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Controversial Commercials - Know of Any?


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In the spirit of this year's commercials that the PC folks are actively trying to have banned from the airwaves because they hate freedom and creativity, anyone know of any uber-controversial commercials that fell victim to some interest group that was offended?


If you're unfamiliar with what I'm referring to, some lefty feminists are frustrated about that very well executed Audi commercial last night:




It reminds me of this brilliant Nike commercial that ran during Superbowl XXXIV that feminists successfully forced Nike to pull:



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What was wrong with that commercial?


I believe that the official line was that is played on the victimization of women, encourages violence towards women, and portrays women as weak, scared and defenseless.


I'm not sure who would look like anything other than scared and defenseless if someone was wielding a chainsaw in their direction, but no matter.


The advertisement ran for one night during the Olympics (I remembered it being during the Superbowl but that was 13 years ago) and then was pulled. I saw it when it aired live and thought it was a brilliant concept.


I guess that you can't make an ad with a woman being kissed, lusted over, chased, stared at, laughed at, stereotyped, etc. EVEN IF the advertisement empowers women and pokes fun at the individual doing the lusting, chasing, stereotyping, etc.


I just don't get how these retailers can fold to the pressure of groups to pull ads when the groups complaining traditionally are not even their target demographic:









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