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Spoke in depth with Ex Patriot...


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Pretty safe to assume it was Tully Banta-Cain, although it will probably be denied.




I enjoyed this game of figure out the mystery player!


Well glad you are enjoying yourself, however you are still incorrect. Cain doesnt even come close to the info I gave and it was only slightly altered, so still a swing and a miss.


First, it's HIPAA and second, it doesn't apply to glorified drug dealers.


Um ok, yet its funny we have patient forms they fill out with all of that on there...so how does it not apply? Its mandated under CA law...but you must know best.


Glorified drug dealers?...1956 called and wants you back.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Um ok, yet its funny we have patient forms they fill out with all of that on there...so how does it not apply? Glorified drug dealers?...1956 called and wants you back.


You must not know what your forms say or mean then, because its HIPAA, not HIPPA.


Anyways, maybe I'm too quick to judge. Most healthcare organizations and/or professionals, and I use that term loosely, have websites. So, why don't you share yours? I want to be educated.

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And lol, no I don't need to smoke to handle myself here. I am on this site a lot when I am at my shop in my office, and I do not allow anyone to medicate on site, not me, not my staff, and definitely not my patients. My staff isn't even allowed to medicate before work and come in high, so I adhere to the same policy. We need to be clear headed to make sure we can educate our patients on the products and what best fits their needs and also to make sure no one makes mistakes and we stay in full compliance of all state laws at all times.


You certainly don't need to be clear headed to post here.


How did you find your porn star girls to promote your product? Are you a method actor? Is your acting name big joint? LOL

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You must not know what your forms say or mean then, because its HIPAA, not HIPPA.


Anyways, maybe I'm too quick to judge. Most healthcare organizations and/or professionals, and I use that term loosely, have websites. So, why don't you share yours? I want to be educated.


lol, a typo is your issue? Ok, my apologies. If you want education, there is plenty of it online. And why do you think people in my industry are healthcare professionals? Who said we are medical doctors? Patients go see their own doctor who then refer them to cannabis as an alternative solution to manage what ever it is they went to see them for. People like me simply supply safe access so people do not have to resort to illegal street trafficking from dangerous individuals to obtain it. On top of that, we pay more taxes than any business in any industry in this Country that fund law enforcement, schools, fire departments etc that keep families like yours safe and educated. Not to mention all the charity work we do at my shop for the city of Los Angeles.


So you can take your insults somewhere else my friend, and I am pretty sure the many people who come to my location who have shed tears of joy on the impact it has made in their lives would disagree with your "glorified drug dealer" comment. Same with the medical doctors who come for our medicinal strains they use in their cancer research. Clearly you are uneducated on this particular subject and hold the archaic views of those who have no idea about this industry and hold biased opinions. Thats fine, you are entitled to what ever you want to believe, but don't expect me to play along.


You certainly don't need to be clear headed to post here.


How did you find your porn star girls to promote your product? Are you a method actor? Is your acting name big joint? LOL


hahaha, thats hilarious. No, not an actor, just have friends in the industry who love my shop because its so clean, safe, and friendly and wanted to help out.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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hahaha, thats hilarious. No, not an actor, just have friends in the industry who love my shop because its so clean, safe, and friendly and wanted to help out.


On a serious side if the the canabis shop business model proves to be a success from a tax revenue, health store and less illegal drug selling will be the model for dealing with the all encompassing illegal drug system. Your business is going to be carefully examined as a possible option to the war on drugs.

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It does sound like he's running a modern day opium den. But I think main stream doctors throwing around oxycodone scrips like candy are far bigger drug problem than some burnt stoners.


Lol, opium den...funny since not only are our members not allowed to smoke on or around the premises, but my staff isn't allowed to either before, during, or after work and only once they left for home on their own time. But somehow that equates to a modern day opium den? Um, ok...lol


On a serious side if the the canabis shop business model proves to be a success from a tax revenue, health store and less illegal drug selling will be the model for dealing with the all encompassing illegal drug system. Your business is going to be carefully examined as a possible option to the war on drugs.


