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PPP banned in Switzerland?


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just back from Zurich (with all bones, ligaments and tendons apparently intact) but cut off from PPP ("you are not authorized to access this area" - from TBD, not the swiss.. is this a result of some ideologic disagreement withTBD? possibly the proposed $9 an hour US minimum wage proposal that would be laughed at there as woefully inadequate to free their citizens from things like food stamps. you really don't see many swiss beggars. even the ski lift workers ski (some amazingly well) and i'm pretty sure they buy their own groceries. but Switzerland's just another example of european socialism....or is it really?

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just back from Zurich (with all bones, ligaments and tendons apparently intact) but cut off from PPP ("you are not authorized to access this area" - from TBD, not the swiss.. is this a result of some ideologic disagreement withTBD? possibly the proposed $9 an hour US minimum wage proposal that would be laughed at there as woefully inadequate to free their citizens from things like food stamps. you really don't see many swiss beggars. even the ski lift workers ski (some amazingly well) and i'm pretty sure they buy their own groceries. but Switzerland's just another example of european socialism....or is it really?


This summer i had to kill time at charles de gaulles while going to spain and i was not able to access tsw from the airport wifi. Worked ok every where else in europe. Maybe the domain was a banned one? Olivier never seemed to have any problems.

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i pondered this minimum wage question a fair amount while there and concluded this: the low minimum wage in the US is a major form of govt sponsored corporate welfare. those workers not making a subsistence wage are subsidized by the govt in the form of foodstamps, rent subsidies, medicaid etc. in switzerland, the employers pay those cost through higher wages. here, those costs are paid by the taxpayers. and yes, they have mandatory, private paid and supplied medical insurance coverage there. seems a bad deal for the taxpayers and a good one for minimum wage paying companies, here. on the other hand, everday swiss pay for these wages with a high cost of living...but it's the real cost. not an artificially determined one afforded by money borrowed by ther govt for subsidies.

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