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G.O.P. Report Is Blunt in Its Call for New Direction

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This thread is hilarious. As someone said on here the purity standards one must go through to gain acceptance by the GOP base is what destroys our chances in a national election.


As Romney's top adviser said "etch-a-sketch", as in Romney would out-right-flank the GOP in the primary.


Romney should have been running on "reforming" Romneycare, amnesty for illegals, pro-gay marriae, and a massive overhaul of education, infrastructure & the military. A bold strategic vision versus simply being the "anti-Obama".


With this behind him, Romney could have pivoted to the economy where he could have beat Obama by having a clear tax-code revision, that would have remained progressive enough so as to avoid the media assault of him being out of touch with the majority of Americans.


Heyyyyyyyy I think I know that guy. I voted for him. His name....itttttwas..........Huntsman...........Jon Huntsman.

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Thank you for proving my point about the misinformed.


Oh, its pretty obvious that the board sees the point, that you are the blind one.....................lol


Drudge is simply a way to the links of all the media, thats why his count is high.....no other reason



back to the thread......................


Four Things the RNC Report Got Right



Fusion Power on the Right ; On the conservative and libertarian overlap.




Edited by B-Man
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