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I saw this article and it reminded me of Birdog's contention (in another thread) that Obama's gun control efforts enjoyed overwhelming public support.


And I'm sure in birddog's little corner of the world, it does. Reminds me of Christmas dinner with my sisters, when Newtown of course was a topic of conversation. They were likewise befuddled about why the US doesn't have sweeping gun bans in this country, since everyone they know (98% of whom live in either the northeast cities/surburbs or the west coast) agrees with them and almost no one they know owns a gun.


did anyone catch this in the opening paragraph?


"On Flag Day growing up, I used to always wave a flag with my GRANDSON, and it hit me that the victims of that horrible tragedy won't ever be able to do that," said Curtis Lewis, the group's gun violence prevention coordinator.



I wonder if he's the same guy that called into Hannity's show a few years ago and argued global warming with him. It got around to what type of car the caller drove and he said that it was a "Honda Prius".


And now, the anti-gun folks under Mike Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns would like to take a moment to read the names of all gun victims since Newtown.


Mayors Against Illegal Guns? Really? There's a gutsy stand. "We support keeping illegal that which is against the law!"




Mayors Against Illegal Guns? Really? There's a gutsy stand. "We support keeping illegal that which is against the law!"




I'm just surprised they weren't called Mayors against Undocumented Guns.



wasn't showing prejudice towards west virginians i was disparaging the kind of person that uses the term "war of northern aggression". but if you want to continue to argue your chosen point, w virginia borders kentucky and virginia and is quite close to tennessee. there were people on both sides from all of those states in the civil war, regardless of the side their state legislators chose. so, yeah, there were confederate w virginians.


and, btw, in regards to the op ed, the displaying of the stars and bars and the possible reasons for doing so are quite relevant.

I think you'd do well to pack your carpet bags and head back north. I imagine you'll find more people who are sympathetic to your ways.


This just in...



Mustafa Sheffield picked the wrong guy to try and rob.


Sheffield entered the shop that pays cash for gold and threatened to shoot the owners family if he didn’t fill up his backpack with money.


After filling the backpack the crook began to run away but the owner pulled out a gun and shot him one time.


Sheffield made it out of the store but died a short time later at a local hospital. Newark, New Jersey police say the action looks like a simple case of self defense but the district attorney’s office will more than likely take a look before closing the case. There were no other injurie

Posted (edited)

This just in, too...



Police with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said a homeowner shot and killed two would-be robbers during a home invasion Wednesday night.

The shooting happened at a home on Oak Water Drive in the Holly Oaks area, just east of Regency.

There were six people inside the home watching a movie about 11 p.m. when they heard someone at the front door.

"Not even two seconds later, the door is getting kicked in and someone's yelling, 'Get on the ground, get on the ground, shut up,'" said one of the men inside the home, who did not want to be identified. "By the time I jump to the floor, my life flashes beneath my eyes. I hear a bunch of gunshots. I don't know who's shooting, and then silence."

He said they jumped to the ground and remained there for about one minute.

"I look up and there's a man on the ground and everyone else is on the ground doing the same thing I am, slowly looking up. To my amazement, my best friend Tommy saved our lives," said the witness.

The man named Tommy lived at the home and grabbed his 9mm from his bedroom when the intruders broke in.

"One of them looked like a sawed-off shotgun, the other looked like an AK-47 or similar-type of assault rifle," another witness said. "I think one of them had a pistol."

The witness said he only saw two intruders but supposedly there were three. The first robbery suspect who died -- later identified as 24-year-old Aaron Antwan Harris (pictured, right from 2011 booking photo) -- was transported to the Medical Examiner's Office. Harris was arrested in 2011 on a charge of driving without a license. He was also convicted of burglary in Georgia in 2006 and sentenced to 10 years of probation.

Edited by LABillzFan

You've left out the one crucial bit of information that will allow us to determine who the real victim/victims here are. What was the racial makeup of everyone involved?


And who held the Skittles. It's all about the mother!@#$ing Skittles, man...


And who held the Skittles. It's all about the mother!@#$ing Skittles, man...


So now you're just completely ignoring the iced tea?




So now you're just completely ignoring the iced tea?




I thought the same thing until I had an epithany and realized that "ice tea" was just another word for watermellon and fried chicken. I chose not to comment, so I wouldn't get the vacation you might see.


