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My little girl got bladder cancer. Was extremely agressive and didn't respond to any medication so we had to send her to heaven. We miss her so much, perfectly healthy until the last few weeks once she got te disease.


Anyone else deal with losing a pet? She used to watch Bills games with me each Sunday in her stevie Johnson jersey


Sorry to hear that. We had a cat put down a few years ago. She was 17 years old. Wife had her since she was born. It was rough. You'll always have good memories of them though.


We had to put my dog down after 15 years 3 years ago or so. Seriously one of the worst days of my life. He was a good pup and just one day it was apparent he was dying and we had to let him go.


Its like losing a brother. Just awful


Just needed to put our dog to sleep this year. My daughter still says she is still scared to be home alone w/o him.

I came home and it looked like he had a stroke; it as anemia from blood loss from a huge cyst and vet said chances were not good and he was in a lot of pain. She said if it was her dog she would put it to sleep.


Shame we treat pets better than we do people in US; if this was a relative with no chance to survive and in it a lot of pain the doctor would have been arrested.


My little girl got bladder cancer. Was extremely agressive and didn't respond to any medication so we had to send her to heaven. We miss her so much, perfectly healthy until the last few weeks once she got te disease.


Anyone else deal with losing a pet? She used to watch Bills games with me each Sunday in her stevie Johnson jersey

Sorry for your loss. Facing the same thing now with one of ours. We have 3 large breed dogs. My 14 year old lab is a cancer survivor but her age and once very active lifestyle have taken its toll.Arthritis so bad she was having problems standing up.

Last tuesday the crushing appointment to put her down had come. The wrong vet walked in the room, I asked where the regular vet was and she was doing a surgery. That mix up has bought our best friend some time. As he prescribed a new (for her) pain med and she has responded positively. he had said if she doesn't respond in 7 days come back. Were happy, but know it may not be long. Buying some time, and she is very happy again at least. I remember when she had a tumor cut out. The vet had said if I didn't get it all she won't last 3 months. That was 5 years ago. My neighbors kid once called her the best shortstop ever when he shagged balls to her as a pup.

Posted (edited)

Sorry to hear of your loss.


Too many good memories of good pets and four legged friends I have had... I was planting trees today at the edge of the old garden where we used to bury the dead - just thinking about all those dogs and cats. The Tomcats, half an ear, missing chucks of tail, a few missing eyes, just looking rough. They never were afraid of me and I would get to pet most of them only wondering the hell they have seen against coons, opossums, and such. The dogs; 3 legged Dalmatian my gramps hit with the mower and carried wrapped in his shirt all the way to the house, the old dog, the young dog, the puppies, the male dog with heart worms... we never really did name them. One was sometimes called Queenie or Lady. She was the last dog - her and her daughter were full Australian Shepherds. I'll eventually get a dog but never will I have dogs like those.


I will not even mention some stories of losing some cattle.

Edited by jboyst62

My Maine Coon died last friday. It's like losing a member of the family.

Sleep well Gable


My Maine Coon died last friday. It's like losing a member of the family.

Sleep well Gable

Where did the name come from, might I ask?


Sorry to hear of your loss. My fiancés Shitzu-poodle is by far the most adorable dog ever. Has the best personality of any pet I've ever been In contact with. She's 12 years old now and I dread the day we must make that decision. My life will be completely shattered for quite a while. I cant take it when she gets to go to my future in laws house for a few days. When I come home from work and she's not there, I just get depressed. Really sorry to hear about your loss. Hope things get better with time.


I don't have a ton of experience in losing people in my life. I have lost a couple grandparents and a few friends (I'm 42) and I recently lost my mother in law. I can honestly say that I have never cried harder than when I lost my cat, Janis. I cried every day (at work, in my office, even) for a solid week. She has been gone for about 5 years and I still choke up writing this.


I am sorry for your loss. The fact that you've publicly displayed your love and the feelings of our void will make your pet smile looking down on you.


My little girl got bladder cancer. Was extremely agressive and didn't respond to any medication so we had to send her to heaven. We miss her so much, perfectly healthy until the last few weeks once she got te disease.


Anyone else deal with losing a pet? She used to watch Bills games with me each Sunday in her stevie Johnson jersey


Really sorry for your loss. I had to put down my little girl last year. She made it almost 16 years. I'm glad she stuck around for the birth of my daughter and that they got to spend some time together. "Doggie" was my daughter's first word. I still miss my doggie a ton.


Where did the name come from, might I ask?

He was a rescue, and the lady we obtained him from thought he was as handsome as Clark Gable.


Tough situation for sure sorry for your loss.....dreading the day I ever have to deal w my dogs health... Thought I lost her recently as she jumped the the fence but luckily retrieved her hours later...... Was a terrible feeling assuming the worst had happened to my dog.

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