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SNL Spoofs Hagel Hearings

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A good parody of the absurdity of Hagel being attacked for saying our interests don't always coincide with Israel's.


Holy spin Batman !


1. In 2006, Hagel used the term “Jewish lobby,” a phrase some in the Jewish and pro-Israel communities have found offensive.


2. Called for “direct, unconditional, and comprehensive talks with the Government of Iran.”


3. Long record of opposing sanctions on Iran — he was one of two senators to oppose the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act in 2001


4. In 2006, in the wake of a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, was “one of only 12 Senators who refused to write the EU asking them to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization”


5. Has called for direct talks with Hamas, a group designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization, and one that has pledged to destroy Israel.


6. In 1999, was the only member of the Senate who did not sign a letter opposing growing anti-Semitism in Russia. At the time, a spokeswoman for the senator said Hagel had a policy of not sending letters concerning internal matters to foreign leaders.



"saying our interests don't always coincide with Israel's."..................................lol




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Holy spin Batman !





"saying our interests don't always coincide with Israel's."..................................lol




Interesting read on the second link:


A quote from his letter to GWB:

"An approach such as this would strengthen our ability across the board to deal with Iran. Our friends and allies would be more confident to stand with us if we seek to increase pressure, including tougher sanctions on Iran. It could create a historic new dynamic in US-Iran relations, in part forcing the Iranians to react to the possibility of better relations with the West. We should be prepared that any dialogue process with Iran will take time, and we should continue all efforts, as you have, to engage Iran from a position of strength.

We should not wait to consider the option of bilateral talks until all other diplomatic options are exhausted. At that point, it could well be too late."

And the author of the piece linked to said "I am in complete agreement" with the content of Hagel's letter. It would be good to have someone with an alternative POV rather than a team of lemmings. I'm sure the other items need to have some context as well, as opposed providing a list that makes a republican senator look like a radical Muslim...

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Another day, another anti-Israel Chuck Hagel speech discovered


Chuck Hagel probably regrets ever accepting a speaking engagement at Rutgers University. The Washington Free Beacon has uncovered another Hagel speech on the New Jersey campus, this one from 2010, in which Hagel claims that Israel is 'headed toward apartheid,' that Prime Minister Netanyahu is a 'radical,' and that Hamas must be brought into the negotiations


At the time, Hagel was on campus at Rutgers as the Clifford P. Case Professor of Public Affairs. But the key to this one is the demand that we negotiate with Hamas. That and the term 'apartheid,' which I don't recall any other American politician using in connection with Israel. Hagel is beyond the pale.



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Another day, another anti-Israel Chuck Hagel speech discovered


Chuck Hagel probably regrets ever accepting a speaking engagement at Rutgers University. The Washington Free Beacon has uncovered another Hagel speech on the New Jersey campus, this one from 2010, in which Hagel claims that Israel is 'headed toward apartheid,' that Prime Minister Netanyahu is a 'radical,' and that Hamas must be brought into the negotiations


At the time, Hagel was on campus at Rutgers as the Clifford P. Case Professor of Public Affairs. But the key to this one is the demand that we negotiate with Hamas. That and the term 'apartheid,' which I don't recall any other American politician using in connection with Israel. Hagel is beyond the pale.



Why is that an off limits comment? Many political analysts (including inside israel) say the same thing about Israels political future if there's no 2-state solution and the settlements - something netanyahu is a champion of - continue.

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Why is that an off limits comment? Many political analysts (including inside israel) say the same thing about Israels political future if there's no 2-state solution and the settlements - something netanyahu is a champion of - continue.


Certainly he is free to offer that opinion Joseph,


but since it is not the official view of the United States, then perhaps he would not be the best choice for Sec. of Defense.



In point of fact......................few people think that he is.



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Hagel ‘Almost Had Tears in His Eyes’ When He Learned Phrase ‘Jewish Lobby’ Was Offensive





According to Chuck Schumer, Chuck Hagel didn’t know that the term “Jewish Lobby” could be considered offensive, and he nearly cried when he heard the explanation:

And I told him what a double standard is. That Jewish people throughout the centuries have suffered a double standard. Everyone could be a farmer except Jewish people. Everyone could live in Moscow except Jewish people. I said when everyone else can lobby but all of a sudden when those of us who are pro-Israel lobby, it’s a negative, that’s a double standard. And I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but it harkens to the old days.

And he really, you know, he almost had tears in his eyes when he understood. So I believe he will be good.

I don’t know what’s sadder, that Schumer was reassured by the possibility that Hagel is just really dumb and not anti-Semitic, or that he believes that this explanation will be comforting to the American people.




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Hagel ‘Almost Had Tears in His Eyes’ When He Learned Phrase ‘Jewish Lobby’ Was Offensive





According to Chuck Schumer, Chuck Hagel didn’t know that the term “Jewish Lobby” could be considered offensive, and he nearly cried when he heard the explanation:

And I told him what a double standard is. That Jewish people throughout the centuries have suffered a double standard. Everyone could be a farmer except Jewish people. Everyone could live in Moscow except Jewish people. I said when everyone else can lobby but all of a sudden when those of us who are pro-Israel lobby, it’s a negative, that’s a double standard. And I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but it harkens to the old days.

And he really, you know, he almost had tears in his eyes when he understood. So I believe he will be good.

I don’t know what’s sadder, that Schumer was reassured by the possibility that Hagel is just really dumb and not anti-Semitic, or that he believes that this explanation will be comforting to the American people.


Seriously, politicians make faux pas all of the time. What's your angle on this? Why does it bother you?

I want someone who isn't going to kiss Israel's butt. It's time to start questioning their actions. They want the US to go do their dirty work, first with Iraq, and now iran. I seriously want someone who wants to try to negotiate and open discussions instead of bombing first.

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Seriously, politicians make faux pas all of the time. What's your angle on this? Why does it bother you?

I want someone who isn't going to kiss Israel's butt. It's time to start questioning their actions. They want the US to go do their dirty work, first with Iraq, and now iran. I seriously want someone who wants to try to negotiate and open discussions instead of bombing first.


TPS is not a friend of Israel...our closest ally in the area and our blood brother...you are satan

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Just trying to make sure I piss everyone off. I'm an equal opportunity irritator...

What should be pissing everyone off is many of our politicians placing greater priority on what he said/she said about Israel (or any other country) over protecting america.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Seriously, politicians make faux pas all of the time. What's your angle on this? Why does it bother you?

I want someone who isn't going to kiss Israel's butt. It's time to start questioning their actions. They want the US to go do their dirty work, first with Iraq, and now iran. I seriously want someone who wants to try to negotiate and open discussions instead of bombing first.



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Iraq was the root of all evils haven't you heard? Sadam pissed us off publicly therefore his continued existence was evidence you could piss us off and live to tell about it/kill those who rose against you in your time of vulnerability.

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Iraq was the root of all evils haven't you heard? Sadam pissed us off publicly therefore his continued existence was evidence you could piss us off and live to tell about it/kill those who rose against you in your time of vulnerability.


TPS claimed that Israel was the reason for the invasion of Iraq (if I read correctly).

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