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Should their be a Drew Bledsoe

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The debates about Bledsoe have turned into the biggest dividing issue on the board. While it is a very important issue I find it hard to believe that their is anything left we haven't already discussed. Every stat, issue, and theory has been discussed and then rediscussed over the last two years. Many of us are ready to move on not from our beliefs on the subject but the simple redundancy of the issue.


My suggestion is to give the people who still want to debate about Drew their own forum to do so. This will give the crusaders of both sides their area to crusade. It will also give the rest of us a clean Bledsoe free area to discuss the other important issues surrounding our team.


Just a thought

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Maybe, but Scott would need to hire a Drew Moderator.  Who would want that job?  :D





I would rather drink a 5th of Jack and go to Disney World the next morning then be the Moderator of that colostomy bag forum.



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