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Obama's Real Fraud: SSDI

Dean Cain

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Obama has managed to add 3.4 million more people to Social Security Disability than actual jobs created, and that my friends is change we can believe in:


"Since our president entered the White House in January 2009 through September of this year 5.9 million people have been added to the SSDI or Social Security Disability program. That compares with less than 2.5 million jobs created during the same period. According to Social Security Administration data, currently including spouses and children, SSDI rolls have swollen to a bloated 10.9 million. A record one in fourteen workers is now on the SSDI dole. It’s like checking in a hotel and never leaving. Of the 653,877 souls that departed the program in 2011, 36% departed by being gracious enough to die, while 52% reached retirement age and seamlessly switched to other benefits. Only 6% returned to work and 3.6% exited the program due to medical improvement. According to Congressional Research Services this program cost taxpayers $128.9 billion in 2011 and was in deficit to the tune of $25.3 billion. Funded by the 1.8% payroll tax and comprising nearly 18% of all social security spending, at current pace the trust fund may be exhausted by as early as 2015."



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Obama has managed to add 3.4 million more people to Social Security Disability than actual jobs created, and that my friends is change we can believe in:


"Since our president entered the White House in January 2009 through September of this year 5.9 million people have been added to the SSDI or Social Security Disability program. That compares with less than 2.5 million jobs created during the same period. According to Social Security Administration data, currently including spouses and children, SSDI rolls have swollen to a bloated 10.9 million. A record one in fourteen workers is now on the SSDI dole. It’s like checking in a hotel and never leaving. Of the 653,877 souls that departed the program in 2011, 36% departed by being gracious enough to die, while 52% reached retirement age and seamlessly switched to other benefits. Only 6% returned to work and 3.6% exited the program due to medical improvement. According to Congressional Research Services this program cost taxpayers $128.9 billion in 2011 and was in deficit to the tune of $25.3 billion. Funded by the 1.8% payroll tax and comprising nearly 18% of all social security spending, at current pace the trust fund may be exhausted by as early as 2015."




It's all about fairness. Lazy and irresponsible may now be considered a disability. It would be really interesting to see the profiles of recent recipients. I know of one blatant local example of abuse of this entitlement. My guess is there are millions of others that are similar.

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Perhaps these clowns need a name change? http://www.ncpssm.org/


Instead of "National Committee to Preserve...etc" It should be "National Committe to Expand...etc"


Really? They should call themselves: "Flat Earth Society" It's based on the same premise. Until they actually see these entitlements fail for themselves(and the country along with), nobody can convince them that they will.


Some other names that are more accurate:

National Committe to Preserve Wishful Thinking and Deny Basic Demographics

National Committe to Preserve Wishful Thinking and Deny Basic Economics


But, this is my favorite, because it's the MOST accurate:

National Committe to Preseve the Legacy of LBJ (amazingly, and largely, constituted by the very same people who swore he was a total idiot over Viet Nam.)


Edit: Not coincidentally, the same people who swore Bush was a total idiot, and an incredibly skilled liar...at the same time. LOL


Pattern? You be the judge.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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