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Our elected officials have dissed, cursed, blamed, whined and pontificated their way through the last month...to no avail. It's time to take the wraps off the concept that seems to be most lacking to date--LEADERSHIP. Having said that, it is not the time to enter into a debate about who, or which political party, should wield this weighty weapon--you go first, no you go first, etc.


The President of the United States was elected (we're constantly reminded by his administration) by a majority of the nation's voters. Therefore, the President has no choice but to take up the scepter and LEAD. Some tips, Mr. President, respectfully offered for consideration:


1. Call the congressional (until further notice, congress/congressional won't be capitalized) leaders to the White House, state the economic objective, put forth a plan, then broker a give and take until the objective is reached--nobody leaves the room until the deed is done. No press leaks, etc. Just STFU and get something done.


2. Call a joint session of congress, insure mega-media coverage, proceed as suggested above.


3. If, as demonstrated to date, you simply can't/won't lead the nation, quit (but be sure to take Joey B with you) and let someone else give it a try.

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This kind of leadership ? ?


Even the Obama slobbering New York Times finds this "disturbing."





The White House Joins the Cash Grab


It is tempting to applaud the nonprofit group now spending nearly $100,000 on ads to pressure Republican lawmakers to accept gun-control measures. The group is fighting a well-financed and powerful corporate gun lobby that has never hesitated to spend millions to get its way in Congress.


But a closer look at this group shows how disturbing its work really is. Its name is Organizing for Action, and if its initials seem familiar, that’s because the group is the direct descendant of Obama for America, the president’s campaign organization in 2008 and 2012. That organization is now defunct, but its new incarnation has its extremely valuable voter database and many of the same strategists. What it does not have are the campaign’s old limits on who can donate money and how much they can give.


Glad you voted for "CHANGE" ? ?






Our elected officials have dissed, cursed, blamed, whined and pontificated their way through the last month...to no avail. It's time to take the wraps off the concept that seems to be most lacking to date--LEADERSHIP. Having said that, it is not the time to enter into a debate about who, or which political party, should wield this weighty weapon--you go first, no you go first, etc.


The President of the United States was elected (we're constantly reminded by his administration) by a majority of the nation's voters. Therefore, the President has no choice but to take up the scepter and LEAD. Some tips, Mr. President, respectfully offered for consideration:


1. Call the congressional (until further notice, congress/congressional won't be capitalized) leaders to the White House, state the economic objective, put forth a plan, then broker a give and take until the objective is reached--nobody leaves the room until the deed is done. No press leaks, etc. Just STFU and get something done.


2. Call a joint session of congress, insure mega-media coverage, proceed as suggested above.


3. If, as demonstrated to date, you simply can't/won't lead the nation, quit (but be sure to take Joey B with you) and let someone else give it a try.


Sounds good, I hope they do it. Doesn't Washington run out of money by the end of the month? They will have to come together and do something by then.


I was hoping for lesbians.


They're here. They just disguise themselves as regulars, change their screen names often, pretend to be attorneys so their hissy fits are understandable and constantly opine about being a guy so they could be as close to the Messiah's staff as Reggie Love.


My mistake......its not Organizing for Action, it's..................


OFA: ‘Organizing for Acce$$’




American Crossroads released an ad today in behalf of Organizing for Action, the Obama-campaign spinoff group known as OFA — or rather, its alter ego, “Organizing for Acce$$.” The fake infomercial plays off of the group’s supposed policy of granting donors of $500,000 or more the ability to attend quarterly meetings with the president.




From the Wall Street Journal;



Obama's Pelosi II Strategy....The Washington Post reveals the real second-term priority.


Old Washington hands have been scratching their heads about the start of President Obama's second term, with its aggressive liberal priorities and attacks on Republicans. Whatever happened to governing? Well, the answer arrived this weekend as the Washington Post reported that Mr. Obama's real plan for the next two years is returning Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker in 2014.


"The goal is to flip the Republican-held House back to Democratic control, allowing Obama to push forward with a progressive agenda on gun control, immigration, climate change and the economy during his final two years in office, according to congressional Democrats, strategists and others familiar with Obama's thinking," reports the Post, which is hardly hostile to the President.


The article says that shortly after finishing his speech on Election Night last year, Mr. Obama called Mrs. Pelosi and Steve Israel, who runs the Democratic House re-election campaign, to discuss 2014. The strategy fits Mr. Obama's unprecedented new effort to raise $50 million in $500,000 chunks to fund Organizing for Action (OFA), which will spend millions in GOP-held districts. Mr. Israel says he met in January with Jim Messina, Mr. Obama's 2012 campaign manager who now runs OFA, to discuss the 2014 races.


