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Anyone watching The Following with Kevin Bacon?


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Show is currently 4 episodes in. I've been watching and am still on the fence about the series. It is very graphic for network TV, close to HBO or Showtime level violence and gore. Has interesting Edgar Allen Poe/literary angle.


Just wondering if anyone is watching and what you think?

Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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I am watching, I love it. It is a bit graphic. Hoping it will last. Don't know how far you can carry a show like this though. Once you catch them, the show is over?


I assume that if the ratings are strong they will introduce a new cult leader each season (kinda like the Dexter formula for villains).

Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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I've only watched two episodes, but I am intrigued.


Kevin Bacon is an underrated actor, and James Purefoy is very creepy in this.


I too am surprised that this is on network television and at 9:00 p.m.


The challenge will be if this show can have longevity.

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I have the episodes recorded but haven't started watching yet. My wife and I are currently catching up with season 3 of The Walking Dead, after spending the previous several weeks burning through all 4.5 seasons of Breaking Bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This show is so bad. Anyone else watching this mess? This show had so much promise. Is it possible to jump the shark in the first season? I can't believe I got suckered into this trash. I am a fan of Kevin Bacon, but he must be hard up for money to sign up for this garbage.

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I've watched every episode and I'm just numb. There is really nothing to root for and it really isn't that deep. But I like Bacon and it's pretty mindless TV that is watchable.

I had the same reaction after I watched the first season of "True Blood".

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It had so much promise but I find that the more episodes that air, the dumber it gets.


Dumbest part of the show is that the killer had SOOOOOOOO many visitors in prision. Too many for someone who was on death row in a maximum security prision.


Seems like he spends more time chatting with visitors than in his cell.


Also, if this was real life, I am sure the guards would have suspected something or at least had his visits recorded.


I doubt that they would just leave him alone in privacy to visit.

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Just watched the latest episode on TiVo and I'm just about done. Any show of this ilk requires you to suspend disbelief, but this one takes it to the outer limits. Aside from the many visits in jail already mentioned, what is too hard to swallow is the fact that this guy was able to, from behind bars with limited access, convince so many people to set up, year's in the making, alibis and planning that would allow them to snap into vicious killing mode at his signal.


Only, the ex-wife is keeping me coming back at this point. Don't know who the actress is, but she is very easy on the eyes.


I'm watching it, but Kevin Bacon isn't here.


Nice, you'd think I'd mind my sentence structure better being a writer and all. :)

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No, I'm not following it.



Just watched the latest episode on TiVo and I'm just about done. Any show of this ilk requires you to suspend disbelief, but this one takes it to the outer limits. Aside from the many visits in jail already mentioned, what is too hard to swallow is the fact that this guy was able to, from behind bars with limited access, convince so many people to set up, year's in the making, alibis and planning that would allow them to snap into vicious killing mode at his signal.


Only, the ex-wife is keeping me coming back at this point. Don't know who the actress is, but she is very easy on the eyes.

I am all caught up on this show and I am disappointed.


I know it's a TV show and you have to suspend disbelief, but now it's getting ridiculous.


More ridiculous than "24" ever was, but that show was just so damn good you could not take your eyes off it.


What is it with these agents always yelling "FREEZE" or "DROP IT" to the criminals?! Shoot first ask questions later! You know what kind of people you are dealing with.


I'll still keep watching because I like Kevin Bacon and I hope it can get better.

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