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Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg faces $1 billion tax bill

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also..once again he didn't create this. He packaged it well at a good time. And in any event, not taking anything away from it...just saying...of all people he was lucky...talented and all that yes obviously worked hard...but lucky as hell


Incredibly asinine.

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Boy I tell ya some people who post here...lol...just classic


No kidding especially the crap from that SameOldBi.......oh......sorry.


So you say Zuckerberg's success is mainly due to luck? How do you know this? Are you in the middle of research and plan to write his biography or are you saying it out of spite and jealously? Please explain (in detail) how you've come to this conclusion. I'll wait.


BTW is Bill Gates wealth due mainly to his luck?

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Boy I tell ya some people who post here...lol...just classic


Your progressive way of thinking is what brings you to this realization. The minute it becomes clear that personal risk and individual sacrifice can lead to an amazingly successful career and life, it must be put into a tiny box of context.


"Oh, sure, Facebook is successful, but in terms relative to California tech start ups, he was lucky."


I can't figure out if you're just making an argument for the sake of making an argument, or you're concerned Ryan L Billz is upstaging you.

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i wouldn't call him a douche bag. Let's keep that for those posters who really deserve it.


Uhh, yeah, he deserves it.


And in any event, not taking anything away from it...just saying...of all people he was lucky..


What sort of retarded comment is this?


Not taking anything away from it





Of all people he was lucky?



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Uhh, yeah, he deserves it.




What sort of retarded comment is this?


Not taking anything away from it





Of all people he was lucky?




Ok fine. Maybe I was feeling nicer yesterday. It happens at the beginning of a long weekend.


Crap I have to study.

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The only "luck" Mark had was MySpace developed a bad reputation. That's it. MySpace became sleazy somehow and Facebook took advantage of that.


And created a better mousetrap. People B word about FB but it is one of the best and cheapest ways for small local businesses to promote themselves.

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And created a better mousetrap. People B word about FB but it is one of the best and cheapest ways for small local businesses to promote themselves.


I hated it. I closed my account and now people ask me if i blocked them :lol:

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Only in loony leftist douchebag world do people believe that extremely hard working, intelligent, innovative people are lucky for what they have.


The larger problem is that it is precisely this kind of leftist nonsense that is brought into our schools. We're so intent on giving everyone a participation ribbon, that the only way to explain individual success is by attributing it to luck and the only way to explain individual failure is by attributing it to others.


It's either someone else's fault that you failed, or pure luck that you succeeded. The liberal mindset in a nutshell.

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Only on PPP does retarded "we built that" political sentiment extend so deep down in the bones that it becomes an issue, or requires explanation, to state that Zuckerburg was lucky.


This only proves that you have absolutely no idea of what it takes to move a company from an idea to a successful enterprise employing thousands. Luck may play a role somewhere in the process, but growing it from nothing to a multi-billion company is anything but luck.

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Only in loony leftist douchebag world do people believe that extremely hard working, intelligent, innovative people are lucky for what they have.


The longer I live the more I find that hard work, intelligence and innovation are qualities that are very foreign to people like Same Old, which helps to understand their narrow POV.


They think begrudgingly dragging their ass into work at 9:01, counting the minutes until 5:00 and having to suffer with only 2 weeks vacation makes them a highly productive person deserving of rich rewards, and they can't begin to fathom that other people have an entirely different standard of productivity and work.

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I hated it. I closed my account and now people ask me if i blocked them :lol:


I know I've mentioned this before but I love FB. All day long I get food, beer, wine, music, ideas popping up. Today it was the Allman Brothers being introduced by Billy Graham on Don Kirschner's Rock Concert in 1973 along with three fantastic pasta dish recipes and a lamb special at my favorite local butcher for Easter and it's only 10:00am. If you use it to keep up with people you're missing out. I hate people but love FB. :lol:

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The longer I live the more I find that hard work, intelligence and innovation are qualities that are very foreign to people like Same Old, which helps to understand their narrow POV.


They think begrudgingly dragging their ass into work at 9:01, counting the minutes until 5:00 and having to suffer with only 2 weeks vacation makes them a highly productive person deserving of rich rewards, and they can't begin to fathom that other people have an entirely different standard of productivity and work.


I don't know if i'll survive with only two weeks vacation :lol:

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The longer I live the more I find that hard work, intelligence and innovation are qualities that are very foreign to people like Same Old, which helps to understand their narrow POV.


They think begrudgingly dragging their ass into work at 9:01, counting the minutes until 5:00 and having to suffer with only 2 weeks vacation makes them a highly productive person deserving of rich rewards, and they can't begin to fathom that other people have an entirely different standard of productivity and work.


Kind of like that "person" in that video I posted.


"I want to retire in 5 years"


You have no idea how many young people we come across in my business that want to retire by 45 or 50 and I ask them what's their plan. I get things like I'll start a business or a start up or create an app or some other stupid ****. But then I ask them again. "What's your plan?" And this is typically what I get. :huh:

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I guess like a lot of success stories there is a element of luck involved. This is probably no different. But he had enough insight an instinct that put him in a position that with a break here and there he could break out and become rich.


Remember Zuckerburg isn't the only guy to make millions & billions off HIS invention.

Edited by BigCountryBills
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