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Big change coming to the NFL?

Just Jack

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they need to put the goalposts back in the middle of the endzones!


Honestly, who ever thought that was a good idea? Every time I see footage of old games it drives me nuts.


I agree. You mean @ the goal line? Not middle of endzones. And if they worry about safety... Then install holographic goalposts! Wow, would that be cool! Anyway, probably why the free kick fair catch was a non-issue @ the end of the Super Bowl? They adjusted the goalposts (back 10 yards) but never adjusted where the free kick is kicked from.


I think they should add dome skyboxes above the field, all with glass floors so you can watch the game looking down.


Word up! That we the fans can moon the players when they play like crap!


And how do they plan to do this with EVERY field in the entire league not available to make the switch?


The Ralph couldn't add 35 more feet of room. The players in the sidelineS would be 5 rows deep into the stands.


Not gonna happen.


The Ralph couldn't add 17.5 feet on both sides?

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Looking at a few other "recently" built stadiums, I'm not sure they could also do a wider field....


Heinz Field









Sure they can. I used Google Earth Pro's ruler feature:


They would need 17.5 feet on each sideline:


Heinz has: A whopping 37' @ the endzones and 51' @ mid-field.


Cleveland Stadium has: Also wide w/34' @ the endzones and 57' feet @ mid-field.


MetLife has: 25' @ endzones and 45' @ mid-field.


Compare that with the 40 year old Rich/Ralph-- Who says they are making them tighter? It is almost like they planned for it. ??


The Ralph has: 21' @ endzones and 49' @ mid-field.


Again, they need 17.5 feet on each side. Endzones not really a problem since the players can't stand past the 30 yard line(s) (gotta stay between the 30's).


Ain't tech wild!!! This was actually kinda fun (being an ex-hydrograhic surveyor)!!! When I get time, I will do more stadiums. This, Google Earth Pro, almost puts the "rod and chain" out of business! I think I am going to go measure Mt. Everest to the sea... If it lest me! :-) ;-) ;-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Lambeau was kinda hard to find a good map on Google Earth Pro that had the field lines... Same with other natural field turf. In Green Bay, an old shot from the 1990's was the best. Sat image was shot during football season, so the faint lines are there. Lambeau still has the needed room, same with New Soldier Field. I flew to Miami Gardens and measured Sun Life. I got a good shot from 2003 when the field was set up for the Iowa-USC Orange Bowl game (most recent shot was set up for a Marlin's game). WOW! I have been to that stadium a bunch of times but, did not realize how canvernous it really was! Sun Life during football, for reference to the other stadiums, has whopping 70+' of room... Endzones to endzone.

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As long as they put 12 players on the field, otherwise NO.

Find me a better way for the NFL to get rid of the bone jarring hits then (don't tell me that you don't want those hits out of football, your vote doesn't count, only one does). I would not be surprised to see this happen for this reason alone.


Reason #2...the read option.

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This game has been around for a long time...If you want to see bigger fields, watch the CFL. I am not a fan of drastically changing the game, certainly not without a better reason than this. This basically would put an asterisk next to all the stats from before the supposed field change, since it would change the dynamics of the game so greatly.


File this one away with the NHL's plan to let 20 teams into the playoffs...ridiculous.


Personally I don't get why people always want to change these sports that have been so great for so long.

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This is like when they were talking about changing the shape of the hockey nets. Never, ever going to happen. It just influences too many things.


They moved the goalposts to the back of the endzones 40 or so years ago. That is 10 yards. Tom Dempsey kicked his long record from inside his 40! Also, that effected the free kick. Think about this Super Bowl. Why didn't they move free kick back to the 10 yard line. Maybe the Niners make that kick (free kick fair catch) if the Ginn catches it 10 yards closer?

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Brain damage and injuries.


Yeah, sorry if I don't believe that this will have any impact in preventing either of those things...It's just an excuse to suggest radical change. That also doesn't explain why the NHL is considering expanding the playoffs to 20 teams. That certainly has nothing to do with preventing injuries.

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I think this goes directly against the NFL's attempts to "make the game safer." Just like the lengthened season does.


Personally, I don't want any more changes to the NFL.


If they have a vision, fine. I respect that. But take is slowly. If they want to get to a point where the fields are the same dimensions as the CFL, do it over a period of, say, five years or something. Make the changes gradual.


Or .. better yet .. leave the game alone. Keep the field dimensions. Keep the 16-game season. Keep the playoff structure.


