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Johnny Manziel - QB - Texas A & M


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A lot of things have changed over the past few years in the NFL and some have stayed the same.


With regard to the Bills selection in this draft the factor that has been a constant is that you need strong QB to be able to consistently win.


There are two things that have changed. The first is becoming obvious as it relates to QBs: mobile QBs are no longer just a novelty. They are winning, Yes, there are some proven losers like Michael Vick out there that will probably be tempting in trade scenarios, but the real winners have been the young guys like RG3, Kapernick and Wilson. The Bills could have had two of these guys and failed but maybe they have learned. The other thing that has changed, and may seem unrelated is that the NFL has proven itself to be looking the other way when it comings to individuals and teams violating rules or "cheating".


Michael Vick got to play as soon as he got out of jail. Ray Lewis, at the very least, let two guys bleed to death and gets his very own NFL pedestal. That tight end from Seattle did those horrible things with no repercussions. These individuals and others prove that after an initial hazing period, the NFL either looks the other way, or rewards dirt bags. As for teams and coaches, the Patriots cheated harshly and still are the media darlings. The refs still give them every possible break despite their sissy kicking QB and their grouchy coach. More recently, the Saints who were caught on tape trying to hurt other players, took some punishment for a while but now are back in business as are all of the violating coaches including moron in chief Gregggggg Williams.


It is time the Bills stop playing Mr. Goodytwoshoes. When Goodell approaches the podium with the #8 card in his hand I hope to see a huge scowl on his face and hear him say.........


With the 8th selection of the 2013 draft, the Buffalo Bills select Johnny Manziel, QB Texas A & M.


This of course, will involve contacting Manziel ahead of time and having a contract already done before the NFL lawyers can stop it. It will involve paying him extra $$$$ beyond his already high value but everyone has a price. It will involve the organization keeping quiet before draft day. We already know from this board that they are pretty quiet with reporters so that is a good sign. I'm sure after the fact there will be punishment but as the Patriots, Lewis, Vick, the Saints and the Seattle loser prove, it will be weak. IMO we can either take the bull by the horns and select Manziel now or stink out loud for two years and take him then. I say now.

I know of a good 12 step program that you could use.
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Guess Crayonz is officially back under a nom de guerre.

Lighten up on him. He's a former performer that is not only colorful, but waxes on about things in only the way that he could.


Thank goodness a few others realized it too...


How much do you guys bet that we'll be getting a Jimmy Spags performance soon too?

Edited by thebandit27
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It's so crazy, the legal case may work. The Clarrett case was different because he wasn't drafted yet. But it opens up a totally different legal front if a team drafts an "ineligible" player and then sues the NFL. Wish Al Davis were still alive to test the legal thesis against the NFL.

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Thank goodness a few others realized it too...


How much do you guys bet that we'll be getting a Jimmy Spags performance soon too?


He visited PPP weeks ago and it was apparent then. I welcome him back. It's fun to see unsuspecting posters take the bait.

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I'm not following your sentence structure but I doubt he goes before 8. The teams willing to cheat always have a jump. It is possible one of the other 7 teams is thinking of this but whoever does it first has he element of surprise.


im not following this insane thread.............can we pay the lawyer a little extra and get Jadaveon Clowney in the 2nd?

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He visited PPP weeks ago and it was apparent then. I welcome him back. It's fun to see unsuspecting posters take the bait.


It can indeed be fun, but only when he creates his own threads (like this one). When he crashes others' threads and does it, that--in my mind--is trolling.


Pretty sure that's why he was banned previously.

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the NFL has rules about the age and or college experience needed to play in thier league.


And why would Manziel sign that contract? It would still have to be based on the rookie scale and there's no way he would do that. If he plays one more year of college, hell go #1 and get more money than the #8.


And honestly, I know the NFL is getting worse and worse, but we don't want to go down this road. Next season you'll have the Pats or some other team signing high schoolers, and freahmen in college. The draft will turn into signing guys for the future, not right now.


I hate to out it to you this way, but yiur idea is absolutely idiotic. You don't belong in this board with such stupid posts. That's all I've got for you.

We could give Manziel $$$$ outside the rookie scale like a % of the franchise. As for the NFL "rules" they had rules about taping other teams too. Ignoring those won at least one Super Bowl championship and the NFL swooped in and burned the evidence themselves.


Fortunes favors the bold.


You do realize that as a franchisee in the NFL the Bills have a contract with the NFL to abide by their rules, including eligibility requirements, in order to remain in good standing in the league? If we did this, they would sue us in a heartbeat, we would lose before he saw a single minute on a practice field, and the Bills would be out the #8 overall pick (at a bare minimum) and probably a bunch more picks on top of that as punishment.


This is the worst idea I've heard in a long, long time....that is, except for draft Dysert in the first round.


Did the Bills sign the same contract as the Pats and Saints?


im not following this insane thread.............can we pay the lawyer a little extra and get Jadaveon Clowney in the 2nd?


The problem is you can't have the contract signed before making the pick. So let's say Manziel's contract is all drawn up and ready to go. As soon as Goodell reads the name, Johnny puts pen to paper. By the time the second round comes around the NFL lawyers will be all over this. They will probably ask for full access to the Bills computer systems and void anything that is prepped and ready to go. I think they are ready to do battle before pick #11 or #12 hits the board. I don't really care about that because our biz will be done. Now if we can't get Johnny on board then picking Clowney in the 1st might not be a bad backup plan.

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Better yet, let's do Manziel in Round 1, Tajh Boyd in Round 2, and Aaron Murray in Round 3. One of them is bound to take the cash and the offer of a % of the franchise, and other NFL franchises will have to bargain with the Bills for the rights to the others while the matter is being settled in court.


Fortune indeed favors the bold.


This is the best idea of 2013.

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We could give Manziel $$$$ outside the rookie scale like a % of the franchise. As for the NFL "rules" they had rules about taping other teams too. Ignoring those won at least one Super Bowl championship and the NFL swooped in and burned the evidence themselves.


Fortunes favors the bold.




Did the Bills sign the same contract as the Pats and Saints?




The problem is you can't have the contract signed before making the pick. So let's say Manziel's contract is all drawn up and ready to go. As soon as Goodell reads the name, Johnny puts pen to paper. By the time the second round comes around the NFL lawyers will be all over this. They will probably ask for full access to the Bills computer systems and void anything that is prepped and ready to go. I think they are ready to do battle before pick #11 or #12 hits the board. I don't really care about that because our biz will be done. Now if we can't get Johnny on board then picking Clowney in the 1st might not be a bad backup plan.


Could be that you're on to something

Really, I love the way you think outside the box

Another, lesser, person might not see it so clearly

You, however, are not like the others

Or you are too modest to take a rightful bow

Not that anyone would blame you for taking credit where credit is due.

Zapateado is what I hear when you lay your rhythms down at TSW.

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