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Aw crap! Get out of here. Don't have the decency to not crash you own memorial, do you?


It's a tough world out there Zepp. Take care... the best way you know how.


I know who does that?


welcome back buddy, drafts not too far away. i don't think you missed too much.

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If anybody has any problems with any content or any particular posters, y'all should always feel free to drop me a line.

All of us would echo this thought. We can't be everywhere at every time, but a heads up is appreciated before things get so drastic that they drive good people away.
Posted (edited)


For those asking.



I do not think it is that big of an issue to have posted that Jim, and if anyone comes in here mocking that AJ left or anything is not pleasant I very well might kick their ass. AJ is/was one of the most respected posters here because he was probably one of the nicest guys.


I will second that...AJ is a good guy.


BTW- I have felt the same way as AJ a few times, but I never completely leave, just stay away from certain parts of the board...I think the negativity is overwhelming (and I have contributed I am sure) because our team, frankly, sucks...and it was so evident from week one this season....we didin't even get the fun 4-6 weeks.... and on top of that, there was a certain presidential election coming up, which never helps. We all came here because of our love of the Bills, but that is an unrequited love...and that can be pretty frustrating. Can't tell you how many times I have started a post, realized it was kind of mean, or personal, and either scraped it, or immediately deleted it. Just trying to stick to the OTW and football boards these days. Funny thing is, becasue the Bills have been so bad for so long, I don't have the patience to read about them as much...so I learn more from other posters here than I do from referencing articles on the front page.

Edited by Buftex

If anybody has any problems with any content or any particular posters, y'all should always feel free to drop me a line.

Since the 'ignore users' feature is limited to 16 pages, how about adding an 'ignore everyone' setting, with the ability to 'opt in' selected posters.... :lol:


Hey brothers (and sisters!)


It's funny cause just the other day when Brandon Hantz had a huge meltdown on Survivor, the first thing I felt the urge to do was to come on TBD and see what James and the rest of our regular crew was saying about the episode. I took that as a sign that my self-imposed period of exile had served its purpose and I was just about ready to become active again, and then when Fez and Jim emailed me that a few folks were wondering why I hadn't been posting, it served as an extra bit of confirmation. .


Basically the quote that JB posted pretty much encapsulated how I was feeling at the time, so I appreciate him sharing that. Since October I've been more active on a couple of the home theater/audio forums that I enjoy, which is always a "safe place" since most of the mbrs are in a perpetual state of joy from buying all sorts of audio gear lol. I even had some good movie discussions from time to time, but they just never came close to replacing an authentic Vader posting, or the level of insight and humor that I've always enjoyed and appreciated from you guys. Speaking of which, if this is true that tgreg has left or is taking time away, I hope that he'll see this thread like I did and consider checking in...I agree with all of you who said that he's one of the guys we all love to hear from and it's not the same w/out him.


Anyway, thanks Brawndo and everyone, I really appreciate the kind words and I truly hope that nobody took it personally that I needed to bail for a bit. It really meant a whole lot to me when a few of you took the time back in October to talk to me about my frustration (you know who you are), and I appreciate the soft landing you're providing me now. (Oh, and btw, James, if you and I were running the race this season, we'd never have done anything as stupid as what that team did last week....I haven't watched last night's episode yet, but wow, last week was pathetic!)


Really good to see you guys :)


Damn, you came back?


I must be losing my touch. At least it looks like I drove tgregg away for good.


A long time ago I was getting really PO at DCTom/etc. Finally I said " Why do I care what some aholes across the country that I will likely never meet say." I don't get mad any more, just call out people when they act like they know my area of expetise.


Honestly...anyone who takes anybody - particularly me - THAT seriously on the internet that they get pissed off needs to get some perspective.


While we're on the subject of lost posters, what has happened to the ladies of TSW - Cablelady and Aussie, in particular? God knows the place needs the class of a woman's wisdom every now and again.


While we're on the subject of lost posters, what has happened to the ladies of TSW - Cablelady and Aussie, in particular? God knows the place needs the class of a woman's wisdom every now and again.

We still have 3 women that regularly post. Two stick to TSW, I will not out them, though one has GRL in her name, the other, I am hopeful, does not want it kept secret. Of course, then there is Fig Newtons, Beerball, and Tom, the three old maids of the board, nothing like the fine young lady CGF.

This thread needs more Mark VI


...and Dan Gross! And Taterhill!

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