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(OT) Jethro Tull?


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Anyone a fan of this band? I'd post why I'm even asking about them, but it's a little embarrassing.......so I'll just ask for general thoughts on them :D

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They once beat Metallica for a Grammy.



Metallica??? Is this a heavy metal band? Rock?

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Tull is one of my favorites - some hard rock, some progressive - all good!


Ian Anderson (lead singer - the guy with the flute) made a mint raising llamas.



Hmmm.....so is this some special kind of flute? And is the flute the flute present on every track?

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David Palmer, a former keyboard player for Jethro Tull, has changed his name and then he was a Dee. David Palmer is now Dee Palmer after a successful sex change operation. :D


He may have been on keyboards,

but I bet he could play skin flute too.

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Tull's Grammy


They're no Metallica.  I like some of their stuff but I wouldn't go out of my way to see them live.



The guy looks like a giant leprechaun with a flute........interesting read though, thanks

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What kind of stuff do you listen to, AD? I don't remember you chiming in a while back when I asked for some recommendations........

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Tull is one of my favorites - some hard rock, some progressive - all good!


Ian Anderson (lead singer - the guy with the flute) made a mint raising llamas.



My 1st ex named his youngest son after him. Ian Anderson _ _ _ _.



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What kind of stuff do you listen to, AD? I don't remember you chiming in a while back when I asked for some recommendations........


A little bit of everything. I gravitate toward guitar driven rock but I like some country (Chris Ledoux, Garth Brooks, George Straight) and assorted other stuff too. Mostly, it's the staples, like Aerosmith (early), U2, Van Halen, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Ted Nugent, etc.


The last album I bought was U2's new one. I don't care for it much - it's WAY too much like the soundtrack from a chick movie. Before that, Green Day's "American Idiot", and Probot, which is a project that Dave Grohl did as a tribute to his heavy metal influences - both of which I like alot.


Last night I was listening to the Doobie Brothers, Montrose, the Offspring, and Sawyer Brown.

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