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Women delivering newspapers in Torrance shot in manhunt for ex-cop


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The police are definitely sketched out by this guy. They're freaking...


In any event...sort of strange to see such open hate for all police in this thread and tying this into an anti-gun control topic along with making it partisan. Just affirms why this board is at times entertaining but also completely pathetic most of the time...


You can say that again.

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I guess they know where the dude is now. He was "hiding" less than 200 yards from the Command Post they set up in Big Bear.


Supposedly he tied up a couple in their cabin and one escaped and called the police.


All those Dorner supporters on twitter can go to hell.

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One can only hope. He killed another officer in a shootout today. There was word he had two people in the cabin with him.


Some local news were reporting that Dorner supporters were showing up with signs today.

Pity, I was hoping he'd get an invite from Maxine Waters before all this...

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not seeing anything on twitter did they go into that house or fire a bomb in there?

They used tear gas, wanted to go in before the sun could set. Once he went into an empty house that guy was never leaving alive.

Edited by We Come In Peace
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With years to plan an asymmetric campaign where by definition his strongest assets are mobility and concealment, and knowing that if he's cornered the entire world is coming down on his head, he goes and gets himself pinned down in a cabin with no escape?


I'm disappointed. I thought Navy SEALS were trained better than that.

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With years to plan an asymmetric campaign where by definition his strongest assets are mobility and concealment, and knowing that if he's cornered the entire world is coming down on his head, he goes and gets himself pinned down in a cabin with no escape?


I'm disappointed. I thought Navy SEALS were trained better than that.

Apparently Navy reservists aren't. Dorner was known to be a pretty literal guy, so maybe the cabin was asymmetrically L-shaped. Or maybe the asymmetric campaign he mentioned was all subterfuge and he intended to hide in a cabin all along. Pretty sneaky.

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What a bunch of !@#$ing morons. A young couple lost their lives.


Seriously !@#$ing morons.





Funny how one person made the Django reference, but the headline references "CNN Panelists."


Anyone peeking in on HuffPost or DailyKos clearly sees the libs cheering on Dornan's cop-killing. That they compare it to an exciting movie should surprise no one.

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Dornan was in the military maybe he transferred that It's okay to treat the enemy any way you like mentality onto the LAPD - I mean once you describe people as the enemy you can torture them or kill them, desecrate their bodies, burn them with white phosphor.and if you kill a few or a lot of women, children or other civilians well that's war damn it, or if you are a right wing real he man American you can stay state side and lament just not nuking their whole countries- dehumanizing the enemy is a great strategy just better hope none of the returning vets ever get it in their minds that you are the sub-human enemy.

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Dornan was in the military maybe he transferred that It's okay to treat the enemy any way you like mentality onto the LAPD - I mean once you describe people as the enemy you can torture them or kill them, desecrate their bodies, burn them with white phosphor.and if you kill a few or a lot of women, children or other civilians well that's war damn it, or if you are a right wing real he man American you can stay state side and lament just not nuking their whole countries- dehumanizing the enemy is a great strategy just better hope none of the returning vets ever get it in their minds that you are the sub-human enemy.


Interesting. !@#$ing asshat.

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