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Richard Sherman to Skip Bayless: I'm better at life than you

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pwned. Better at life then you.


Yes, he is better then Revis, because Revis is hurt.


Skip Bayless is an annoying little bastard.


(I had to stop at 2:05. it just hurt.)

Edited by jboyst62
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he shut up steven a smiff, that alone puts him at the top of a lot of fields

Good point. For once he wasn't the angry black man belittling and screaming. Yet, he still looked more sane and rational then both of them together on average.

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Bayless is a douche...but I hate to disagree...Richard Sherman is a bigger douche. Did he say that Skip Bayless was "creetinden"? Is there some back-story to this? Bayless is correct, at least for me, when he tells Sherman that his words are speaking much louder than the his stats... all I really know of Sherman is that he has a very high opinion of himself...and seems incredibly insecure.


I happen to think Steven A is pretty good...his delivery is a little grating, I admit, but I normally agree with him.

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Bayless is a douche...but I hate to disagree...Richard Sherman is a bigger douche. Did he say that Skip Bayless was "creetinden"? Is there some back-story to this? Bayless is correct, at least for me, when he tells Sherman that his words are speaking much louder than the his stats... all I really know of Sherman is that he has a very high opinion of himself...and seems incredibly insecure.


I happen to think Steven A is pretty good...his delivery is a little grating, I admit, but I normally agree with him.


In Shermans defense he did graduate from Stanford and achieved All Pro status in his second season. Those words speak pretty loud.

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I actually like Steven A. also...but you r right his delivery can be a bit off putting.


Bayless is a douche...but I hate to disagree...Richard Sherman is a bigger douche. Did he say that Skip Bayless was "creetinden"? Is there some back-story to this? Bayless is correct, at least for me, when he tells Sherman that his words are speaking much louder than the his stats... all I really know of Sherman is that he has a very high opinion of himself...and seems incredibly insecure.


I happen to think Steven A is pretty good...his delivery is a little grating, I admit, but I normally agree with him.

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Bayless is a douche...but I hate to disagree...Richard Sherman is a bigger douche. Did he say that Skip Bayless was "creetinden"? Is there some back-story to this? Bayless is correct, at least for me, when he tells Sherman that his words are speaking much louder than the his stats... all I really know of Sherman is that he has a very high opinion of himself...and seems incredibly insecure.


I happen to think Steven A is pretty good...his delivery is a little grating, I admit, but I normally agree with him.


Agree 100% and I despise Bayless. But he came across much better. I respect the hell out of Sherman's accomplishments: going from Compton to graduating Stanford to becoming an All Pro. But he looks so insecure with these comments and he seems like he is trying way too hard. Let your actions speak for yourself. Everyone knows Skip is a clown but Sherman just joined his circus.


The NFL may be the most humbling game on the planet. One minute you're the king, the next you're out of the league like TO and 85. Sherman should just shut up and keep playing at an all pro level.

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Agree 100% and I despise Bayless. But he came across much better. I respect the hell out of Sherman's accomplishments: going from Compton to graduating Stanford to becoming an All Pro. But he looks so insecure with these comments and he seems like he is trying way too hard. Let your actions speak for yourself. Everyone knows Skip is a clown but Sherman just joined his circus.


The NFL may be the most humbling game on the planet. One minute you're the king, the next you're out of the league like TO and 85. Sherman should just shut up and keep playing at an all pro level.


Not sure what the context is for Shermans' comments, but judging from the script on the bottom, I am guessing there was some pho' argument about whether Revis is still the "best corner in the leauge", Steven A says, "no, its' Richard Sherman", while Skip says it is still "Revis Island"...then they bring on Sherman to state his case... no doubt Sherman is talented, but, yeah, I think he sounded like an idiot. His immaturity speaks volumes...he has been picking arguments with people all off season...honestly, I am as tired of "self-promoting entertainers" who happen to be athletes, as much as I am douchey sports-writers.


And, not that it means anything, but Shermans' point that he is "better at life" than Bayless is debatable...I will bet Bayless is being payed to write and espouse his dochey opinions long after Sherman has taken his final snap in the NFL. He went to Stanford....he is an all-Pro...big whip! He obviously didin't go to Stanford based solely on his intellect...and NFL history is littered with guys who start out promising, only to fade away after a few injuries or off the field incidents...

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Not sure what the context is for Shermans' comments, but judging from the script on the bottom, I am guessing there was some pho' argument about whether Revis is still the "best corner in the leauge", Steven A says, "no, its' Richard Sherman", while Skip says it is still "Revis Island"...then they bring on Sherman to state his case... no doubt Sherman is talented, but, yeah, I think he sounded like an idiot. His immaturity speaks volumes...he has been picking arguments with people all off season...honestly, I am as tired of "self-promoting entertainers" who happen to be athletes, as much as I am douchey sports-writers.


