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Sam's Club has K-cups and many different brands. Usually I get 80 K-Cups for 37.00 to 39.00. That's how we buy them.


The re-usable filter thing is ok but to me it's a pain in the ass!


We had a nice Bunn coffee maker but the K-cups is the way to go!

The SAMs club solution sounds great. Thanks.

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The reusable k-cups are the way to go - no waste and way cheaper. I love Peet's coffee, but the don't make K-cups. Even though they are one of the pricier brands in the supermarket, the cost is less than half of what regular K-cups would cost.


Cleaning in rinsing the reuable cup is no big deal - dump the grounds and rinse - well worth the cost savings.


In the interest of full disclosure, I am the only coffee drinker in the house - my wife can't stand coffee. Having a single serve machine is perfact for that situation. I brew a cup as soon as I get up, and another to drink in the car - works well.


I do sometimes buy K-cups if I know I'm having company and will want to make a bunch of cups back to back or if I see something interesting in K-cup selection (I bought some cups that make half and half iced/tea lemonade - tasty - I'm saving those for summer).


I'm in the opposite situation. I don't drink coffee but the soon to be wife does. We got one of these things for Christmas and once we heard about the reusable filter we bought one. We've also loaded up on a bunch of the standard cups through random sales. So far, she said she isn't too crazy about the reusable one because the coffee has come out weak and she doesn't know how much to put it (that's what she gets for throwing out the directions).


As for me, I've tried some of the random non-coffee ones. I have a box of apple cider that is decent. The next one will be hot chocolate, but we haven't found a good deal on those yet. I'm not much of a hot drink drinker in general, but we have the machine, I'm damn well going to use it.




I'm in the opposite situation. I don't drink coffee but the soon to be wife does. We got one of these things for Christmas and once we heard about the reusable filter we bought one. We've also loaded up on a bunch of the standard cups through random sales. So far, she said she isn't too crazy about the reusable one because the coffee has come out weak and she doesn't know how much to put it (that's what she gets for throwing out the directions).


As for me, I've tried some of the random non-coffee ones. I have a box of apple cider that is decent. The next one will be hot chocolate, but we haven't found a good deal on those yet. I'm not much of a hot drink drinker in general, but we have the machine, I'm damn well going to use it.


LoL Shrader! That is exactly how I feel. Your line about "not being too much of a hot drink drinker" and using the machine fits me to a tee! LoL...


Maybe the wife is working you over about the coffee being weak and not knowing how much to put in? I can totally see my wife doing that! I suppose it is not hard to use "windage" with varying strengths of cups until one gets the amount right? The convenience has overcome her and she has to make an excuse why she isn't using the cheap reusable cups! LoL...Again, I can see me falling for that trap! Me: "Gee honey, our coffee bill has jumped 500%, what gives?" Her: "I just can't get a gage on those refillable things, why don't we just buy the prefilled things?" Me: "Didn't your idol Al Gore say we are supposed to live a 'green' life... What about all those crazy little plastic NON-recyclable cups you keep throwing away? ;-) :-)"


I own a french press. I get discount coffee at the local job lot store. Generic restaurant blend $3 for a 12oz resealable foil bag. I'm mainly a tea drinker but like to have a coffee now and then.




LoL Shrader! That is exactly how I feel. Your line about "not being too much of a hot drink drinker" and using the machine fits me to a tee! LoL...


Maybe the wife is working you over about the coffee being weak and not knowing how much to put in? I can totally see my wife doing that! I suppose it is not hard to use "windage" with varying strengths of cups until one gets the amount right? The convenience has overcome her and she has to make an excuse why she isn't using the cheap reusable cups! LoL...Again, I can see me falling for that trap! Me: "Gee honey, our coffee bill has jumped 500%, what gives?" Her: "I just can't get a gage on those refillable things, why don't we just buy the prefilled things?" Me: "Didn't your idol Al Gore say we are supposed to live a 'green' life... What about all those crazy little plastic NON-recyclable cups you keep throwing away? ;-) :-)"


Once we run out of our first stash of cups, I bet she changes her mind. For whatever reason, she didn't seem too crazy about buying one of those crates of 1000 cups they sell at Costco, so she may have no other alternative.


And for the record, for this first stash, we did what was mentioned earlier in the thread and found a sale at Kohls and used one of their Kohls cash coupons.


A big container of Folger's, which is what we drank prior to the Keurig, is up to about $11. That probably lasted us 2-3 weeks. The Keurig is undoubtedly more expensive, but one of the benefits that's come from it as that I'm drinking far less coffee. We were drinking too much and we were also wasting a lot. Every morning before work, we would inevitably pour leftover coffee down the drain. And on weekends, I'd make a 12-cup pot and drink the whole thing (mind you, a "cup" is not a regular cup of coffee, so I wasn't really drinking 12 cups ... but it was at least 5) and that is very unhealthy.


