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You guys ever notice how many ex-New Yawkers live in FlaRidAYa? Living fat on their union & NY govt pensions. NY would be smart to make their pensioners pay a penalty for leaving, but they don't so they push away even more younger kids from the state.


Except for the fact that every Spanish speaker isn't inherently Mexican.

B-Large said "mostly Mexican" not all.




What about Colorado? The State Government isn't a mess, the taxes are not unreasonable, and overall is a pretty darn great place to live, even with all the Californians that have migrated here. Heck in my neighborhood, homes are selling before/ the day they are listed because Denver is doing so well- I am considering finishing off my basement and selling soon because there is such little inventory, its a great oppoortunity.


I think it all depends on what you consider freedom. If you like Government services, then you live in a Blue area, pay taxes and enjoy life- aka Denver. If you don't like Government Services, and you ant less intrusion, regulations and laws, live in Colorado Springs... some people like low taxes and having th street lights turned off because they money ran out, its just preference.


In all honesty, of course the Dakotas are free compared to other states.... nobody really want to live there... there is little demand/need for too much Government.


California is full or retards who thought they can boom forever and their housing will never go down, so voted yes for everything and kept chugging... until it doesn't go on forever, and there is not enough money to pay for everything.. My autn finally sold her company because she was taxed to death, sued by emplloyees more that once, and had big losses when the ports shut down... she's finally relizing the beach ain't worth it...


You're describing the liberal trap perfectly.


Everything is great in the beginning when services are "free" and there is a lot of money to spend, but pretty soon the people who have to pay for the "free" stuff eventually leave while those who want the handouts start moving in. Then you're screwed. You'll be left with a bloated budget and a middle class unwilling to foot the bill. It's a lot easier to increase spending than it is to cut it when the money runs out.


Whats funny is that if the "Spanish speaking/Mexican takeover joke had been stated in a speech instead of an approved, progressive show like Modern Family, then some would label it "hate speech"



*Disclaimer: I do watch Modern family and consider it one of the best written shows on.




That's not true. I understand your point but that's just silly.

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