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The status of the StadiumWall part deux


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I have a completely different take but will adopt the point of view that AKC took on this topic.


My take is that your average psycho Bills fan, new to a message board, would most likely become utterly disgusted with the board and leave rather quickly.


I can see a new poster coming here in search of an open ear, intelligent banter, and quality information. In the first few posts however, this new poster would find himself "blanketed" with slam responses, off topic retorts, or complete blasts of his/her point of view.


I still remain AMAZED at the lack of patience/tolerance that most posters have toward others points of view. Gone are the days of several page posts with quality, well thought out arguements discussing a topic of interest. Now, most posters do their "thinking" offline and some here with the discussion complete, the arguement made, and the opinion formed. They simply state their stance in a "matter of fact" manner and slam anyone who dares counter it. After all, they have already thought about EVERY arguement that could be made and have already made up their minds that they are right. Im not sure I can follow this logically. Why come to a board, and "talk" about anything if your mind is already made up? Your not "talking", your lecturing. Clearly we have much to learn about debating (myself included). A debate is meant to discuss the "arguements", which means to look at all aspects of a topic before forming an opinion. I rarely see that these days.


Probably the most detrimental part about this board, as of late, is the lack of respect for other Bills fans. I just cant see how, here, in the land of the twelthe man, we can possibly justify some of the responses that get posted here. Agree or disagree, we are all part of the Bills nation. As such we should support our fellow brotheren and allow each and every person to have an UNSQUELCHED, UNSLAMMED voice! If you were to simply "go" with the opinion of ONE poster, you certainly end up with the WRONG answers to most questions. The truth is, we are strong because of our diversity in opinion. Id be willing to wagger that every single off-season move, season record prediction, and final outcome was in fact predicted here by someone. That fact alone should tell ALL posters to observe tolerance, and invest some time to think through each and every arguement.


The point of this board is to share rants, opinions, stances, and info. It IS NOT and NEVER SHOULD BE, a place to simply attack others to somehow boost your own selfish self confidence, or to make up for some ego problem. I used to enjoythis board ALOT more when we could post an opinion and get follow up responses with questions, not pat answers or explitives!


Seriously, In part, my poll on whether people wanted to hear about Drew anymore was meant as an indicator to whether I should just shut-up on the topic for a while. It seemed that the majority of people said, yeah, zip it on this topic for a while. Message received, I will comply. Not as some ass-kissing act, not as some apease the gods thing, but as a RESPECT THE BOARD thing!


I think we all could use a shot of that!

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