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hahahahaha...one of the funnier things i have read on this board in a long time!!! :worthy::w00t:



[This is an automated response. Please use a more descriptive title as its common knowledge that everything will drive Tom crazy.


Thank You,


Jauronimo ]


in #33 &34, do those 'black outs' look like penis' to anyone else?


Liek ermagaud daht sheet wuz soooo fuwnni. Itz liek dose idiets dun kno ta spell. dey shud juss b liek txtin an dun it de ezi wayz


Im 24 and I hate when people can't spell out a word. Is it really that difficult? !@#$

Is it difficult to use an apostrophe?


Welcome back


I liked him better when he wasn't backwards and I didn't really like him then.


I thought it was a negative image.


As I said before, Ralphy gone, new coaches in? C'mon. Nobody can walk away at a time like that!


As I said before, Ralphy gone, new coaches in? C'mon. Nobody can walk away at a time like that!

You even suck at quitting. Your inadequacy knows no bounds.



You even suck at quitting. Your inadequacy knows no bounds.


Oh, why don't you shovel **** in Hell?


Have you nothing better to do with your life? Nice life, you bum.


[This is an automated response. Please use a more descriptive title as its common knowledge that everything will drive Tom crazy.


Thank You,


Jauronimo ]


That...was brilliant. :lol:


As was:


"Just had a student how to play F hashtag and C hashtag minor." Twitter will be the death of music.


That...was brilliant. :lol:


As was:


"Just had a student how to play F hashtag and C hashtag minor." Twitter will be the death of music.

I've been using the !/usr/bin/env hashtag quite frequently lately.

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