Well I do not know about it affecting other items classified in the war on the drugs, because those are mostly manufactured and harmful substances. Cannabis is not those things and is medically substantial. But it will impact the war on drugs if the federal government would let the states decided for themselves instead of wasting all the tax payers on fighting cannabis so they could use that money more wisely and better fund their fight against truly harmful substances, the national debt, poverty, unemployment, healthcare etc. Not to mention the estimated $500 million dollars in tax revenue it would generate instantly from the industry.

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Oh I did forget to add that he and I chatted a little a few days before the SB. I just asked him who he thought would win the SB and who he wanted to win the SB. He said he thought the game would be close and that either team could do it. He then added he was pulling for the Ravens and thought it would be nice to see Ray go out on top and Reed and Suggs get a ring. One of his friends was an old teammate of Rays and said he and some others would workout together from time to time in the off season, so that's why he was rooting for him. He just said that Ray always came across as genuine and a class act who seemed to do a lot for people. I know there was a lot of heated debates on Ray leading up to the SB, so just a little insight from someone who had some association with him at some point.

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First, it's HIPAA and second, it doesn't apply to glorified drug dealers.


HIPAA applies to any individual, practice or organization licensed by their state to provide healthcare services. A licensed doctor writes a script for cannabis, a patient takes the same to the OP's licensed dispensary, and said dispensary fills the prescription.


How is that different from Walgreen's, CVS, or Rite Aid, and why wouldn't HIPAA apply?

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Well glad you are enjoying yourself, however you are still incorrect. Cain doesnt even come close to the info I gave and it was only slightly altered, so still a swing and a miss.




Um ok, yet its funny we have patient forms they fill out with all of that on there...so how does it not apply? Its mandated under CA law...but you must know best.


Glorified drug dealers?...1956 called and wants you back.


I don't know anything about medical marijuana, but if you're telling me this is all hype, well buddy boy, I'm not buying it. It's pretty implausible to think someone would go to the trouble of making a documentary/movie about the dangers of marijuana and supposedly misrepresent the dangers of this quote-unquote harmless plant. next you'll tell me the documentary of the little old lady who spilled hot coffee on her secret garden somehow shared the blame with mcdonalds simply because of something as obviously non-threatening as balancing really really hot liquid on her bony legs in the passenger seat of an '87 K car in motion, or that the 3 hobos on the grassy knoll and tommy lee jones didn't actually shoot jfk.


it says it right on the poster, so it must be true: Women cry for it. Men die for it.





Edited by timmo1805
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Oh I did forget to add that he and I chatted a little a few days before the SB. I just asked him who he thought would win the SB and who he wanted to win the SB. He said he thought the game would be close and that either team could do it. He then added he was pulling for the Ravens and thought it would be nice to see Ray go out on top and Reed and Suggs get a ring. One of his friends was an old teammate of Rays and said he and some others would workout together from time to time in the off season, so that's why he was rooting for him. He just said that Ray always came across as genuine and a class act who seemed to do a lot for people. I know there was a lot of heated debates on Ray leading up to the SB, so just a little insight from someone who had some association with him at some point.


What!? First you give opium to kids, now you defend that murder Ray Lewis!?! :D


Sadly, no card for me, not sure they give 'em out to those on business trips (though I live in VT and my business *is* skateboarding, so I should be grandfathered in....). Heard the ad for the Cannabis Cup though, seems like it would be a fun little Saturday!


And, FWIW, two Representatives - Polis (D - CO) and Blumenauer (D - OR) have introduced a federal bill to De-Federalize Marijuana Prohibition. http://polis.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=318723


Their "Path Forward" doc has a lot of interesting facts and info on the subject for those that would like to read a little more: http://blumenauer.house.gov/images/stories/2013/The_Path_Forward_Rethinking_Federal_Marijuana_Policy.pdf

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I won't give up.

Yes you will; at least publicly.

The guy clearly stated he did not want the man's name used. Those of you who want to play supersleuth, do it on your own dime and keep your guesses out of this thread.


He wasn't on the future SB teams, just the one, but said that year that team was the most unselfish and united team of anyone he played on in his 10 year career. I think he was with the pats for 3 seasons.

