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Romo 6yr 108 million

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Didn't Drew Bedsore sign a $100 million contract with the Patriots before Brady arrived?



and for perspective on dollars, it was a ten year deal. so per year, about half of the big contracts of today. 4 years longer and still less money than romo.


it wouldve taken him up through the last year or two essentially.

Edited by NoSaint
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Reminds me of Vicks 100 million dollar deal, likely just 6 one year deals or at worst a two year type deal. I feel like its a lot of NFL style dollars that Romo will never actually see.


from the looks, you couldnt be more wrong


55m guaranteed. thats essentially 3 years fully.

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nope - just out of touch with the going rates.


told everyone to get over flacco - wait til you see what rodgers signs next go around. or even guys like matt ryan. forget what some of these rookies forced to wait 3 years will get if SF or SEA ends up with a ring this year.

Yup, I think that's right. Plus -- despite the ridiculous level of criticism -- Romo is still one of the top 10 or so QBs in the game. He gets twice the scrutiny of any other player in the NFL because he plays QB for the Cowboys, and he's been single handedly carrying that underachieving team for years.


When will it stop? Unreal to a blue collar worker like me.

It'll stop when blue (and white) collar workers stop buying tickets and supporting the TV ad revenue by watching games.


Schefter just made a good point: Friday afternoon after 4pm is always the time teams try to announce things they really are not happy with and don't want as much publicity. ;)

So what does it mean when you do it at 4pm on Good Friday! I guess it's better than the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. :lol:

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if you think athletes shouldnt be getting that kind of money, go post somewhere else.

Oh, I was wondering where I should post. Thanks for the tip.


Romo hasn't had a balanced, competitive team since 2007. Granted, he did give that one away. But he's kept his nose clean with an intense media spotlight. We would all probably be agreeing with Colin Cowherd as kissing his posterior just as much if he would have had an owner other than Jerry Jones.

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His numbers are not too bad. Yeah, he's a top ten. I think they overpaid. But not the overpaid some posters think.


I think he should have received 84mil/6 year (14 mil average), and about 44-46 mil guaranteed.


Yeah I know, some posters will think even that is overpaid. When my suggested contract would be just right. Let's be real here.


HA what a ridiculous contract


That franchise is a complete mess

Not really.

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Really, Top Ten guy?




E. Manning


M. Ryan

P. Manning for atleast the next two years



R. Wilson



After that i put Romo in with a group of guys like-

Newton, Schaubb, RGIII, Cutler,

he is maybe a top 15-20 guy.

I hear what your saying about 'thats the going rate for a good qb' but Rome is average at best. He plays behind a good line, has good wr's, good TE, and played with good RB for most his career.

Who knows for sure how it will pan out.

But i can tell you if any of you have Cowboy fans that are friends like i do, they are pissed.

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To me this highlights why I think that having a decent QB is worse for your team than having a bad QB.


A decent QB like Romo will get your team to the playoffs more times than the average.......but will eat up a large piece of the cap & have very little chance to win the SB.

It is also extremely difficult for a team to let them go......and very rare for a team with a decent QB to try to acquire a good QB(via high draft pick) while they are still on the roster. Subsequently, when you have one, you are usually stuck with them for most(all) of their NFL life.


A bad QB is usually gone before 3 years have past......giving the team at least a chance to find a good QB every 3 years......and thus a chance to win the SB.

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Somebody has to play QB. All the guys people list ahead of him aren't going anywhere, and all the guys below him aren't better. You wanna draft a guy? Sure. I can see the logic in maybe taking a 3rd/4th round flyer on a guy like Tyler Bray. Sure. But, odds are you aren't finding a better QB than Romo this year. They don't have a great OL, and their defense was hardly a force. Got the coordinator fired, actually. He's got his faults, he's had his bad moments, but he isn't average. Ryan Fitzpatrick is average. That isn't the same thing. He's a good QB and he'd be the best QB that we've seen since some guy named Kelly. That's over a decade ago. So that must say something about us that in over a decade we haven't been able to find a better QB than Dallas' overpaid, average joe Tony Romo. Cmon. Most NFL contracts are absurd, most guys never see the deal in it's entirety. It'll get restructured or he'll flat out get released when the ride is officially over.

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To me this highlights why I think that having a decent QB is worse for your team than having a bad QB.


A decent QB like Romo will get your team to the playoffs more times than the average.......but will eat up a large piece of the cap & have very little chance to win the SB.

It is also extremely difficult for a team to let them go......and very rare for a team with a decent QB to try to acquire a good QB(via high draft pick) while they are still on the roster. Subsequently, when you have one, you are usually stuck with them for most(all) of their NFL life.


A bad QB is usually gone before 3 years have past......giving the team at least a chance to find a good QB every 3 years......and thus a chance to win the SB.

Exactly right.

its like being in a relationship because it is 'comfortable' or fear of the unknown.

This is the Cowboys settling on an average guy. Romo is not bad but he is far from great.

Just like the Bills knee jerked with Fitz after a couple of good games in 2011, the franchise had gone for so long with out a decent qb. The first sign of something to think this could be our next qb they jumped on him. Especially when you consider the Boys went from Aikmen to nobody just like the Bills from Kelly to '?'...

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