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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

The election is OVER WITH...


Guess you didn't get that memo! :blink:



Not even all of the electoral voters he was supposed to have voted for him.  One got away to Edwards.




You know it just figures that the dummy crats are soooo not over the election. Is there any wonder why they continue to lose ground in both the house and the senate. Before long the dummy crat population inthe senate will consist of and old drunk liberal from Mass, and a flamer from Calf. with nothing in between the coasts. When are some real democrates going to take that party back?????

You know it just figures that the dummy crats are soooo not over the election. Is there any wonder why they continue to lose ground in both the house and the senate. Before long the dummy crat population inthe senate will consist of and old drunk liberal from Mass, and a flamer from Calf. with nothing in between the coasts. When are some real democrates going to take that party back?????


When you run for office Rich. :blink:

When are some real democrates going to take that party back?????


Probably around the same time some real Republicans take back their party from the "faux" conservatives that have hijacked their party.

Probably around the same time some real Republicans take back their party from the "faux" conservatives that have hijacked their party.




i'm sorry....but just how many "faux" conservative Americans voted for Bush?


My guess is probabaly enough to consider the party not hijacked.

i'm sorry....but just how many "faux" conservative Americans voted for Bush?


I'm not saying the voters are fakes, but they've been deceived into thinking that the Bush administration who has hijacked the party are true conservatives, when in fact their policies of allowing record deficits and uncontrolled spending, military pre-emptive intervention, and no control of our borders are anything but conservative.

i'm sorry....but just how many "faux" conservative Americans voted for Bush?


My guess is probabaly enough to consider the party not hijacked.



Could not have said it better myself.


When will they start to understand........THEY LOST!!!!!!!

I'm not saying the voters are fakes, but they've been deceived into thinking that the Bush administration who has hijacked the party are true conservatives, when in fact their policies of allowing record deficits and uncontrolled spending, military pre-emptive intervention, and no control of our borders are anything but conservative.



Hey pasta joe, maybe you should call it a day. Lets see how many statements are wrong just in this post shall we???


1) policie of allowing record deficiets: Please show me where this is their stated policy. Because as we all know, that after all is what a policy is, something that is stated. Please check back with me on that.


2) uncontrooled spending: Umm, did you hear of this little thing called 9-11??? maybe not, but it did happen and we had to basically catch up from 8 years of neglect. The same thing goes for our military. It was whittled down to the bone, and we had to spend our way back into reality. Get a grip my man...clinton did a great job of wreaking the very things that were supposed to protect us.


3) Militarty pre-emptive intervention: Umm, did you understand any of the UN resolutions? Just curious. This was basically an extention of what was already taking place. Perhaps you can ask the pilots who flew the No-Fly zones if they thought that they were still at war with saddam or not. Just curious.


4) No control of our borders. Don't be silly, while it is not yet perfect (and by the way it never will be) the size and scope of what we are doing now dwarfs anything that we were doing pre 9-11, and definately during the clinton yeras. Umm by the way thats when the 9-11 attackers came into the USA, just thought that i would remind you. But to say that we have "no control" is simply a stupid statement because it implies that we literaly have no control. We have come to expect more from you then that...please try harder.

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