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LeBron James considering end to pre-game dunks (the horror)


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Lebron would dominate the dunk contest if he participated and he probably knows that...he'd be equally crucified by the fans if he won it year in year out....


or atleast he would claim to be crucified, because he seems to go for that these days.

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pretty sure that was only NCAA rules, not NBA


from another site....the key is during officials jurisdiction...



The Officials jursidiction begins when they walk on the court and ends when the Referee approves the final score. During that time, it's illegal to dunk unless the ball is live. Usually the teams post a lookout and tell the players when the officials are coming. Sometimes the player don't listen.


Here is the rule.



RULE 10; Fouls and Penalties.


Art. 1.

A technical foul shall be assessed to a player or a substitute for the following infractions:

e. A team member dunking or attempting to dunk a dead ball before or

during the game, or during any intermission.



Used to be a technical foul if you dunked during warmup. Maybe they should go back to that and force players to actually shoot better than 30%

Edited by The Poojer
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