This is hard to admit nowadays but when that team first started coming into its own, I found them impossible not to root for. They played with such intensity and intelligence and did it the way it was supposed to be done. Now that they've added myriad asshats like Spikes, Welker Wilfork, Merriweather, etc etc etc, I love watching them cry all the way home, but back then I really respected those guys.



He said Belichik was by far the best football mind he ever got to play for and was a guy players give their all for all the time.

I always got the sense that in addition to his great understanding of the game, that he always treated his guys with the respect they deserved. I have little doubt that if given the opportunity to run for him, I'd go through a lot of walls for the guy.


Most plants that are high in THC are low in CBD, and ones that are high in CBD are usually low in THC.

So what's high in both ? :devil:

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This is hard to admit nowadays but when that team first started coming into its own, I found them impossible not to root for. They played with such intensity and intelligence and did it the way it was supposed to be done. Now that they've added myriad asshats like Spikes, Welker Wilfork, Merriweather, etc etc etc, I love watching them cry all the way home, but back then I really respected those guys.


I always got the sense that in addition to his great understanding of the game, that he always treated his guys with the respect they deserved. I have little doubt that if given the opportunity to run for him, I'd go through a lot of walls for the guy.


Yeah, I know what you mean about that year. A lot of people forget that they refused to have individual player introductions in that Super Bowl and came out as just one team that day which was pretty cool. And yeah that was definitely the sense I got from him about BB too, just a guy that gets the most out of you.

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So what's high in both ? :devil:


Hahaha, well actually a strain my cultivator and I developed by crossing a strain really high in CBD's with some of our other private elite genetics has good levels of both at a rate that is rare. It will also be great for managing pain and stimulating appetite at the same time while still not being too stoney and very functional. Excited to be introducing it soon at my collective.


Or you could just mix a high CBD strain with the THC rich strain at the same time :thumbsup:

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I am assuming the hemp protein I am taking(Manitoba Harvest Hemp Pro 70) is one of these strains that is low in THC and high in CBD...


actually they funded a study that proves just that:




Haven't noticed any pain management effects from it, but I usually only take it after I workout. I have it blended with equal parts pea protein and brown rice protein to create an amino acid profile very similar to whey(and in some ways, superior), without the inflammatory side effects that whey has...


Hemp is definitely a super food...hemp seeds, hemp hearts, hemp protein....high in nutrients, fiber, protein and EFA's...

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Great post and discussion Alpha.--a few things...love him or hate him--Belichek is one of the all-time great coaches up there w lombardi,Walsh.


I think he was the one who beat the Bills--not Tuna. Tuna proved to be an average coach without Belichek.



RE: the med marijuana Im all for it if done for the right reasons--and i think u get it . Some of the local dispensaries in northern CA


are excuses for people to spend the day stoned and useless.Some are well run.



I treat some ex-Raiders up here(i wont go into what i do)--and can vouch for their condition.The guys I have treated are 50-60ish and all but one


are big men with very little cartilage left in any of their joints.The only one w a really foggy head is the small guy(hence my theory bout high speed collisions vs the sumowrestling done on the line)--and of course I'm not saying the big guys don't get messed up--I'm just speculating that they get less concussions.



one small point though alpha---marijuana smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke......BUT--of course you take in so much less pot smoke vs cig smoke that this fact is misconstrued.

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For Brenty I'm gonna prescribe an Indica… maybe Grape Crush. He needs to chill with the detective stuff.


You must not know what your forms say or mean then, because its HIPAA, not HIPPA.


Anyways, maybe I'm too quick to judge. Most healthcare organizations and/or professionals, and I use that term loosely, have websites. So, why don't you share yours? I want to be educated.


Are you drunk?


Because you repeated yourself on the HIPAA thing AFTER Alpha acknowledged it and your sudden earnestness is not convincing.


It does sound like he's running a modern day opium den.


Clearly you have no idea what a dispensary is.

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*Disclaimer* The author of the following post is not high, does not smoke marijuana, and is a Bills fan.


Not being a downer here guys....just wondering how this thread is related to Bills' football (other than the initial "It's Your Life" contest re. the Pats linebacker).

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