White House press secretary Jay Carney pushed back against the article on Monday, saying 2014 is "not a focus" for Mr. Obama. But that looks like an attempt at damage control after the Post blew the White House's cover. Mr. Obama has to appear to want bipartisan deals even as he prepares the ground for blaming Republicans in 2014 when those efforts fail.


This is already clear on the budget, as Mr. Obama insists on a second tax increase that Republicans can't accept. We're also increasingly worried about White House sabotage on immigration reform, as it pushes the bill left on a guest-worker program and enforcement. Mr. Obama is doing exactly what you'd expect if he doesn't want a deal and plans to use the issue to drive minority turnout in 2014.


It's important to understand how extraordinary this is. Presidents typically try to secure major bipartisan deals in their fifth or sixth years, before their political capital ebbs. That's what Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan did, and George W. Bush tried on Social Security. Mr. Obama seems to think he can use the next two years mainly to set up a Pelosi House that would let him finish his last two years with a liberal bang.



The next time you hear Mr. Obama, House Democrats or one of their media acolytes talk about GOP "obstructionism," refer them to the Washington Post article that shows what they really intend for the current Congress. Bipartisan failure is their strategy.




They're here. They just disguise themselves as regulars, change their screen names often, pretend to be attorneys so their hissy fits are understandable and constantly opine about being a guy so they could be as close to the Messiah's staff as Reggie Love.


I don't get it.


Here's a concept foreign to our government, but commonplace in the private sector--planning!




Imagine that; a company leader gathered information about the coming sequestration imbroglio then made plans to weather the storm if it actually hit. Strikingly novel idea, what?


There is a rumor going 'round that planning is actually a component of leadership...you know, that elusive tactic exercised by successful companies and even some individuals.


Here's a concept foreign to our government, but commonplace in the private sector--planning!




Imagine that; a company leader gathered information about the coming sequestration imbroglio then made plans to weather the storm if it actually hit. Strikingly novel idea, what?


There is a rumor going 'round that planning is actually a component of leadership...you know, that elusive tactic exercised by successful companies and even some individuals.


But in the government's defense, they were completely surprised by these cuts. Absolutely blind-sided. Had no idea they were coming.


But in the government's defense, they were completely surprised by these cuts. Absolutely blind-sided. Had no idea they were coming.


mea culpa....


I have to admit that the recent announcement that the WH is cancelling self-guided tours due to the sequester is the clearest and most obvious evidence yet that the country is being led by a child in mid-temper tantrum.


Not a Dictator: Obama’s declaration of ineffectuality.


By saying “I’m not a dictator,” then, Obama is admitting that he is ineffectual: that he lacks the political skill either to strike a compromise or to bend his opponents to his will. He concluded his press conference in an even more passive vein, hoping that “Congress comes to its senses a week from now, a month from now, three months from now.”





The country’s in the very best of hands.




I have to admit that the recent announcement that the WH is cancelling self-guided tours due to the sequester is the clearest and most obvious evidence yet that the country is being led by a child in mid-temper tantrum.


I wonder if he could have kept the tours if he eliminated his recent golf trip to Florida?


I have to admit that the recent announcement that the WH is cancelling self-guided tours due to the sequester is the clearest and most obvious evidence yet that the country is being led by a child in mid-temper tantrum.


White House tours require advanced notice and a background check. They actually are cutting back on expenses by eliminating the background checks (which probably amounts to a few thousand per visitor, so it's ultimately not chump change).


The fact that you need a background check to visit the White House...that's a different topic.


White House tours require advanced notice and a background check. They actually are cutting back on expenses by eliminating the background checks (which probably amounts to a few thousand per visitor, so it's ultimately not chump change).


The fact that you need a background check to visit the White House...that's a different topic.


I appreciate your balance on most items, but everyone knows this is a temper tantrum by the WH.


And if it's not..if we REALLY need to make little children cry because they can't visit the WH...here's an idea...let's NOT issue $1,000 per TSA employee uniform this year and use that money for tours. Or let's skim a few schneckles off the money we just gave to Egypt and use that money for tours. Or let's sell one of the countless empty federal buildings rotting somewhere and use that money for tours. Let's fire the WH caligraphers and use that money for tours.


But no. We cancel tours. Because the president can't make his point if he doesn't have children crying on one side of him and a parade of Village People wannabees fearing for the loss of their jobs on the other,

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