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The bloop - An Unexplained Phenomenon [Actual Sound]

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''The Bloop is the name given to an ultra-low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) several times during 1997. According to the NOAA description, it "rises rapidly in frequency over about one minute and was of sufficient amplitude to be heard on multiple sensors, at a range of over 5,000 km. The source of the sound remains unknown...''


''While the audio profile of the bloop does resemble that of a living creature, the system identified it as unknown because it was far too loud for that to have been the case: it was several times louder than the loudest known biological sound.''


''There is no animal big enough or loud enough to make that kind of noise, not by a long shot. Not a blue whale, not a howler monkey, not a startled teenage girl.''


What could have possibly caused this sound?


Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Here's some more reading on the Bloop and some other mysterious underwater sounds:




It's worth noting as a general principle that there's a big difference between things that are full-on unexplainable and others that are simply unexplained. While the former might force us to consider some pretty out there hypotheses in an attempt to make sense of what's going on, the latter is a more mundane kind of mysterious. We don't know what caused these sounds, but that's more a product of having precious little data to work with and the Pacific Ocean being a very, very big place. Indeed, the depths of the Pacific constitute the largest unexplored frontier on the planet. It would be amazing if we could explain everything we encounter in it.
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One theory is icebergs breaking up. The sound changes based on the speed of playback, some are lower sounding.


Anyway, as far as mysterious sounds go, I like these:


Some of those scenes seem fake- Idk if it's because of how the videos were edited into one, but the fidelity of some of the sounds don't seem to match with the rest of the sounds coming form the videos.


I do a little bit of amateur audio engineering for my bad, so I guess I have an ear for when sounds seem out of sync with the rest of the environment.



Then again some phones/cameras have all sorts of noise reducing/filtering features, so that could be it too.


Of course, if they are some sort of supernatural or extreme natural phenomena I guess that would explain why it "doesn't sound right."

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One theory is icebergs breaking up. The sound changes based on the speed of playback, some are lower sounding.


If it was icebergs I question why it took them so long to conclude that. They had plenty of iceberg recordings to compare it to. I'm no expert but it sure sounds a lot more like an animal of some kind (whale?).

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If it was icebergs I question why it took them so long to conclude that. They had plenty of iceberg recordings to compare it to. I'm no expert but it sure sounds a lot more like an animal of some kind (whale?).

How long did it take them?

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