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  erynthered said:
Thank you for your service USMCBillsFan. :D



No worries. I do it because it makes me proud to. I've been back for 6 months now and can't wait to go to Iraq in August. The only thing that sucks about that is I'll have to miss all the Bills games next year. :D

Too bad they being lead by a bunch of silver-spoon, draft-dodging, coke-snorting, douchebags that have to be shamed into giving their own soldiers the tools they need to fight.


Why is this starting to sound like Viet Nam? (except for the "coke snorting) The drug of choice back then was LSD. :blink:


Wow. I just wanted to point out a good deed by some fellow Marines and it got blown up. Definitely not the intention of the post. We have another board for all of your political opinions. :blink:

  JoeSixPack said:
You know, opinions ar elike azzholes. Everyone's got one. Too bad yours doesn't work right.



I know there is another board for this, but I'm sure your stance would change Joe, if you or your kid was over there using body armor from K-Mart.


And please spare me the " I served bullcrap ". If you did you wouldnt be supporting that dumba$$ hick, that sits in the White House.


This isnt a war, its a business venture!!!


I'm proud of Americans who are concerned and willing to help out South Asia in this time of need


As for the War in Iraq, no pride at all, its just a cruel joke, as is GWB

  Snorom said:
I'm proud of Americans who are concerned and willing to help out South Asia in this time of need


As for the War in Iraq, no pride at all, its just a cruel joke, as is GWB



Thanks for your support !@#$. It's people like me who have been there and are going back soon, being away from our families that allow you to post these idiotic opinions. You may not support the war but you can have pride in those of us that are there fighting it while you sit back here, comfortable. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


Regardless of what political party one supports, one thing is for sure: All the work across the world in Iraq, Afganhastain, everywhere, by USMCBillsFan and others in the military are NEVER forgotten by me, ever.


Just this week, my Uncle Charlie, who I was very close to and was like another grandfather to me, passed away. He was in the Navy, and served on the USS Yorktown in WWII and was in the Korean War. I will never forget all the stories that he has told me over the years and all the great service he and so many others have done and are doing now.


USMCBillsFan, I definitely respect the sacrifice you and your family are making for your country. I don't agree with the way your lives and work are necessarily being used by the government, but know that you have the support of your countrymen, who want you and your fellow men and women to return home safe.

  RuntheDamnBall said:
USMCBillsFan, I definitely respect the sacrifice you and your family are making for your country.  I don't agree with the way your lives and work are necessarily being used by the government, but know that you have the support of your countrymen, who want you and your fellow men and women to return home safe.



perfectly said.


USMCBillsFan, you have my support, politics aside...


Thanks, bro.


Fighting them over there is a hell of a lot better than over here. USMC Bills Fan I appreciate your service and don't take my freedom and security lightly. Not only do I want you to come home safe like the weeney liberals always say to cover their misguided chicken asses but I want you to wack a few of those demon bastards while your there. This b.s. "We are the World" philosophy is gonna get us all killed! There's no negotiating with people who blow up innocent woman and children and use it as their main strategy.


The bottomline is that this thread was started by a Marine who was just trying to pat his comrades on the back.

  scribo said:
The bottomline is that this thread was started by a Marine who was just trying to pat his comrades on the back.


Exactly. And yet it never fails that people who know nothing take any opportunity to prove it with no respect for other people's intents.


Sorry, USMCBillsFan. Thanks for sharing.


I forget who said this a few months ago and I know I am misquoting... "There are no heros in sports, the true heroes are in our armed forces. Thank you for being there for us.

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