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QB Matchmaker (bucky brooks article)

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This whole Wilson has big hands and Wilson has small hands thing is making me dizzy, time to start using first initials or initials in general, i.e. RW has big hands, TW has small hands (and no I'm not referring to ralphie, who is still cheap, but lovable).


Hey, does anyone know what Russ Brandon's salary is (assuming ralph is cheap)?

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This whole Wilson has big hands and Wilson has small hands thing is making me dizzy, time to start using first initials or initials in general, i.e. RW has big hands, TW has small hands (and no I'm not referring to ralphie, who is still cheap, but lovable).


Hey, does anyone know what Russ Brandon's salary is (assuming ralph is cheap)?


Russ Brandon's salary? No.


But I hear he has small hands.

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What is the issue that bothers you about the size of his hands? How has it affected his game so far? If you prefer Manuel over Wilson because of his upside I can understand your position. But the hand issue has me perplexed? There is a good possibility that Nix passed on Russell Wilson in the third round because of his height. That was a mistake. The game tapes are more reliable clues to success than most physical traits and measurables.


Hey John... :D


Well...It's rarely raining and 30 degrees during football season in the SEC...You can watch a ton of film on Tyler Wilson, it's not going to test his hand size much...Hand size is important with a QB...Maybe even more so than height IMHO...It directly effects the way the QB can spin the ball, and hold on to the ball, especially in bad weather...


Russell Wilson was a really rare situation that Nix just blew...RW may have been small height-wise, but he has HUGE hands (10 1/4)...And his College resume was ultra-impressive...Watch the way Russell can spin that ball even in the rain...Hand size matters...Again, IMHO, Tyler Wilson is no where near the prospect Russell Wilson was...And Tyler Wilson's hands are REAL small...The average hand size of NFL QB's is 9 1/2"...Wilson's hands are an inch smaller than average...It will make a difference in his accuracy in in-climate weather...And it will be tougher for him to hold on to the ball when he's hit no matter what the weather is like...


Sorry to disagree with those who think this hand-size thing is a joke...And I could end up being dead wrong about Tyler Wilson...But I simply think hand-size will be an issue when you play 10 out of 16 games in NY, NE, or NJ...I'll go on record right now and say I would pass on Tyler Wilson...And just to compare the two, I wanted Russell Wilson in the worst way...I especially would not Draft Tyler Wilson at #8 overall...No way...If the Bills Draft him I hope I'm wrong...And I don't hate Tyler Wilson...I just think he's not a great match for Buffalo...That's all...


And finally yes, I like Manuel better due to his upside and athletic ability...Plus he's got size 10 1/8 hands... ;)

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Hey John... :D


Well...It's rarely raining and 30 degrees during football season in the SEC...You can watch a ton of film on Tyler Wilson, it's not going to test his hand size much...Hand size is important with a QB...Maybe even more so than height IMHO...It directly effects the way the QB can spin the ball, and hold on to the ball, especially in bad weather...


Russell Wilson was a really rare situation that Nix just blew...RW may have been small height-wise, but he has HUGE hands (10 1/4)...And his College resume was ultra-impressive...Watch the way Russell can spin that ball even in the rain...Hand size matters...Again, IMHO, Tyler Wilson is no where near the prospect Russell Wilson was...And Tyler Wilson's hands are REAL small...The average hand size of NFL QB's is 9 1/2"...Wilson's hands are an inch smaller than average...It will make a difference in his accuracy in in-climate weather...And it will be tougher for him to hold on to the ball when he's hit no matter what the weather is like...


Sorry to disagree with those who think this hand-size thing is a joke...And I could end up being dead wrong about Tyler Wilson...But I simply think hand-size will be an issue when you play 10 out of 16 games in NY, NE, or NJ...I'll go on record right now and say I would pass on Tyler Wilson...And just to compare the two, I wanted Russell Wilson in the worst way...I especially would not Draft Tyler Wilson at #8 overall...No way...If the Bills Draft him I hope I'm wrong...And I don't hate Tyler Wilson...I just think he's not a great match for Buffalo...That's all...


