Homey D. Clown Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 The fact this is making NFL headlines says a lot about how far we as a nation haven't come on the acceptance of sexual orientation. sad really. But I don't even see why a player has to publicly declare his sexual orientation anyway, I think it's stupid to make a big deal of it in any career. Adversely, calling attention to your own sexuality seems to be a childish ploy to draw attention to yourself in my opinion. So your gay, whoop-de frickin do!
Dorkington Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 (edited) I wish it didn't matter. Hopefully in the future, people can be whatever sexuality they are without feeling shamed. Edit: I'd obviously support whomever came out. I'd be proud if it were a Bill. Edited March 27, 2013 by Dorkington
San Jose Bills Fan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 The fact this is making NFL headlines says a lot about how far we as a nation haven't come on the acceptance of sexual orientation. sad really. But I don't even see why a player has to publicly declare his sexual orientation anyway, I think it's stupid to make a big deal of it in any career. Adversely, calling attention to your own sexuality seems to be a childish ploy to draw attention to yourself in my opinion. So your gay, whoop-de frickin do! I see where your heart is in the right place (first paragraph) but I think you're missing the point (last sentence).
C.Biscuit97 Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 If any person cares about anyone's sexuality, you probably are the most closted homosexual alive. People need to just worry about themselves.
gobillsinytown Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 This thread exists because in the digital age, whether we like it or not, issues like this will be discussed down to the smallest detail. I think in most cases that's a good thing, but since this is a "hot button" issue, it's been talked into the ground. That being said, I'm glad to see that most people here really don't care one way or the other, which shows the proper perspective. For us, this is entertainment, and even though we're all very passionate about it, we need to remember that we have very little real connection to the lives of the players, and that's they way it should be. Whether a player is gay or not shouldn't matter at all.
Maddog69 Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 this really should be such a non-issue. Who in the hell cares if an NFL player (or anyone else) is gay? Their personal life is just that, personal. I would not care in the least.
BILLS02138 Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 (edited) The problem with sexuality has nothing to do with football. Nothing to do with marriage. But everything to do with the fact that sexuality is like a pendulum. Very few people on this planet are 100% straight and 100% gay. Most of you will deny it but at some point - you may have had curiosities - tendencies - man crushes - you may have used alcohol as an excuse why you may have accidentally "played" with your buddy that one time in college or grade school... You would not believe how many people in this society go both ways - but identify as straight and gay. The numbers are so high - that is the reason why it creates such tension and instability in politics, religion and society. Do you know how many married str8 men play with other men and straight married women play with other women (which in society, is ok, as long as they are drop dead gorgeous, right)? Check out your local craigslist or adult friend finder sites - the numbers are there. Sexuality will never go away - as long as the straight society continues to act like its a choice when the funny thing - you never wake up one day and decide to be str8 or had any question about it? It's not a switch. We have done experiments on OKCupid - Match.com and Christianmingles websites - we created straight and bi test profiles on these sites - and then took the opportunity to hit on other straight guys. The numbers are alarming as the number of men who have responded favorably to our solicitations. Not all men - but a day wouldn't go by where at least 5-8 straight guys would either hit up our profiles or respond favorably to ours. Common responses: "Although I am straight, I do have bi curious tendencies..." "I'd be willing to play with another man as long as a woman is present in bed..." "I am definitely bi but can never actually go through with it..." "Catch me when I'm drunk and I'll play with you in a heartbeat..." That folks - is the reason why this topic - which is nothing more than being freaking HUMAN - is nothing more than a joke because humanity is so insecure with itself. If you have create a law that hurts a limited number of people just to prove your morals or faith, you have no true morals or faith to prove. Edited March 27, 2013 by BILLS02138
San Jose Bills Fan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 The problem with sexuality has nothing to do with football. Nothing to do with marriage. But everything to do with the fact that sexuality is like a pendulum. Very few people on this planet are 100% and 100% gay. Most of you will deny it but at some point - but you have had curiosities - you have had tendencies - you have had man crushes - you have used alcohol as a reason why you may have accidentally "played" with your buddy that one time in college or grade school... You would not believe how many people in this society go both ways - but identify as straight and gay. The numbers are so high - that is the reason why it creates such tension and instability in politics, religion and society. Do you know how many married str8 men play with other men and straight married women play with other women (which in society, is ok, as long as they are drop dead gorgeous, right)? Check out your local craigslist or adult friend finder sites - the numbers are alarming. Alarming might not be the right word - but it's real. Sexuality will never go away - as long as the straight society continues to act like it’s a choice when the funny thing - they never woke up one day and decided to be str8. We have done experiments on OKCupid - Match.Com and Christiansingles websites - we created straight and bi test profiles on these sites - and then took the opportunitiy to hit on other straight guys. The numbers are alarming as the numbers of men who have responded favorably to our solicitations. Not all men - but a day wouldn't go by where at least 5 straight guys would either hit up our profiles or respond favorably to ours. Common responses: "Although I am straight, I do have bi curious tendencies..." "I'd be willing to play with another man as long as a woman is present in bed..." "I am definitely bi but can never actually go through with it..." 'Catch me when I'm drunk and I'll play with you in a heartbeat..." That folks - is the reason why this topic - which is nothing more than being !@#$ING HUMAN - is nothing more than a joke because humanity is so insecure with itself. If you have to make a law that hurts a number of people just to prove your morals or faith, you have no true morals or faith to prove. Well I would say you speak for some percentage of the population. How much of it I don't know nor do I care. But it's good that you have strong enough feelings on the matter to make one of your infrequent posts and to do so with conviction.
T master Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Personal opinions get you warnings , be careful ...
tennesseeboy Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Does anyone think there are NO gay players in the NFL? Hey its not like this is still much of an issue.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 http://www.nfl.com/n...-saying-hes-gay If it was a Bill would it change your opinion of him? None of my business.
jumbalaya Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Bob Chandler Lance Alworth heck, anyone named Lance.
NoSaint Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Personal opinions get you warnings , be careful ... id imagine that far from true if you share said opinions respectfully....
Meathead Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 My understanding is that it's more like 3.5 percent of the population, not 2 percent. http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States OMG ITS AN EPIDEMIC OF THE GAY!!
PastaJoe Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Based on their reluctance to put a hand on ball carriers, I'm pretty sure the player isn't on the Bills defense.
NoSaint Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 OMG ITS AN EPIDEMIC OF THE GAY!! they nearly doubled in this thread alone. by days end we will all be gay at this rate!
dpberr Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 I could care less. I think both sides of the debate would actually hate to see the "issue" resolved since the advocacy for either side is a multi-million dollar business, not to mention, all of the attention that comes along with it.
dubs Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 In a way, I almost hope it's a Bills player. Finally get some positive publicity for the team.
Canadian Bills Fan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 I have no issue what so ever. It's their life and I hold no judgement. It seems like there is so much build up for an active gay player to come out which is sad because if everybody was ok with it then it wouldnt be a big deal if someone came out. CBF
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