So now you're just completely ignoring the iced tea?




What part of "It's all about the mother!@#$ing Skittles, man..." did you not understand? You think Al Sharpton protests for iced tea? You think the Black Panthers put out a bounty because of a hoodie?


Of course not. It's the Skittles.


What part of "It's all about the mother!@#$ing Skittles, man..." did you not understand? You think Al Sharpton protests for iced tea? You think the Black Panthers put out a bounty because of a hoodie?


Of course not. It's the Skittles.


Ever noticed that there are no black Skittles....


Welcome To The Police-Industrial Complex.


“Want to make money on the drug war? Start a company that builds military equipment, then sell that gear to local police departments.


Thanks to the generation-long trend toward more militarized police forces, there’s now massive and growing market for private companies to outfit your neighborhood cops with gear that’s more appropriate for a battlefield.”




What part of "It's all about the mother!@#$ing Skittles, man..." did you not understand? You think Al Sharpton protests for iced tea? You think the Black Panthers put out a bounty because of a hoodie?


Of course not. It's the Skittles.




Al Sharpton is nothing more than a scum-sucking skittles-baiter. Jesse Jackson, in the above photograph, is giving an emotional speech to his congregation on the virtues of iced tea, and how Trayvon was unfairly profiled, discriminated against and ultimately murdered by a wannabe coca-cola employee and iced tea bigot.

  • 4 weeks later...




Successes in Colorado Sheriffs’ Second Amendment case


David Kopel • July 15, 2013 6:20 pm


This post provides an update on last week’s developments in Cooke et al. v. Hickenlooper. This is a lawsuit filed May 17 in federal District Court in Denver, challenging two gun laws enacted by the state legislature in March. In the case, I represent 55 of Colorado’s 62 elected Sheriffs, plus one retired police officer. Other plaintiffs, with their own attorneys, include the Colorado Farm Bureau, Outdoor Buddies (which helps disabled people participate in outdoor sports), the Colorado Outfitters Association (trade association for hunting guides), federally-licensed firearms dealers, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and others. We argue that House Bill 1224 (magazine ban) and House Bill 1229 (background checks and paperwork on temporary loans and private sales of firearms) violate the Second and Fourteenth Amendment, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


On June 12, we filed a motion for a preliminary injunction on two narrow issues in the magazine ban.


1. The magazine ban outlaws magazines which accept more than 15 rounds of ammunition. The ban also applies to magazines which are “designed to be readily converted” to hold more than 15. We argued that the “designed” language was unconstitutionally vague, in violation of the 14th Amendment, and to the extent that the language had any clear meaning, it violated the Second Amendment.


2. To qualify for grandfathering, a person must fulfill two requirements. First: own the magazine on July 1. Second: maintain “continuous possession” thereafter. We argued that “continuous possession” was unconstitutionally vague, and that what meaning it did have (according to the Attorney General) violated the Second Amendment.


On the eve of the July 10 preliminary injunction hearing, the plaintiffs’ attorneys and the Colorado Attorney General’s office reached an agreement which resulted in new Technical Guidance being published by the Attorney General on July 10. The new guidance leaves these two phrases with little, if any, continuing legal effect. It fully addresses all issues for which the plaintiffs had sought a preliminary injunction, and provides a satisfactory resolution of those issues, until trial on the merits, which will probably take place in late 2013 or early 2014.


On “designed to be readily converted,” we moved from the standard of March 14 (lead sponsor says that all magazines with removable base plates will be illegal) to the July 10 Technical Guidance declaring that none of them are illegal.


On “continuous possession,” we began with the Attorney General’s May Technical Guidance stating that a grandfathered owner could allow another person to hold a grandfathered magazine only if the grandfathered owner remained in the “continual physical presence” of the magazine. Plaintiffs argued that this was plainly unconstitutional, since it criminalized leaving a magazine overnight with a gunsmith for repair, and forbade a father to allow his daughter to use the magazine for lawful self-defense, unless the father were present. The July 10 Technical Guidance now says that “continuous possession” is broken only if the grandfathered owner “voluntarily relinquishes dominion.” (That is, gives up ownership rights.)


All the major court filings in the case are available at coloradoguncase.org. Below is a timeline of the various developments, along with links to cited documents.

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