so that judges are selected more democratically.


We took steps to safeguard our state’s water resources for future generations and gave Kansans more local control of their future water needs.


And we passed the largest tax cut in state history—eliminating the income tax on small businesses altogether. This took us from being one of the highest tax states in the region to one of the lowest.




Republican governors have been told you can’t cut taxes, balance your budgets and invest in the future all at the same time, and we’ve said, ‘watch us’ and done what we said we would do.


Growing our economies, building strong family structures and making wise government investments produces winning results.


Our Republican message is a belief in the power of the people more than the control of government. This unleashes the creativity of entrepreneurs and the strength of hope and dreams.


Join us as we remake our country, not into a place that looks more and more like Europe. We don’t need to do that. We just need to become America again. And that is the rebirth we are doing. Thanks for listening. God bless you all. ####





No Thunderbirds... No air show:




But... It is only rinky dink Gary and the South Shore Air Show which has only been up and running for a few years. I wonder what it will do to the big air and water show in Chicago? The Thunderbirds, etc... Do take a lot of money to run...

Most air shows in the Country have been cut way back or canceled outright.


Common guys, get with it.


Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop global warming.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop gun violence in Chicago.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Republicans from blocking tax increases.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop going on vacations.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Michele from going on talk shows.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Harry Reid from reading porn.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't make North Korea love him more than Kim Jong Un.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't give all his supporters everything they want, everything they think they need, and everything that anyone else has.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't make The Buffalo Bills win the Superbowl.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't get a second Nobel Peace Prize.


Common guys, get with it.


Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop global warming.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop gun violence in Chicago.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Republicans from blocking tax increases.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop going on vacations.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Michele from going on talk shows.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Harry Reid from reading porn.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't make North Korea love him more than Kim Jong Un.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't give all his supporters everything they want, everything they think they need, and everything that anyone else has.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't make The Buffalo Bills win the Superbowl.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't get a second Nobel Peace Prize.


I must take issue this list.


I'm not convinced Harry Reid is smart enough to be literate (even to read porn). Clearly it's due to the sequester, but still.


Common guys, get with it.


Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop global warming.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop gun violence in Chicago.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Republicans from blocking tax increases.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop going on vacations.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Michele from going on talk shows.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Harry Reid from reading porn.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't make North Korea love him more than Kim Jong Un.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't give all his supporters everything they want, everything they think they need, and everything that anyone else has.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't make The Buffalo Bills win the Superbowl.

Due to the sequester - Obama can't get a second Nobel Peace Prize.


You are slipping Nanker! :-P


Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes




You are slipping Nanker! :-P


Due to the sequester - Obama can't stop Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes




What more do you want Obama to do? I mean he's cancelled White House tours for God's sake! The man can only do so much with so little, especially with several rounds of golf that aren't going to play themselves and fundraisers that need to be attended!


What more do you want Obama to do? I mean he's cancelled White House tours for God's sake! The man can only do so much with so little, especially with several rounds of golf that aren't going to play themselves and fundraisers that need to be attended!


When you talk about a man of the people, you're talking about Barack Obama.




What more do you want Obama to do? I mean he's cancelled White House tours for God's sake! The man can only do so much with so little, especially with several rounds of golf that aren't going to play themselves and fundraisers that need to be attended!


LoL... Hey no argument from me that he is out of touch!


Perhaps we could start with a few softball questions like "How many states are in the US?" or "How man letters are in the one little word 'jobs?' "


Just make sure that the test isn't "culturally biased"






Just make sure that the test isn't "culturally biased"




I hope you're not inferring that certain cultures don't know what a job is.


I hope you're not inferring that certain cultures don't know what a job is.


I don't believe he was saying that, but the people who would be taking the test may not know.


I don't believe he was saying that, but the people who would be taking the test may not know.


I don't believe that he was saying that either.


I don't believe that he was saying that either.


That was poorly written on my part. The latter half of my statement was my take,


I don't believe that he was saying that either.


I "believe" that I was making a comment about the frequent complaints these days, that standardized IQ tests are biased towards Whites.




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