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I just got back from the game so........


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I'm sorry if this discussion has already been talked about earlier this week but why in the hell were there so many Steeler fans in attendance at the game on Sunday?

Maybe the question should be, have the people of WNY lost interest in the Bills?


I guess there are probably a couple of explanations for the large contingent of Steeler fans in Buffalo last Sunday but I guess, in my opinion, Bills fans just don't have the desire to spend the money to go see this team play. I understand that part of the problem is the group sales that occur in June that allow anyone buying over 15 tickets to get first dibs on games but the fact of the matter is, there should be more season tickets sold! Having over 20,000 opponents fans in "OUR" house is ridiculous. The people of WNY and all Bills fans should be embarrassed by that display of yellow towels that were flying last week. I sat there wondering how this could happen but in talking with a lot of people this part week, the main conclusion is that there is a huge majority of people that just don't care about the team. Sure they watch them on TV but when I asked if they would go to a game, they said "sure, if someone gave me a ticket".

I know the economic situation in Buffalo is poor but tickets to the Bills games are among the lowest in the league. I guess I just don't understand it. I used to have season tickets for over 10 years before I moved out of town and the one thing that made my decision to move was the fact that I was going to lose my season tickets. I guess the people of WNY just don't have the spirit for the team like they used to. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Bills as one of the potential teams going to LA in the next 10 years. The people of WNY obviously don't care by their lack of support for the team.

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There may be more Steeler fans in the universe than air! Did you see all of them in Dallas? :blink:

With your rationale,the Cowboys have a better chance to move to LA! :blink:

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Hey, don't get me wrong here. I'm just making an observation. I am about as far from Rudy as anyone on here but the point is that something needs to be done to address the problem of RWS being the home of the Bills and not the home of the home of the Steelers, Patriots, Jets, Raiders, Packers, Browns, Dolphins or any other team in the league that has a pretty good following.

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Hey, don't get me wrong here. I'm just making an observation. I am about as far from Rudy as anyone on here but the point is that something needs to be done to address the problem of RWS being the home of the Bills and not the home of the home of the Steelers, Patriots, Jets, Raiders, Packers, Browns, Dolphins or any other team in the league that has a pretty good following.



I remember the Steelers having 28K fans in the stands in an early 1980's game. The Bills won anyway. The Steeler fans are good people, as a whole.


It's population and economics. The NFL cares about ticket sales and $$. The Bills aren't even on the radar for an impending move. The Steeler fans travel better than any fan base in the NFL, since geting tickets to their own home games is nothing but a pipe dream.


For now, the Bills are fine. It's amazing that season ticket sales are around 43,000, considering how the Bills have performed over the last 4,5 seasons. Only 1 home game hasn't made it on local TV in the last 2 seasons. That's amazing. Buffalo doesn't have half or a third the population other NFL cities have, so they must get fannies in the seats by marketing the team regionally and getting tickets to the visiting teams fan base. Let's be realistic and think clearly.


You are speaking to hundreds of season ticket holders on this site, who have a true understanding of the situation. Right now, this team is going nowhere and the immediate future is bright.

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I agree with what he says. What the hell happened up there anyway? I know Bills fans just love to tell the rest of the world what great fans they are, but you know, this isn't 1991 anymore. Maybe the team has slacked for a decade, but where is the noise? What exactly caused Maddox to only have to bark out signals at the line during just the opening drive?


I went to my first Sabres game in the new arena a couple years back. If that wasn't a goddamn morgue. I think the best fans left the area. They had to. And I hear the same thing as the thread originator said......"Yeah, I went to the game, I had free tix." I hear that over and over.


By the way, where does the season ticket base stand, and how exactly do 20k pee-stained rag waving loonies get into the stadium? :blink: The commentators should have said it was a neutral-site game......perhaps Meadville, PA.....aboot halfway between Buffalo and Pittsburgh.