And the overall quality of the coffee is just better. The Tulley's that JR mentioned is very good, as are many other brands. Since I'm not really picky, I will continue to just get what's on sale. My wife likes the Donut Shop stuff, which is a little more expensive. But she drinks one cup/day on average, where I drink 2/day on average. I've gotten the Price Chopper and Hannaford brand K-cups and enjoyed them thoroughly.


The convenience is great, as well as the efficiency. I acutally like the thing quite a bit.


there was actually a study done recently that linked those who drink MORE than 6 cups of coffee a day with drastically REDUCED chances/levels of certain cancers (testicular, colon, and something else)


so I wouldnt rush to judgments about coffee being unhealthy (unless of course you load your coffee with cream and sugar, then yes, its unhealthy - but be a man and drink it black!!) : )


there was actually a study done recently that linked those who drink MORE than 6 cups of coffee a day with drastically REDUCED chances/levels of certain cancers (testicular, colon, and something else)


so I wouldnt rush to judgments about coffee being unhealthy (unless of course you load your coffee with cream and sugar, then yes, its unhealthy - but be a man and drink it black!!) : )

I like my coffee black, like my President.


And I normally drink coffee throughout the day at work. I used to drink 6+ cups/day, but I don't think I've done that in quite a while.


I'm in the opposite situation. I don't drink coffee but the soon to be wife does. We got one of these things for Christmas and once we heard about the reusable filter we bought one. We've also loaded up on a bunch of the standard cups through random sales. So far, she said she isn't too crazy about the reusable one because the coffee has come out weak and she doesn't know how much to put it (that's what she gets for throwing out the directions).


As for me, I've tried some of the random non-coffee ones. I have a box of apple cider that is decent. The next one will be hot chocolate, but we haven't found a good deal on those yet. I'm not much of a hot drink drinker in general, but we have the machine, I'm damn well going to use it.


Solving weak coffee with the reusable should be simple - put more coffee in! All the pre-measured ones calling themselves "extra bold" just mean that they use slightly more coffee in the cup than others. I like pretty strong coffe and the reusable has worked well for me - Peet's french roast - wow that stuff is awesome! I'm glad I have the reusuable system - it slows me down just a bit - if I was just dropping in a new cup every time I'd probably drink WAAAYY too much - when I first got the machine it was too easy to drink 6 cups a day - gotta limit that.


I can't drink it black...for 24 ounces I use 2 splendas and 4 of those little creamers




there was actually a study done recently that linked those who drink MORE than 6 cups of coffee a day with drastically REDUCED chances/levels of certain cancers (testicular, colon, and something else)


so I wouldnt rush to judgments about coffee being unhealthy (unless of course you load your coffee with cream and sugar, then yes, its unhealthy - but be a man and drink it black!!) : )




Once we run out of our first stash of cups, I bet she changes her mind. For whatever reason, she didn't seem too crazy about buying one of those crates of 1000 cups they sell at Costco, so she may have no other alternative.


And for the record, for this first stash, we did what was mentioned earlier in the thread and found a sale at Kohls and used one of their Kohls cash coupons.


LoL... I am with you brother! But they have ways to make their life convenient! ;-) ;-) Hide the checkbook!


I suppose those single serve, pitch and be done K-Cups are awesome! If people are in a rush, they probably could get a few refillables and preload them?




there was actually a study done recently that linked those who drink MORE than 6 cups of coffee a day with drastically REDUCED chances/levels of certain cancers (testicular, colon, and something else)


so I wouldnt rush to judgments about coffee being unhealthy (unless of course you load your coffee with cream and sugar, then yes, its unhealthy - but be a man and drink it black!!) : )


I was reading somewhere that there is something like 500+ chemical compounds in brewed coffee? Not all of them can be studied?


Can that be true... Maybe I misread it... ??




Solving weak coffee with the reusable should be simple - put more coffee in! All the pre-measured ones calling themselves "extra bold" just mean that they use slightly more coffee in the cup than others. I like pretty strong coffe and the reusable has worked well for me - Peet's french roast - wow that stuff is awesome! I'm glad I have the reusuable system - it slows me down just a bit - if I was just dropping in a new cup every time I'd probably drink WAAAYY too much - when I first got the machine it was too easy to drink 6 cups a day - gotta limit that.


Exactly! About putting more or less coffee in... Can't be rocket science, they would never make any money. That is why I used the term "windage." A little less, a little more... Mark it with a Sharpie! ;-)

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