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Women delivering newspapers in Torrance shot in manhunt for ex-cop


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Dornan was in the military maybe he transferred that It's okay to treat the enemy any way you like mentality onto the LAPD - I mean once you describe people as the enemy you can torture them or kill them, desecrate their bodies, burn them with white phosphor.and if you kill a few or a lot of women, children or other civilians well that's war damn it, or if you are a right wing real he man American you can stay state side and lament just not nuking their whole countries- dehumanizing the enemy is a great strategy just better hope none of the returning vets ever get it in their minds that you are the sub-human enemy.


You are one miserable pos.

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Dornan was in the military maybe he transferred that It's okay to treat the enemy any way you like mentality onto the LAPD - I mean once you describe people as the enemy you can torture them or kill them, desecrate their bodies, burn them with white phosphor.and if you kill a few or a lot of women, children or other civilians well that's war damn it, or if you are a right wing real he man American you can stay state side and lament just not nuking their whole countries- dehumanizing the enemy is a great strategy just better hope none of the returning vets ever get it in their minds that you are the sub-human enemy.


More likely he picked it up FROM the LAPD.


And you have a seriously warped, insular world-view.

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