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Judge Kills Bloomberg Soda Ban

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Mag, I used to think the exact same thing, until on of my Doc's opinioned that its long life that is the real cost driver, not just obesity, sedentary lifestyle or smoking...I thought that can't be truw... I was pretty shocked to see that corroborated.... I will search out some domestic studies, poke around and see if any of the researchers here can shed any knowledge.


You might want to sharpen your pencil and get that list of people who are "country over people" ready... lol




If you were to take the study at face value, there wouldn't be any savings for Medicare. However, Medicaid and insurance premiums would be areas that you most likely would see savings, considering that the vast majority of private health insurance plans are for those under 65 (excluding Medicare supplements) and Medicaid.



The researchers found that from age 20 to 56, obese people racked up the most expensive health costs.

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Additional taxation has caused tobacco usage to go down, so it's only natural that you could apply the same principle to another product.


If only someone could find a way to make cigarettes smell like gardenias.


I used to be a heavy smoker, quit a few times, ultimately dropped them for good when my wife got pregnant, but partake on occasion if I'm sitting at a poker table. The main reason I don't go back isn't money. It's the stench. Fine with a cocktail sitting on three-of-a-kind. Disgusting the next morning. Being near smokers is just as gross any more. I can't believe I let myself smell that schitty for that long.


I might be exaggerating a little bit but you've never gone into a place where the small pop 12 ounces is $1.50, the medium 24 ounces is like $1.80 and the large 48 ounces is $2.00


That is an incentive to buy the big pop. I get that. But keeping the size and cost of the pop relative to each other doesn't promote anything. The only reason a person would buy a 12 oz pop for 50 cents instead of the 36 oz pop for $1.50 is because they either (a) prefer the smaller drink or (b) only have 50 cents. I think what you were trying to do was make the 12 oz only 50 cents and the 36 oz $3.00. But all that would do is prompt people to buy more of the smaller quantities.

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If only someone could find a way to make cigarettes smell like gardenias.


I used to be a heavy smoker, quit a few times, ultimately dropped them for good when my wife got pregnant, but partake on occasion if I'm sitting at a poker table. The main reason I don't go back isn't money. It's the stench. Fine with a cocktail sitting on three-of-a-kind. Disgusting the next morning. Being near smokers is just as gross any more. I can't believe I let myself smell that schitty for that long.


I used to smoke too. I can't believe what an inconsiderate !@#$ I was until I finally got them out of my system. I actually carpooled to work for a time with two non-smokers and would light up. Why they didn't just push me out the car door at high speed is beyond me.






That is an incentive to buy the big pop. I get that. But keeping the size and cost of the pop relative to each other doesn't promote anything. The only reason a person would buy a 12 oz pop for 50 cents instead of the 36 oz pop for $1.50 is because they either (a) prefer the smaller drink or (b) only have 50 cents. I think what you were trying to do was make the 12 oz only 50 cents and the 36 oz $3.00. But all that would do is prompt people to buy more of the smaller quantities.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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I wouldn't ban a particular size of soft drink but what I might do is make places have a set charge per ounce


Are you !@#$ing kidding me?? You're for the government telling business owners how much they have to charge for things? And then I suppose you're for creating a new government agency to regulate and monitor that? You people are !@#$ing nuts.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Are you !@#$ing kidding me?? You for the government telling business owners how much they have to charge for things? And then I suppose you're for greating a new government agency to regulate and monitor that? You people are !@#$ing nuts.



But Jim, its for the common good. We don't really know whats best for us...........................






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