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Bills PR department questions

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I would think they would mosly read news papers. They probably scan through some message boards, but there is so much online material, and a lot of it contradicts itself, I can't imagine they put much stock into the message boards. You come here one day, and people are complaining that we aren't signing anybody. You come in the next day, people are complaining that we signed someone. The next day people are complaining we aren't signing people. The next day people are upset that we met with Fred Davis..... it is round and round. Message boards are really 85% people who just need to vent, and the venters disagree with eachother. Can't imagine they would find much value in any of that. The other 15% is some pretty good discussion, but I am sure the PR people have better things to do than to search message boards for that.


I think they mostly are concerned with what is printed in the paper, what type charities they are involved with, and being in communication with local governments. Message boards has to be something very low, or not all on their to do list.

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Yes. Being someone myself who works in a similar capacity, I can say that if they have the resources and savvy, they are monitoring the conversation. Whether or not it is fed to the top is a different story. Some items likely matriculate up, certainly not all of the noise.

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Of course. How else do you think they find out when Shawne Merriman is stopped at the boarder with steroids, or George Seifert is at the airport, or Mario Williams has signed with Tennessee?


Or that Buudy's conversation with the Tampa GM was taped and sent round the world....

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I know they do read TBD. Not sure how much we drive policy though.




Judging by the past 13 years, probably a lot.


Really, haven't there been moments the past 13 years when you felt that maybe this team was being run by BF in Indiana or ICE?

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Judging by the past 13 years, probably a lot.


Really, haven't there been moments the past 13 years when you felt that maybe this team was being run by BF in Indiana or ICE?


Actually I have often thought "DC Tom" was a front office alias and whomever is being paid is being paid too much.

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I'm sure they read it. I doubt they care much what we have to say in terms of play analysis (sometimes they should).


Wait, so you're saying the PR department should tell the Football guys what to do? I'm pretty sure there is a rant every 8.5 seconds on this board about how that already happens and why the BIlls have been so poor over the years.

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