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Anyone catch this show last night? DVRd and watched it today. As a member of the military during the cold war I found it interesting. Kerri Russell ain't bad on the eyes either.

Posted (edited)

It was pretty good, i actually enjoyed It? Will definitely be giving it a spot on the DVR.


One thing that bothered me: the show primarily takes place in 1981, and I would say Keri Russell and husband are about 40 at most. So the flashback where she gets assaulted by the captain in the trunk is in 1960, which would make her what, 18, 19? But she looks the exact same, that scene could of happened the day before.


However, the placement of "Roller" by April Wine totally makes up for it!

Edited by TheMadCap

It was pretty good, i actually enjoyed It? Will definitely be giving it a spot on the DVR.


One thing that bothered me: the show primarily takes place in 1981, and I would say Keri Russell and husband are about 40 at most. So the flashback where she gets assaulted by the captain in the trunk is in 1960, which would make her what, 18, 19? But she looks the exact same, that scene could of happened the day before.


However, the placement of "Roller" by April Wine totally makes up for it!

I definitely agree on the age thing. I just chose to ignore it. :nana:


The music made me smile. The show opened with Quarterflash's "Harden My Heart". I remember their base drum had a picture of a quarter with Washington wearing sunglasses. So 80s. Then during the chase scene following that, Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk" was blaring. That was AWESOME.


I'll be watching. Gotta see if Dr. Jenner can figure this out. Okay, I'll stop doing that.


Just finished watching. Seems alright thus far. I will give it a few more weeks to see how it moves along. I remember being very iffy on Justified for the first 3-5 episodes before it really took off.


I liked it a lot, but I'm not hyper-critical when it comes to these things. I thought it was well done.


I also noticed the flashback scenes lacked the youthful appearance one would expect, but I just shrugged it off.

Posted (edited)

For a show that takes place in 1981, everybody seems to have 2013 haircuts and clothes.


Agreed. They throw in a couple 80s fashion nods but mostly dress and style everyone pretty modern. 95% of the era setting is spent on cars.


I'm OK with it. I like the premise a lot. Def in for a few more episodes.

Edited by John Adams
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