5 years with no playoffs and then a chance to make it......one would just think that the place was going to be The House of Noise again. I guess not.

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I used to have season tickets for over 10 years before I moved out of town and the one thing that made my decision to move was the fact that I was going to lose my season tickets. I guess the people of WNY just don't have the spirit for the team like they used to. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Bills as one of the potential teams going to LA in the next 10 years. The people of WNY obviously don't care by their lack of support for the team.


just how was you going to lose your season tickets ???????????????? :blink::blink:

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just how was you going to lose your season tickets  ???????????????? :blink:  :blink:



I guess I missed leaving a word in there.


I used to have season tickets for over 10 years before I moved out of town and the one thing that made my decision to move difficult was the fact that I was going to lose my season tickets.




If you think I'm here to bash anyone or act like Rudy or Ice, you're mistaken. I'm just trying to take the blinders off and see this team for what it is. There are positions on the team that need to be upgraded. Questions about the fans desire that need to be addressed. I'm a Bills fan through and through but after seeing another season go by the wayside, it's time to take the rose-colored glasses off and figure out where the problems are.

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I guess I missed leaving a word in there.


I used to have season tickets for over 10 years before I moved out of town and the one thing that made my decision to move difficult was the fact that I was going to lose my season tickets.


Better? yes it is .


If you think I'm here to bash anyone or act like Rudy or Ice, you're mistaken. I'm just trying to take the blinders off and see this team for what it is. There are positions on the team that need to be upgraded. Questions about the fans desire that need to be addressed. I'm a Bills fan through and through but after seeing another season go by the wayside, it's time to take the rose-colored glasses off and figure out where the problems are.


tickets ? last time the raiders where here, the place had a lot more fans than the steelers

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Jim aka Floemoe - you are exactly right. Things have changed in Buffalo. People do not have the passion anymore. There should be more then 43k season ticket holders. With the regionalization of this team, there is enough people in the area with money who could and should buy tickets. Everyone from Buffalo(myself included) cries poor, but come on people, there are only 10 events per year. Buck up and buy tickets!!!! The Bills are one of the few fun activities left in Buffalo. That would be the day that if I lived in Buffalo that I would scrape the funds together to buy a season ticket. - If you respond, spare me the people need to put food on the table and things are tough up here in WNY. It is tough all over and someone is buying all those new expensive homes in Clarence, Lancaster and OP. Buy tickets our our favorite hobby will go away, and none of us want that to happen.

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Hey, don't get me wrong here. I'm just making an observation. I am about as far from Rudy as anyone on here but the point is that something needs to be done to address the problem of RWS being the home of the Bills and not the home of the home of the Steelers, Patriots, Jets, Raiders, Packers, Browns, Dolphins or any other team in the league that has a pretty good following.




I too was very suprised that for such an important game where a Bills win could mean the playoffs, that so many Steelers fans were in attendence.


Of course, maybe the weather and the game's availability on tv may have kept the faithful out


or maybe the thought of the Bills having a chance to win with Bledsoe kept all the dooom and gloom fans at home,


or maybe fan support for the Bills in Buffalo is just not that strong.


Believe it or not, but a team can move real easy in today's market.


And the Bills getting slaughtered by the Second string of the Steelers, sure did not help at all.

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I too was very suprised that for such an important game where a Bills win could mean the playoffs, that so many Steelers fans were in attendence.


Of course, maybe the weather and the game's availability on tv may have kept the faithful out


or maybe the thought of the Bills having a chance to win with Bledsoe kept all the dooom and gloom fans at home,


or maybe fan support for the Bills in Buffalo is just not that strong.


Believe it or not, but a team can move real easy in today's market.


And the Bills getting slaughtered by the Second string of the Steelers, sure did not help at all.


And maybe you could just STFU.

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She doesn't say much, but what she does say comes with the driving force of a sledgehammer.


Well said Annie!






Yeah I can see that 2005 is going to be another great year for DA Boneman on TSW :blink:

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