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Bledsoe the Beneficiary


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Conversely, how much better would Bledsoe's QB rating be if Moulds had dropped only half the balls he actually did?  Every player's actions affect every other olayer on the team, ultimately...


If Moulds dropped half of what he did, he'd also be right at the top of the leader board in receptions. He had a solid year, but could've been even better.

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Conversely, how much better would Bledsoe's QB rating be if Moulds had dropped only half the balls he actually did?  Every player's actions affect every other olayer on the team, ultimately...



Do you really want me to figure out how much higher his QB rating would be? I could assume 2 dropped passes per game (and that's assuming 32 dropped passes a season, and that each of the 32 is Moulds fault - ie the ball wasnt too high, too hard, etc). Let's give him an average of 10 yards per catch (again, i will go overboard here). Thats an extra 320 yards. I'll even go as far as to say that two of them were TDs.


So, Im putting ALL of this on moulds:

32 dropped passes. 320 less yards (that's an insane amount). And 2 missed TDs because of the drops.


With ALL of those on Moulds, and not Drew:


BEFORE (real numbers)


256/450 56.9% 2932 yards. 20TDs. 16INTs rating: 76.6




288/450 64% 3252 yards 22 TDS. 16INTs rating: 87.


Better? Yes.


But the point is, even if those numbers were true, which they aren't, and Moulds was basically playing against us, Bledsoe still didnt have a stellar year.

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That's not entirely fair.  Every other offense in the leage gets credit for points regardless of the field position their D and ST earns them...why shouldn't the Bills', too?  Field position and takeaways have always been big contributors to effective offensive performance throughout the league.



Sure other teams benefit from it, but not nearly as much as the Bills did this year. Considering the #2 team in this stat had 1/3 less drives start in opponent’s territory than the Bills did, I can only imagine what the league average was. People like to point to WM being the catalyst that pushed the O over the hump, and I'll agree he was a part of it (as was Evans). But the biggest contributor was the D starting causing turnovers. Once that happened, low and behold the O starting putting up points.


On the flip side of this coin also holds true. The D should also be blamed for some of the offense’s problems last year, as they only caused a league low 18 takeaways. It’s tough to drive the length of the field and score with any consistency.


Bottom line is it’s a team game and you can’t tell how effective an O is just by looking at points scored, there are other factors that contribute to it. The most effective way of making this determination can’t be found in a stat sheet. One has to watch the games. I can say that this year the Bills offense was better than last years and it wasn’t just the turnovers….but without leading the league in turnovers this O doesn’t even look average. I saw many of the same problems this year that I did last year, and unfortunately, many of them are from one position, QB.

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A QB rating of 87 is a great year.



Every QB has dropped balls. If you go back and refigure all the QB ratings in the league and take away many of their dropped balls I'd guess than an 87 rating wouldn't be that "great".

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Do you really want me to figure out how much higher his QB rating would be? I could assume 2 dropped passes per game (and that's assuming 32 dropped passes a season, and that each of the 32 is Moulds fault - ie the ball wasnt too high, too hard, etc).  Let's give him an average of 10 yards per catch (again, i will go overboard here). Thats an extra 320 yards. I'll even go as far as to say that two of them were TDs.


So, Im putting ALL of this on moulds:

32 dropped passes.  320 less yards (that's an insane amount).  And 2 missed TDs because of the drops.


With ALL of those on Moulds, and not Drew:


BEFORE (real numbers)


256/450    56.9%  2932 yards. 20TDs. 16INTs  rating: 76.6




288/450  64% 3252 yards 22 TDS. 16INTs rating: 87.


Better? Yes.


But the point is, even if those numbers were true, which they aren't, and Moulds was basically playing against us, Bledsoe still didnt have a stellar year.



I figured it would be about as much. An 11 point gain in rating, and 7 percentage points in completion percentage, are nothing to scoff at. That would put him solidly in the top have of the league in rating, and I think in the top 10 in completion percentage...as opposed to the bottom third of the league in both now. Still not stellar, like you said...but competent, at least.


Where'd you get the number for Moulds' drops, BTW. I couldn't find one...

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Every QB has dropped balls.  If you go back and refigure all the QB ratings in the league and take away many of their dropped balls I'd guess than an 87 rating wouldn't be that "great".


Of course Hasselbeck in Seattle would like that. He would have probably been ahead of Manning if you didn't count dropped balls.

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A QB rating of 87 is a great year.




a QB rating of 87 is a good year, not a great year anymore. The point is, that was with me taking out a ridiculous amount for just Eric Moulds.


Let's review how 87 isn't "great" anymore. (offenses are blowing up).


This year:

Drew Brees: 104.8

Peyton Manning: 121.1

Marc Bulger: 93.7

David Carr: 83.5

Tom Brady: 92.6

Daunte Culpepper: 110.9

Jake Delhomme: 87.3

Trent Green: 95.2

Brian Griese: 97.5

Byron Leftwich: 83.2

Donovan McNabb: 104.7

Chad Pennington: 91.0

Jake Plummer: 84.5

Ben Roethlisberger: 98.1



Now, take all of those guys, and remove 32 incompletions like I did for Bledsoe... Hell, do that for the whole league, and I bet damn near EVERY QB would have a rating about 84 or so.


