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Adam Schefter@AdamSchefter

NFL is proposing to overhaul its calendar, pushing back the combine to early March, free agency to early April, and the draft to early May.


Adam Schefter@AdamSchefter

Want to know one more reason why NFL wants the draft in early May? TV sweeps are in May. Bigger ratings, bigger dollars.


Adam Schefter@AdamSchefter

Idea of overhauled calendar is to lengthen NFL off-season and make football relevant over longer period with one big event each month.


Adam Schefter@AdamSchefter

Under proposal, all NFL teams also would kick off training camp on same summer day, making it the official launch of the football season.


This league knows what they are doing. To me the off season feels shorter. It used to drive me nuts waiting, and now I'm like wow the combine is already here.

Posted (edited)

Wouldn't bother me.


This league knows what they are doing. To me the off season feels shorter. It used to drive me nuts waiting, and now I'm like wow the combine is already here.

That's because in today's world of football, the combine and the draft are considered to be actual events, and are televised.


When free agency came along, it only added more awareness and excitement.


Before any of this stuff got taken so seriously, the NFL off season was really an off season.


After the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl, there was no football news for six months. All that has changed.

Edited by Mark Vader

I do like the idea of all TCs opening same day.

Except that teams with new HCs get to start one week earlier so they can introduce the squads to their new system. That's how it works now. That shouldn't change.


Except that teams with new HCs get to start one week earlier so they can introduce the squads to their new system. That's how it works now. That shouldn't change.

I thought they just got extra OTA days?


After the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl, there was no football news for six months. All that has changed.


Precisely. Probably because of how news travels so quickly with the internet, social media, etc., we're constantly fed news from the minute after the Super Bowl ends to the minute before training camp starts. I haven't felt a true "off season" since 2001.


Usually, I can occupy myself with hockey, baseball, and a little bit of the squeakball stuff, but once August comes around and baseball is a little stale, I'm all in with the training camp news & info.


Now the NFL wants to capitalize on its popularity, so they're making everything in the non-playing season into an event. They build up the combine, the draft, and every OTA as if it's Week X of the regular season.


Maybe the NFL is making too many decisions based on money. Do they ever consider the fans when making decisions?


Good point. Or do they consider the needs of the teams? Now would have to wait longer to sign FAs and shortnes the amount of time drafted and undrafted players have for OTAs and to assimilate/acclimate prior to TC.

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