And finally yes, I like Manuel better due to his upside and athletic ability...Plus he's got size 10 1/8 hands... ;)


The qb evaluation process is in a very early stage. Let's just wait and see how it plays out. I'm not fixated on any one player, although at this stage I do have some soft preferences.


The hand size issue makes no sense to me with respect to Tyler Wilson. If a player had small hands and had a tendency to fumble the ball then that issue certainly becomes relevant. Apparently a number of teams were wary of Russell Wilson's height despite the fact that it was never a problem when he played. There were much taller qbs who had problems getting their passes knocked down at the line of scrimmage because of their low throwing point. That wasn't a factor for Russell because he compensated with a higher throwing point. My point is why make an issue out of something that isn't an issue?


Sometimes scouts make mistakes they shouldn't make because they over think an issue. Instead of stereotyping players because of certain physical traits it is simply more useful to just watch how a player plays. It is much better to trust your eyes than refer back to one's prejudices. Don't get caught up in phony issues like he plays in hot or cold climates. That issue is a distraction from the core issue i.e. can the player play. There are people who discount qbs who play at certain schools such as USC. That is utterly stupid. There are good and not so good players who have quaterbacked for USC.


As I have already stated the assessment of the qb prospects is a very long and challenging process. What is up now may be down later. Let's be patient and not lock into a position that will probably change as the process unfolds.

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The qb evaluation process is in a very early stage. Let's just wait and see how it plays out. I'm not fixated on any one player, although at this stage I do have some soft preferences.


The hand size issue makes no sense to me with respect to Tyler Wilson. If a player had small hands and had a tendency to fumble the ball then that issue certainly becomes relevant. Apparently a number of teams were wary of Russell Wilson's height despite the fact that it was never a problem when he played. There were much taller qbs who had problems getting their passes knocked down at the line of scrimmage because of their low throwing point. That wasn't a factor for Russell because he compensated with a higher throwing point. My point is why make an issue out of something that isn't an issue?


Sometimes scouts make mistakes they shouldn't make because they over think an issue. Instead of stereotyping players because of certain physical traits it is simply more useful to just watch how a player plays. It is much better to trust your eyes than refer back to one's prejudices. Don't get caught up in phony issues like he plays in hot or cold climates. That issue is a distraction from the core issue i.e. can the player play. There are people who discount qbs who play at certain schools such as USC. That is utterly stupid. There are good and not so good players who have quaterbacked for USC.


As I have already stated the assessment of the qb prospects is a very long and challenging process. What is up now may be down later. Let's be patient and not lock into a position that will probably change as the process unfolds.


Fair enough John...


No question if I was sold on T. Wilson like I was on R. Wilson the hands issue would not be as big a deal...I lived in Charlotte NC for 20 years, I saw a TON of R. Wilson from his Freshman year...I always loved the kid...Then what he did in one year at Wisconsin was really amazing...To be honest I did not think too much about the whole Scouting process with R. Wilson because I was pretty convinced he was a special, special individual...


Conversely, I've followed T. Wilson's career from 2010 on because I was so concerned with watching Ryan Mallet at Arkansas...Can you tell I've never been a Fitz guy?... :lol: While I've been impressed with T. Wilson at times, IMHO there is a MAJOR gap between him and Russell...So while I do still believe in my "hands" thing to a point, there is no question if I felt more comfortable with T. Wilson's game overall, the hands issue would easily melt away...And I agree that Wilson has shown the ability to hang on to the ball fairly well up to this point...But what I don't get from watching Tyler over these three years is the feeling that he's got any kind of x factor so-to-speak...I feel the same way about Nassib...I like these kids, but I'm not of the opinion that they are going to turn into Top 10 QB's in the NFL...Maybe Top 15...So...Anyway...


Like I said this is just my opinion...What I see with my own two eyes and there is no question I've been wrong before...But in the same way I would never give Fitz the benefit of the doubt due to consistency, I'm going to have to see T. Wilson do it in the NFL and prove me wrong...And if he's the Bills guy there is no question I'll be pulling for him, and those small hands, to make me look foolish... B-)

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Fair enough John...