The point is, I guess, even when Bledsoe was winning games, he was mediocre at best.


Not ONCE this season... not ONE TIME, did we discuss after a game how amazing he played. It was more like we could finally exhale because he didn't screw it up...

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Not ONCE this season... not ONE TIME, did we discuss after a game how amazing he played. It was more like we could finally exhale because he didn't screw it up...



Unfortunate, but very true........on top of that, there wasn't nearly enough exhaling.

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Two AFC teams did not have a 300 yard passing game this year. We know the Bills were one team, who else?


The offensively putrid Ravens are the only other AFC team to not have an individual 300 yard performance this year. Yes, that does mean that Miami had an individual 300 yard performance.


For the weak NFC--SF had a 300 yard game. Dallas...they did it. Washington...they got theirs. New Orleans...Brooks threw for 300. Tampa had several games over 300. Arizona...sorry, even Az had a 300 yard day. Detriot...Joey...Joey...



But, we should stick with Drew. It takes a team to throw for 300 yards dammit. Moulds dropped plenty of balls. Drew didn't bounce that many a game did he? Somehow 27 teams found a way to do it this year. We know what we'll get from Drew. I don't think JP's ready. We did win 6 in a row you know. Yeah, let's keep Drew for another year or two. Maybe he'll lower everyone's expectations so much that 9-7 and home in January will seem like a really good year.

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Two AFC teams did not have a 300 yard passing game this year.  We know the Bills were one team, who else?


The offensively putrid Ravens are the only other AFC team to not have an individual 300 yard performance this year.  Yes, that does mean that Miami had an individual 300 yard performance.


For the weak NFC--SF had a 300 yard game.  Dallas...they did it.  Washington...they got theirs.  New Orleans...Brooks threw for 300.  Tampa had several games over 300.  Arizona...sorry, even Az had a 300 yard day.  Detriot...Joey...Joey...

But, we should stick with Drew.  It takes a team to throw for 300 yards dammit.  Moulds dropped plenty of balls.  Drew didn't bounce that many a game did he?  Somehow 27 teams found a way to do it this year.  We know what we'll get from Drew.  I don't think JP's ready.  We did win 6 in a row you know.  Yeah, let's keep Drew for another year or two.  Maybe he'll lower everyone's expectations so much that 9-7 and home in January will seem like a really good year.



Tell me again how many games Dallas, Washington, Arizona, Detroit, and Baltimore won again?

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No, but he did have a QB rating higher than either SF QB in that game - despite not even completing a pass.


Moorman rules

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No, but he did have a QB rating higher than either SF QB in that game - despite not even completing a pass.



yeah, that's awful.


You get 40 just for throwing a pass.


If you go 0 for 1000, so long as you don't throw a pick, you have a 40.


Kinda like if you hand in your SATs completly blank, you get a 400.

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Tell me again how many games Dallas, Washington, Arizona, Detroit, and Baltimore won again?


I really don't give a rat's ass about Dallas, Washington, Arizona, & Detroit. It is a team game afterall.


Baltimore beat us, I do care about that.


The league setting a record for 300 yard performances in a year when we get ZERO does concern me, and I do think it is worth pointing out. Stick your head down in the sand and be happy with 9-7/home in January.

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I really don't give a rat's ass about Dallas, Washington, Arizona, & Detroit.  It is a team game afterall.


Baltimore beat us, I do care about that. 


The league setting a record for 300 yard performances in a year when we get ZERO does concern me, and I do think it is worth pointing out.  Stick your head down in the sand and be happy with 9-7/home in January.


So it's a team game as long as for the Bills, Drew gets no credit and all the blaim. Got it. I never received that memo. :P

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I really don't give a rat's ass about Dallas, Washington, Arizona, & Detroit.  It is a team game afterall.


Baltimore beat us, I do care about that. 


The league setting a record for 300 yard performances in a year when we get ZERO does concern me, and I do think it is worth pointing out.  Stick your head down in the sand and be happy with 9-7/home in January.


Now wait a minute, beerball.........how can we expect Drew to get 300 yards when we have an old, overpaid receiver on one side.......a rookie on the other......and a cripple at running back who is incapable of taking some of the pressure off the passing game? We can't expect Drew - or any other QB, for that matter - to excel under such circumstances. We need to find some playmakers for this offense, dammmit.

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Stojan really broke everything down nicely...and I also agree...anyone who WANTS Bledose as the QB is nuts, really....cmon hes done everyone!!


Its not even just about the passing yards (under 3000), a Bledsoe supporter would argue that since the Bills had their share of blowouts, that would keep his yards down...but look at the ATTEMPTS along with the production in a couple of the blowouts:


Cleveland: 12/27 for 100 yards...27 attempts!!!


at San Francisco: 21/32 for 172....32 attempts, STILL under 200 yards!!!


I can see if Drew only had 12-15 attempts in those games...but the numbers clearly show its time to move on.

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