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Posted (edited)

great read, but man some these people here. A big smh to everyone trying to figure it out. And a big lol (in a bad way....ignorant + rude = YES) to kas23 for this golden comment:


First, it's HIPAA and second, it doesn't apply to glorified drug dealers.
Edited by Numark
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Posted (edited)

I imagine this has already been mentioned but I don't intend to read all 5 pages, hell I didn't even read your whole !@#$ing post. So you've given us the information to narrow this person's identity down to a few and you're working at a medical marijuana collective? WTF dude are you dispensing our using? This is a reason why medical marijuana will never be taken seriously because !@#$heads like you post stuff like this. Next time ask yourself, "would he be happy or not knowing I've posted this on a public message board. Use your senses man.


Well then maybe you should read the thread then before being a deuche. If you had, you would have seen just a few posts down that the information specific to his career were all slightly changed, including position, to protect his identity and that its actually impossible to determine who he is from the info given, intentionally. And he asked me to talk about it as he wants more people to know about life after football and has been following this thread. And its people like you and moronic stereotypes, pre determined judgments and stupid comments like this that keep america from being properly educated on what the industry is all about. I was an athlete, business man, and professional and I don't smoke much...but in your infant mind we are all just pot heads and neither myself nor my staff are remotely close to your lame stereotypes.


My shop runs on biometric finger print scanning...meaning you can not even acquire meds without scanning your finger prints with us. We are the gold standard for this industry, pay our taxes, comply to all laws, exceed the compliance requirements, and provide safe access to those who want it. There is a reason City Councilman have toured my location as research on how to better regulate the industry within the city.


Again, all of that could have been solved if you had taken the time to read, but people like you prefer to do know reading, no research, ask no questions, and just judge and hate without cause. You should work for LAPD :thumbsup:

Edited by Alphadawg7

I also just wanted to post a thank you to just about everyone in this thread for being respectful for the most part and there were really only like 3 or 4 moronic comments in a 5 page thread (which is like a minor miracle around here). I enjoyed the conversation about both my OP and questions around my industry...always good to get more awareness out about both. Several of you have private messaged me too about it in support and stuff and I enjoyed that as well and will continue to answer those and anyone else who does too.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I'm a douche but you're full of ****. You clearly post in your OP the specific team, position and year. That narrows it down pretty much. Then when you're called out on it you all of a sudden feel the need at that point to say "oh, I didn't put his exact team for privacy reasons." Why the hell didn't you mention that in your original post? Because I'm calling you out as full of ****.


Because, that was not what the post is about and quite frankly as soon as you say you "know someone" around here idiots like you spend all day trying to prove you don't like youre doing. Plus if I just said he was just a former Patriot then this thread would have been about spygate and all that BS when the meat of the story was about the player and life after football, not about who he is or whether he should be mortally hated as an ex Pat. You see, there are too many immature people like you on this board.


So, I made it clear he was not a long time Pats guy so people would not focus on just bashing him as a Pat and actually read the story I chose to share and he wanted me to share. He didn't even care if I used his name, I chose not to because of my work and changed minor details about his career to preserve that. Case in point, I challenge you to identify the exact person it is...in fact, if you used the exact information I gave in the OP it would not lead you to one specific player...but that's too much for you to comprehend apparently.


If you were capable of reading, even the ORIGINAL POST, you will see I use words like "I think he was with the Pats for 3 years" and not saying exactly what it was. Funny thing is, I don't even know all the details of his career, only a few general things he mentioned, it wasnt a damn interview but us chatting. Plus when I said 10 year career, I didn't even say it was 10 years in the NFL or not...I just said his career, not NFL career. You do realize his career might be all in the NFL or might have included time in the UFL, CFL, or Arena league too right? Funny thing is, it wasnt even exactly 10 years, close, but not exact.


But you clearly want to be a prick, so go ahead, you just are making a fool of yourself because you already said you are too lazy to read...however, I won't be coming along for the ride.


PS: You are not special...if you read, others tried and this was already addressed, so I am not "full of s**t" because you called me out...get over yourself

Edited by Alphadawg7
Posted (edited)

Not all ex football players walk around in constant pain but can understand that many do.


Yeah, very true. I know some retired players who don't have any long lingering after affects from the game. But at the same time there are many that do, and when you factor in that these guys careers end in their 20's and 30's the reality is that they have 30-50 years of living with those issues ahead of them, many of which will continue to get worse. People sight how much money they make as a trade off, but what people fail to realize that most NFL players don't make that much money. It seems like a lot of money to most people, but when you think that most players don't make tens of millions of dollars and have careers that average around 6 years (for guys who make rosters), the money they make isnt that much over their career...at least not enough to last them until they die. Plus, taxes take a huge amount of that...agents take a large chunk...managers take a large chunk. The take home pay of the vast majority of NFL players isn't nearly what people think it is. What fans see is the contracts like Mario...he isnt ever going to sniff 100 million. He won't even get half of that, assuming he even gets paid the whole contract. Yes, thats an obscene amount of money still, but the vast majority of players don't get contracts anywhere near that.


So, its really a question is it worth it for the lower tier guys who never get the massive contracts and will see their career end with 40 to 60 years left to go and major medical problems along with it.


No I think you're full of **** seeing you're going through all of this just to try and prove me, a complete stranger, wrong. If you weren't full of **** you wouldn't give me the time of day let alone post all this "I said 10 year career, I didn't say 10 NFL career" ****. Keep in my me thinking you're full of **** is completely my opion but I really feel this way now because I think thou doth protest too much. :D


Congratulations...let me know how that works out for you :thumbsup:

Edited by Alphadawg7

Yeah, very true. I know some retired players who don't have any long lingering after affects from the game. But at the same time there are many that do, and when you factor in that these guys careers end in their 20's and 30's the reality is that they have 30-50 years of living with those issues ahead of them, many of which will continue to get worse. People sight how much money they make as a trade off, but what people fail to realize that most NFL players don't make that much money. It seems like a lot of money to most people, but when you think that most players don't make tens of millions of dollars and have careers that average around 6 years (for guys who make rosters), the money they make isnt that much over their career...at least not enough to last them until they die. Plus, taxes take a huge amount of that...agents take a large chunk...managers take a large chunk. The take home pay of the vast majority of NFL players isn't nearly what people think it is. What fans see is the contracts like Mario...he isnt ever going to sniff 100 million. He won't even get half of that, assuming he even gets paid the whole contract. Yes, thats an obscene amount of money still, but the vast majority of players don't get contracts anywhere near that.


So, its really a question is it worth it for the lower tier guys who never get the massive contracts and will see their career end with 40 to 60 years left to go and major medical problems along with it.




Congratulations...let me know how that works out for you :thumbsup:


It's worked out great man. Thanks for asking.


Can I borrow your copy of Reefer Madness? In all seriousness you and Kas are both coming off like complete idiots and extremely biased like the OP said.

I know this is a stoner love fest so it doesn't surprise me the second sentence went unnoticed..


I know this is a stoner love fest so it doesn't surprise me the second sentence went unnoticed..


Haha, stoner love fest. Wow. How incredibly old fashioned of you.


my choice is what I choose to do

and if I'm causing no harm

it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be

and if your causin' no harm

then you're alright with me

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