No question if I was sold on T. Wilson like I was on R. Wilson the hands issue would not be as big a deal...I lived in Charlotte NC for 20 years, I saw a TON of R. Wilson from his Freshman year...I always loved the kid...Then what he did in one year at Wisconsin was really amazing...To be honest I did not think too much about the whole Scouting process with R. Wilson because I was pretty convinced he was a special, special individual...


Conversely, I've followed T. Wilson's career from 2010 on because I was so concerned with watching Ryan Mallet at Arkansas...Can you tell I've never been a Fitz guy?... :lol: While I've been impressed with T. Wilson at times, IMHO there is a MAJOR gap between him and Russell...So while I do still believe in my "hands" thing to a point, there is no question if I felt more comfortable with T. Wilson's game overall, the hands issue would easily melt away...And I agree that Wilson has shown the ability to hang on to the ball fairly well up to this point...But what I don't get from watching Tyler over these three years is the feeling that he's got any kind of x factor so-to-speak...I feel the same way about Nassib...I like these kids, but I'm not of the opinion that they are going to turn into Top 10 QB's in the NFL...Maybe Top 15...So...Anyway...


Like I said this is just my opinion...What I see with my own two eyes and there is no question I've been wrong before...But in the same way I would never give Fitz the benefit of the doubt due to consistency, I'm going to have to see T. Wilson do it in the NFL and prove me wrong...And if he's the Bills guy there is no question I'll be pulling for him, and those small hands, to make me look foolish... B-)



With respect to Fitz Nix should have been the first person Brandon ordered to leave the premises once he took over. It's not even worth discussing how an organization could conclude Fitz as being a legitimate starter in this league. It's simply embarrassing and a reflection how shoddy this organization had become. What was worse than having Fitz as a starter is not finding a reasonable prospect or replacement in the pipeline for the team's so called franchise qb in three years.


I don't want to over sell Tyler Wilson as an elite prospect. He's not. I'm not sure there is an elite prospect in this year's draft. But he is better than how he has demonstrated this year. The Arkansas program was subjected to some turmoil due to the ignominious departure of their former sleaseball HC, Petrino. Petrino might not have much in the way of moral character but he does know how to coach up qbs. In addition, TW was plagued with some lingering injury problems.


As I stated in the prior postings the qb evaluation process is in an early stage. So it would be premature to make conclusions so early in the process. Although I'm aware that there aren't any obvious elite prospects that doesn't mean that there aren't a number of very good prospects in this draft.Were Kaepernick or Russell Wilson considered elite prospects when they were beting vetted?


Repeating (ad nauseum) what I have said before there is no excuse for not coming out of this draft with a legitimate qb prospect. Nix boxed this franchise into this dire situation because he failed to pull the trigger when reasonable options were available. Instead he took questionable players who may be serviceable at best.


Getting a good qb in this draft might not immediately translate into wins but it could change the dynamic and energize a very staid franchise. Hope might not turn into success but at least it is something positive.

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Best prospect IMO. If Nix thinks he's the guy, he'll have to trade up to get him. I don't see him falling past Arizona. The Chiefs may even take him #1 overall.


I was hoping he could come out last year. Tyler has the potential to be a very, very, good QB. WORLDS away from a kid like Nassib, who, IMO, has the most meager talent of any QB in this draft.

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I was hoping he could come out last year. Tyler has the potential to be a very, very, good QB. WORLDS away from a kid like Nassib, who, IMO, has the most meager talent of any QB in this draft.


That said, I'd still go D in the first, AND second round. Tyler Wilson is a great prospect. -Marcus Mariota is an even better one. Well worth the wait, IMO.

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Hmm aren't Fitz's hands small too? I actually don't like Bucky's opinions about why who should go where to "fit" much. I think the coaches and GMs are always the ones who decide this stuff, for better or worse. That throws a wrench in it every time. And I truly doubt we go QB at 8 (at this point).

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