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I see what you mean, the NRA has made it so easy for criminals, crazy people and sleep walkers to get guns that you would assume any criminal that breaks in somewhere would have one


How has the NRS made it easier for criminals to get guns. You said indirectly. Explain yourself.


NRS? What's that? The Natural Ragtime Society?


No seriously, you know what lobbying is, right?


So there is lobby to get guns in the hands of criminals?


NRS? What's that? The Natural Ragtime Society?


No seriously, you know what lobbying is, right?


The NRA's lobbying for criminals to get guns?


Indirectly. This is politics lets remember. And not just criminals but insane people


So walk us through how the NRA is indirectly responsible for criminals getting guns.


So walk us through how the NRA is indirectly responsible for criminals getting guns.


It's not indirectly, actually. It's directly.


You see, what they do is sell guns to Mexican drug cartels in an effort to locate the cartels by tracking the guns, but then they lose track of the guns until they're discovered to be the guns used by the cartels to murder border patrol agents.


Oh, wait. NRA?


I'm sorry. I thought you meant the WH and ATF.


My bad.


It's not indirectly, actually. It's directly.


You see, what they do is sell guns to Mexican drug cartels in an effort to locate the cartels by tracking the guns, but then they lose track of the guns until they're discovered to be the guns used by the cartels to murder border patrol agents.


Oh, wait. NRA?


I'm sorry. I thought you meant the WH and ATF.


My bad.


Yeah, but at least that's hilarious...


What do you need to know about opposing stronger gun laws?


Stronger gun laws. That's the gatorman answer.


Because who isn't impressed with how effective the strongest gun laws work in Chicago.


What do you need to know about opposing stronger gun laws?


So stronger gun laws are going to keep the hands out of criminals? I think you need to look up the definition of criminal.




You mean like in the UK? They have stronger gun laws and a whole lot fewer gun deaths




How are you going to restrict guns to the criminals? Sorry man, the guns are here. How do you recommend getting guns off the streets that are already there?


And you do realize that there is still a ton of violent crime in the UK. By some accounts there are more violent crime.




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