And, not that it means anything, but Shermans' point that he is "better at life" than Bayless is debatable...I will bet Bayless is being payed to write and espouse his dochey opinions long after Sherman has taken his final snap in the NFL. He went to Stanford....he is an all-Pro...big whip! He obviously didin't go to Stanford based solely on his intellect...and NFL history is littered with guys who start out promising, only to fade away after a few injuries or off the field incidents...


From what Sherman said in the interview, it seems he took umbrage to Bayless saying that he wasn't even in the same league as the best CBs in the NFL.


Kudos to Sherman IMO. It's not easy to hold your ground while in an atmosphere that is outside of your element.....particularly when young of age.



As C.Biscuit97 said....paraphrasing....NFL players are fully accountable for their actions on the playing field.


It's about time that some of these media people are held accountable for the actions on their playing field.

Edited by Dibs
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From what Sherman said in the interview, it seems he took umbrage to Bayless saying that he wasn't even in the same league as the best CBs in the NFL.


Kudos to Sherman IMO. It's not easy to hold your ground while in an atmosphere that is outside of your element.....particularly when young of age.



As C.Biscuit97 said....paraphrasing....NFL players are fully accountable for their actions on the playing field.


It's about time that some of these media people are held accountable for the actions on their playing field.


its a little easier to hold your own when you just dont care what anyone thinks or the reaction you get. sherman wasnt trying to walk any tightrope here, he was being a loudmouth. thats right in his comfort zone lately.

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The part that rang loudest with me is when Bayless said, "You're not letting your numbers speak for themselves, you're letting Richard Sherman speak ..."


Is Bayless an arrogant, pompous ass? Yes.


But there's a reason that out of the NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB, this type of thing happens so infrequently. It's called professionalism and self control.


I was entertained, don't get me wrong. And part of me said, "go get him, Richard," too. But in the end, I think what he did was stoop to Bayless' level. Advantage Bayless.


And Sherman better have more than 2 good seasons before saying he's better than Revis, too.

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its a little easier to hold your own when you just dont care what anyone thinks or the reaction you get. sherman wasnt trying to walk any tightrope here, he was being a loudmouth. thats right in his comfort zone lately.


I can't say I pay a ton of attention to the Seahawks...but my impression of Richard Sherman, after one month of an off-season is that he is just another big-mouth jerk...talented, no doubt, but a jerk...I don't like jerks...Bayless old school jerk...Richard Sherman, welcome to the club. Now, when I watch the Seahawks, I will be rooting for him to get toasted!

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Bayless is a douche...but I hate to disagree...Richard Sherman is a bigger douche.


No one is a bigger douche than Bayless. Bayless could teach a course on doucheyness at the grad school level. Bayless could give pointers on being a douche to Lane Kiffin and A-Rod. Bayless has applied for a trademark on the term 'douche' under the 'common use' rule.

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Sherman is right. But most everyone is better than life than Skip Bayless so its not much of an accomplishment. I like how Bayless claims he's moved further ahead in media. Being the national punchline of ESPN does not make you a hero...

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Not sure what the context is for Shermans' comments, but judging from the script on the bottom, I am guessing there was some pho' argument about whether Revis is still the "best corner in the leauge", Steven A says, "no, its' Richard Sherman", while Skip says it is still "Revis Island"...then they bring on Sherman to state his case... no doubt Sherman is talented, but, yeah, I think he sounded like an idiot. His immaturity speaks volumes...he has been picking arguments with people all off season...honestly, I am as tired of "self-promoting entertainers" who happen to be athletes, as much as I am douchey sports-writers.


And, not that it means anything, but Shermans' point that he is "better at life" than Bayless is debatable...I will bet Bayless is being payed to write and espouse his dochey opinions long after Sherman has taken his final snap in the NFL. He went to Stanford....he is an all-Pro...big whip! He obviously didin't go to Stanford based solely on his intellect...and NFL history is littered with guys who start out promising, only to fade away after a few injuries or off the field incidents...

Well I find it refreshing someone is getting into revis face too, and shining a more critical light on his status. He was heavily hyped up by Ryan, he's quite pompous (matter of factly stating he's the best player on the team), and either holding out or threatening to hold out over his contract frequently.

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Well I find it refreshing someone is getting into revis face too, and shining a more critical light on his status. He was heavily hyped up by Ryan, he's quite pompous (matter of factly stating he's the best player on the team), and either holding out or threatening to hold out over his contract frequently.


yes, refreshing to have more people doing that....

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