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[closed]Bills / Giants Best SB of All Time

T master

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The Top 10 Super Bowls in NFL History as Bleacherreport.com titles the article.


Super Bowl XXV goes down as the best of all time ! I have to agree ! Not just because i am a Bills fan but b/c it was just that !!


What other super Bowl had Whitney Houston sing such a great version of the national anthem ?


What other Super Bowl went with out a turn over the entire game ?


What other Super Bowl went down to 8 seconds left on the clock with the difference in the score being 1 point & a kick that close ??


NONE !! That is why it was voted #1 all time !! Sure there are others that rank up there but none with that type of drama or suspense.. It will be hard to replace that one at the top !!


I will never forget a single detail of that day !! It still haunts me to this day ! But that was a team & a run that will never be seen again..


Good article GREAT Team --- GO BILLS !!!!

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