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Soy sauce and Underwear


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No, it's just that scientists agree that there isn't a gay gene. The causes are still somewhat of a mystery--it seems to still be biological, just not genetic. Not that it really matters. The important point is that it should not be viewed as a defect.


None of that stuff is a defect. It is just never totally identical. Gay/Straight, left handed/right handed, different fingerprints, hair color, eye color whatever. I think some sets are only twins at night.


I remember these chicks from high school. One of them was this straight laced type and was a brunette. The other was sort of a rebel and was blonde with this braided pony tail thing which was actually sort of purpleish. They did not get along, especially in certain situations if you know what I mean. Geez, there was enough of me to go around.


Anyway, at our 10 year reunion the blonde chick was pretty normal but she was a brunette and the brunette chick was a little wacky and now she was a red head. I know it seems weird but they were definitely identical twins.

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But other traits also differ in identical twins. For instance some have different colored hair. Does that mean hair color is not genetic?


No. Defects can occur AFTER identical twins separate from fertilized egg so that does not prove anything including being gay being caused by or NOT being caused by birth defect.

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None of that stuff is a defect. It is just never totally identical. Gay/Straight, left handed/right handed, different fingerprints, hair color, eye color whatever. I think some sets are only twins at night.


I remember these chicks from high school. One of them was this straight laced type and was a brunette. The other was sort of a rebel and was blonde with this braided pony tail thing which was actually sort of purpleish. They did not get along, especially in certain situations if you know what I mean. Geez, there was enough of me to go around.


Anyway, at our 10 year reunion the blonde chick was pretty normal but she was a brunette and the brunette chick was a little wacky and now she was a red head. I know it seems weird but they were definitely identical twins.

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No. Defects can occur AFTER identical twins separate from fertilized egg so that does not prove anything including being gay being caused by or NOT being caused by birth defect.


What does that even mean? Identical twins have lots of stuff that is different. I am not aware of any having the same fingerprints, not that I know everything. Also, lots of them have different eye color, hair color, skin tone, handedness, etc. Are blue eyes a birth defect? I would say no. I wouldn't call being gay a birth defect any more than blue eyes. I would say it it definitely not a birth defect. If you want you can call just about anything a birth defect because nobody is perfect. I say you draw the line where something makes it difficult do survive without outside assistance. Blue eyes or being gay do not do that.


One dude I know had this big birth mark like worse than Drew Brees and his identical twin brother didn't have it at all. They tried to mess with their teachers one time by using make-up but that didn't work because the one kid started sweating and his fake birth mark was dripping. It sounded really funny but I didn't see it because I was in the other kid's class. He didn't sweat at all so I guess pores aren't genetic either.

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Heck, many people (most people?) still use "gay" and variations thereof as a pejorative.


"Brady's such a fag."


And many people will defend the use of that phrase by the merit that it's all in good fun. But I bet they wouldn't defend "Brady's such a nig." Call it dissimilar if you want, but the commonly held belief by bigots was that black athletes were physically, mentally and emotionally inferior to white athletes.


I rarely use "gay" as a pejorative. I have found however that I actually do use it fairly often when I talk about Brady. I think it is due to the juxtaposition between the NFL player stereotype of being manly men....and the gay man stereotype of being less manly than normal and somewhat feminine.


I think the usage in Brady's case is quite dissimilar to simply disliking something and calling it gay.

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Jesus Christ guys they were fighting over soy sauce and underwear and this becomes a thread about gays??


I agree but I already said that and was ignored. I am interested in the twin angle though. The whole thing is just weird to me. It started with somebody saying some twins are gay/straight combos but then I added that there are other differences too. I don't know if you read about the birth mark guy but the funny part I forgot to add was that the twin that did not have the birth mark was named Drew. It was before Drew Brees was famous but I just find it funny looking back. The kids called his brother Gordie or Gorbie or something which I don't get because his real name was Tim.


Anyway, you're the supposed chef. As long as you're in this thread why don't you start talking about soy sauce?

Edited by 4merper4mer
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I agree but I already said that and was ignored. I am interested in the twin angle though. The whole thing is just weird to me. It started with somebody saying some twins are gay/straight combos but then I added that there are other differences too. I don't know if you read about the birth mark guy but the funny part I forgot to add was that the twin that did not have the birth mark was named Drew. It was before Drew Brees was famous but I just find it funny looking back. The kids called him Gordie or Gorbie or something which I don't get.


Anyway, you're the supposed chef. As long as you're in this thread why don't you start talking about soy sauce?


As far as I'm aware....with recent discoveries in how genetics work....and please don't take this as gospel as I am purely working from memory.....

It seems that certain genetic traits can be switched on and switched off based upon environmental effects on grandparents, parents, & mother while pregnant.

This explains things like why after only a couple of generations of eating more red meat the average height of a group of people increases.


With the mysteries of genetics still largely being a mystery, I think it is too early to claim that homosexuality is not genetically linked......though I personally think it unlikely to be so(based upon certain anthropological studies on animals).

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Tons of marketing deals for being gay? Treated like a hero? Which advertisers do you think would flock to such a person?


Pats fans were mocking Torrey Smith over his dead brother!


See Jeremy Lin. A gay man who could play in the NFL would be a huge (richard) slap in the face to the effeminate gay man stereotype. I'm sure a rainbow glowstick company would pay top dollar for him to endorse their products.

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Jeremy Lin is gay???? When did he announce that?


See Jeremy Lin. A gay man who could play in the NFL would be a huge (richard) slap in the face to the effeminate gay man stereotype. I'm sure a rainbow glowstick company would pay top dollar for him to endorse their products.

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See Jeremy Lin. A gay man who could play in the NFL would be a huge (richard) slap in the face to the effeminate gay man stereotype. I'm sure a rainbow glowstick company would pay top dollar for him to endorse their products.

Its heart warming to see the boy who cried racism get in a few jokes at the expense of gays.

Edited by Jauronimo
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See Jeremy Lin. A gay man who could play in the NFL would be a huge (richard) slap in the face to the effeminate gay man stereotype. I'm sure a rainbow glowstick company would pay top dollar for him to endorse their products.


There are some gay men playing in the NFL according to this guy....



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Its heart warming to see the boy who cried racism get in a few jokes at the expense of gays.


I gotta say you're right. I couldn't care less about a person's sexuality and think it's pathetic that people do, but it's not cool to crack those jokes. Sorry, I offend you (I kid, I kid). :nana:


9ers corner Chris culliver says gays should not be allowed in the league today.... Smart comment before the big game




Pretty stupid comments. Honestly, if Joe Flacco said he won't welcome a black teammate, what would the reaction be? Seems like a double standard. You would think someone playing in SF would be much smarter than that. But looking at his Twitter, the guy isn't a rocket scientist. https://twitter.com/Cullyinthehouse


Btw, the guy has almost 1 million followers!!!

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