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Sweet Street Justice at SXSW

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Rewatching the video... that kid is just sitting there sizing "the bully" up, waiting for a moment to pop him. I have zero problem with the punch or the subsequent kick. He saw a problem, took care of it, and backed off without getting arrested or further pounding on the drunk.

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Love how the guy yelled "Boom" as he landed the punch. Hey, if you're going to start trouble with random people on the street, you have to accept the consequences. Sometimes you kick the gong, sometimes the gong kicks you.

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Yeah, there's pretty much no point where that video stops being entertaining. Always good to see instant justice meted out.


There's just so much that's perfect about it.


The way they size him up, the way his friend's face goes from all smiles to all business the second he asks "You got my back?", the way that Amy Winehouse-looking girl who is with them first tries getting security and then when they dont do anything tells the bully "You're about to get your ass beat" right before her friend hits him. Then comes the boom!


And for a viral street video it's shot well, framed well, sound is good.


Ive been watching it for 3 days and I still smile every time.

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There's just so much that's perfect about it.


The way they size him up, the way his friend's face goes from all smiles to all business the second he asks "You got my back?", the way that Amy Winehouse-looking girl who is with them first tries getting security and then when they dont do anything tells the bully "You're about to get your ass beat" right before her friend hits him. Then comes the boom!


And for a viral street video it's shot well, framed well, sound is good.


Ive been watching it for 3 days and I still smile every time.

And the little hop step to put his feet in the correct position so he could take a full stride into him as he delivered the punch. Bullseye!

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When the fog lifts from his brain and he watches this video on YouTube, I have a feeling the big dope will not have learned a lesson. In fact, he will probably be on the warpath for that kid in the grey T-shirt. Even so, I think the wiry kid with the haymaker has a good shot in the rematch.

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And the little hop step to put his feet in the correct position so he could take a full stride into him as he delivered the punch. Bullseye!


Truly perfect.


Full disclosure, I keep replying and bumping the thread because every time I do, I re-watch the video and it just never gets old.

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Comment from elsewhere:

Actually, legally the rights of self-defense may extend to protect another person: http://en.wikipedia....fense_of_others

I'm not a lawyer, but this would of course make perfect sense, as you are supposed to help others and are supposed to prevent danger. He hit the guy after another person was attacked. Texas extends rights of protection not only out to others but also out to property (as in land) and personal effects. We take our right to personal protection very seriously.

I'm not crying for the guy who got knocked out, but your "hero" didn't launch into action after the first guy was punched. He waited for an opportunity until the drunk basically lined himself up and then delivered a sucker punch.

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I'm not crying for the guy who got knocked out, but your "hero" didn't launch into action after the first guy was punched. He waited for an opportunity until the drunk basically lined himself up and then delivered a sucker punch.

Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? There was no reason to put himself at risk and he picked the moment where he could deliver maximum impact.


Sucker punching someone out of the blue for no reason is miles away from what happened here.

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