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[closed]The plan is very clear.

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Now I don't know how well it will work with the current staff, but their plan for rebuilding this team is smart.


They are going to bring in pieces that will fit our systems directly, guys who arent' going to break the bank or demand huge paydays but will perform as a collective. This is SMART! I have said already I am on record as saying I hated the Mario Williams deal last year. First you never give a defensive player QB money, second you never spend on one player like that (outside QB) when you aren't close and the Bills were not close due to a crappy QB situation.


I am starting to feel that Doug Whaley has more say now than we think. The approach right now sure resembles how Pittsburgh (and NE etc) do business. Pick a system, Stick to a system, find players that fit your system but don't break the bank doing so. Draft them, keep them if you can, and add mid tier FA's to complement your roster, not break your cap.


I see fellow fans B word and whine about no QB (Me included) then B word because Nix and company are going overboard checking out the QB's in the draft. So what do you want? We need to pick one, QB is the biggest need and most important position in the NFL and they are busting their asses to try and make the best decision possible.


So right now the plan is thus, Bust ass trying to find a QB in the draft, draft to fill holes, fill in the rest with reasonable costing FA's in a few weeks to before camp. Now I grant you Nix may not be the best to do this but the idea is a very smart one.

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