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Posted (edited)
Should there be a domed stadium and a new convention center in downtown Buffalo’s future?Discussion on such development has come to the forefront in recent weeks, intertwined from the new 10-year lease negotiated with the Buffalo Bills for Ralph Wilson Stadium. As part of the new lease, New York state and Erie County officials will be working with the Bills on the possibility of replacing Ralph Wilson Stadium, which will be 50-years old when the extended lease expires.Two Erie County Legislators — Chairperson Betty Jean Grant and Tim Hogues — have set a community meeting to talk about the feasibility of building a domed stadium and convention center, perhaps together. The meeting is set for 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 21 at Erie Community College’s downtown campus, 121 Ellicott St.The meeting is designed to get some basic community input.
Edited by buffalobillsfootball
Posted (edited)

Thanks for posting. Might as well get the discussion going. Can't stay in the Ralph forever. Although a domed stadium where the Ralph is would be nice. The crowd noise of Bills fans inside a dome would be deafening to opposing teams. I think it would be more of a "home field advantage" than the 1-3 "bad weather" games we get a year by playing outside.

Edited by RyanC883
Posted (edited)

Just a reminder about tonight's meeting...


Downtown stadium group to hold community forum


Also, I came across the plans for the Dolphin's stadium renovations. I like it...


Miami Dolphins unveil $400 million plan to renovate stadium; team set to pay more than half




It's time to build all new for the Bills... these renovations are nothing more than lipstick on a pig.

Edited by buffalobillsfootball
Posted (edited)



It's time to build all new for the Bills... these renovations are nothing more than lipstick on a pig.


Looks like they managed to put all their fans in the stadium too.

Edited by Pondslider
Posted (edited)

Thats great & long over due ! The only way that the Bills will stay in western NY & keep them viable is to build a new stadium. Or have them go to another SB & win ...


What did they say "build it & they will come" Plus the fact if it is a domed stadium there will be the possibility of Super Bowls, BB tournaments concerts & much more.


I hope they continue to talk about the sports museum connected to the facility .

Edited by T master


I read the blog. It sounds like they have a site in mind but it wasn't made clear in the blog. Are they talking about south of the Buffalo River near the grain elevators?


Some of the stuff mentioned was a little "pie in the sky" like hosting a Super Bowl. Not going to happen without a lot more hotel rooms, including ones on a level Tom Brady's dad is used to. Had to chuckle about hosting "boxing" in the new stadium. Really? What decade is this? The 1960's? When was the last boxing match that needed a football stadium to hold the crowd?




Just a reminder about tonight's meeting...


Downtown stadium group to hold community forum


Also, I came across the plans for the Dolphin's stadium renovations. I like it...


Miami Dolphins unveil $400 million plan to renovate stadium; team set to pay more than half




It's time to build all new for the Bills... these renovations are nothing more than lipstick on a pig.


I read the article and still don't get what this is. What is with the half roof type of thing? Is it a retracting dome?...........If so, what the hell do they need that for. The Marlins don't play there anymore, and it seems fine during the Fall for football.


I was just there for the BCS game and still think it's a really nice stadium.

Posted (edited)


I read the article and still don't get what this is. What is with the half roof type of thing? Is it a retracting dome?...........If so, what the hell do they need that for. The Marlins don't play there anymore, and it seems fine during the Fall for football.


I was just there for the BCS game and still think it's a really nice stadium.

I think its to keep the fans protected from the elements and still have them affect the play on the field.

Edited by Teen Insight


I think its to keep the fans protected from the elements and still have them affect the play on the field.

Something to get blown off like a giant frisbee in a hurricane.




Something to get blown off like a giant frisbee in a hurricane.




Yeah, that definitely looks like it could happen. Protecting people from Fall elements in South Florida is stupid!


I read the blog. It sounds like they have a site in mind but it wasn't made clear in the blog. Are they talking about south of the Buffalo River near the grain elevators?


Some of the stuff mentioned was a little "pie in the sky" like hosting a Super Bowl. Not going to happen without a lot more hotel rooms, including ones on a level Tom Brady's dad is used to. Had to chuckle about hosting "boxing" in the new stadium. Really? What decade is this? The 1960's? When was the last boxing match that needed a football stadium to hold the crowd?



Maybe they were referring to Boxing Day for our Canadian Fans?

I read the article and still don't get what this is. What is with the half roof type of thing? Is it a retracting dome?...........If so, what the hell do they need that for. The Marlins don't play there anymore, and it seems fine during the Fall for football.


I was just there for the BCS game and still think it's a really nice stadium.

Maybe the sun? All those cubans already are tanned enough.


I take it you don't live down here.


No, but I guess you're right about the sun. I know my friend went to the Bills game on the sunny side in Sept a few years ago and said it was brutal and he loves the heat. I personally hate the heat, so I could never live down there.


Also, I remember the Dolphins raised prices $5 on the shady side a few years ago.


I read the blog. It sounds like they have a site in mind but it wasn't made clear in the blog. Are they talking about south of the Buffalo River near the grain elevators?


Some of the stuff mentioned was a little "pie in the sky" like hosting a Super Bowl. Not going to happen without a lot more hotel rooms, including ones on a level Tom Brady's dad is used to. Had to chuckle about hosting "boxing" in the new stadium. Really? What decade is this? The 1960's? When was the last boxing match that needed a football stadium to hold the crowd?



One of the speakers/supporters, Pat Freeman has said in the past that the Ralph needs $300 million dollars of concrete work. His figure was way of base. The location of snake oil stadium sucks.

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