If they want to create another version of football, have at it. But don't change the NFL.

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I think they should add dome skyboxes above the field, all with glass floors so you can watch the game looking down.


That would actually be kind of cool.


I think this goes directly against the NFL's attempts to "make the game safer." Just like the lengthened season does.


Personally, I don't want any more changes to the NFL.


If they have a vision, fine. I respect that. But take is slowly. If they want to get to a point where the fields are the same dimensions as the CFL, do it over a period of, say, five years or something. Make the changes gradual.


Or .. better yet .. leave the game alone. Keep the field dimensions. Keep the 16-game season. Keep the playoff structure.


If they want to create another version of football, have at it. But don't change the NFL.


I'm with you. It's really perfect the way it is. If they want to improve safety, focus on the equipment.


Yeah, sorry if I don't believe that this will have any impact in preventing either of those things...It's just an excuse to suggest radical change. That also doesn't explain why the NHL is considering expanding the playoffs to 20 teams. That certainly has nothing to do with preventing injuries.


NHL playoffs to 20 teams would be a joke. MLB should expand playoffs, no other league should.

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I'm with you. It's really perfect the way it is. If they want to improve safety, focus on the equipment.



Absolutely this ^...along with implementing sensible rules such as preventing hits to the head, wedge's, or chop blocks.


The league actually impressed me last year when they changed the rule of "roughing the passer" call to include language that says if a defender makes contact with a QB's head, that it must be a "forcible blow" to draw a penalty. Basically this cut down on the "BS" calls when a defenders hand grazed the helmet while trying to block a pass. Yet the rule still prohibits anything that might cause injury. This is a perfect example of a rule that enhances player safety, without unnecessarily diminishing the game.

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they need to put the goalposts back in the middle of the endzones!


Honestly, who ever thought that was a good idea? Every time I see footage of old games it drives me nuts.


Haha, this cracked me up. The posts were actually on the goal line, even worse, but I always thought the same thing. You didn't need today's technology or years of discussion to see the error in that. It was a bad idea from the start.

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Sure they can. I used Google Earth Pro's ruler feature:


They would need 17.5 feet on each sideline:


Heinz has: A whopping 37' @ the endzones and 51' @ mid-field.


Cleveland Stadium has: Also wide w/34' @ the endzones and 57' feet @ mid-field.


MetLife has: 25' @ endzones and 45' @ mid-field.


Compare that with the 40 year old Rich/Ralph-- Who says they are making them tighter? It is almost like they planned for it. ??


The Ralph has: 21' @ endzones and 49' @ mid-field.


Again, they need 17.5 feet on each side. Endzones not really a problem since the players can't stand past the 30 yard line(s) (gotta stay between the 30's).


Ain't tech wild!!! This was actually kinda fun (being an ex-hydrograhic surveyor)!!! When I get time, I will do more stadiums. This, Google Earth Pro, almost puts the "rod and chain" out of business! I think I am going to go measure Mt. Everest to the sea... If it lest me! :-) ;-) ;-)


Without knowing for sure, I'd bet the NFL and NCAA have minimum setbacks for how deep the sidelines are for the sake of safety.


Just because the room exists doesn't mean that it would safely fit. Football sidelines have benches, equipment, tables, etc.


Also the fields have setbacks so you don't have players running into retaining walls.


As I said upthread, IF you increase the size of the field, do so incrementally. A small increase could have a huge effect. An additional 2160 square feet of space (gained by widening the field one yard on each side) is significant.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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According to Mike Florio and PFT, this statement came from a "former" member of the Competition Committee. The current memers of the committee have not place the proposal on their agenda for 2013 according to Greg Aiello.


And that it won't be happening anytime soon.


So... there's that.

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Commentary from a CFL turned NFL wideout:




“It would prevent a lot of the severe collisions. Guys are getting faster every year. We know that. But with the NFL spacing being more confined than the CFL, there are a lot more big hits. There are a lot more tight windows. It would prevent not all, but a larger portion, of big hits,” Hawkins said, via the Bengals website. “There are more big hits here. I don’t care how fast you are. If a field is a certain size, you’re not going to be able to get there by the time the ball gets there.”


Hawkins said he didn’t think the NFL should go from 160 feet to Canada’s 195 feet because there is one extra player in the Canadian league, but that he could see them finding another width that makes the game safer without compromising the on-field product.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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