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Senator Bob Menendez enjoys the company of underage hookers

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seemed like the place to get to the bottom of this...............a few of you PPP'ers are challenging the authoritays in regards to points and more importantly unjust points.


but i gotcha........im gonna take the heat away from your beloved PPP 3rd. No reason to poop on your village with my points nonsense.


lets get back on topic....Underage hookers and senators ? no one is surprised.


The reason we do it here is because Simon doesn't, technically, oversee PPP. When you have no idea what pops his cork, it's best to just avoid the areas where his cork is randomly popped. I'd keep your conversation here lest he find a new unknown reason to ban you for life.

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I will respect Darin's wishes and cease discussion of moderation policy in this forum.

Y'all are now free to tell all the lies about me that you want and I will simply hold my tongue. Enjoy your need to be the victim.

My closing observations will be 1) RKFast informing us that he intentionally acts like an antagonistic jackass is all that needs to be said on the matter, 2) If i was as big of a bald-faced liar as LABillz I wouldn't even be able to look at myself in the mirror and 3) if anybody has legitimate questions about moderation in the future, feel free to contact me and I will provide an accurate explanation so you don't have to buy any of the fabricated BS frequently peddled by some of our "but, I'm special" posters. 4) It's unfathomable to me how a guy like Menendez can still be not only considered for the chairman of an important committee but is actually the leading candidate. Congrats to all you partisan cheerleaders on your continued success in consistently re-electing scumbags like this because they're on your "team".

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I will respect Darin's wishes and cease discussion of moderation policy in this forum.

Y'all are now free to tell all the lies about me that you want and I will simply hold my tongue. Enjoy your need to be the victim.

My closing observations will be 1) RKFast informing us that he intentionally acts like an antagonistic jackass is all that needs to be said on the matter, 2) If i was as big of a bald-faced liar as LABillz I wouldn't even be able to look at myself in the mirror and 3) if anybody has legitimate questions about moderation in the future, feel free to contact me and I will provide an accurate explanation so you don't have to buy any of the fabricated BS frequently peddled by some of our "but, I'm special" posters. 4) It's unfathomable to me how a guy like Menendez can still be not only considered for the chairman of an important committee but is actually the leading candidate. Congrats to all you partisan cheerleaders on your continued success in consistently re-electing scumbags like this because they're on your "team".


Dear Darin, I will respect your wishes, right after I take childish potshots on my way back to the Land of Oz.


Hey Simon...you're the message board equivalent of a mall security guard. You really need to take all of this less personally.

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Seems all you whiners and criers are ruining things... If you would just accept responsibility for your own actions and behave accordingly in the appropriate forums there would be no problems.


I am with JA on this one, he is right, this is a truly stupid thread... I normally don't even wallow through this drama and dreck.


Again... Let me translate it into what you want to hear:


Purple monkey dishwasher.



I guess everyone gets closing arguments? Odd, Dev didn't chime in...?


Actually, for once I am proud he didn't!

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Seems all you whiners and criers are ruining things... If you would just accept responsibility for your own actions and behave accordingly in the appropriate forums there would be no problems.


I am with JA on this one, he is right, this is a truly stupid thread... I normally don't even wallow through this drama and dreck.


Again... Let me translate it into what you want to hear:


Purple monkey dishwasher.





Actually, for once I am proud he didn't!


This thread is about a Senator messing around with underage girls. Darin got it back on track, and now you are trying to hijack it back to where he rescued it from? Damn, I never thought you were very bright, but I didn't think you were this stupid. BTW, I wasn't one of those complaining so replying to me wasn't a very sensible thing.

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This thread is about a Senator messing around with underage girls. Darin got it back on track, and now you are trying to hijack it back to where he rescued it from? Damn, I never thought you were very bright, but I didn't think you were this stupid. BTW, I wasn't one of those complaining so replying to me wasn't a very sensible thing.


Way too serious... Lighten up Francis, no hijack here except in the deep recesses of your demented mind.

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I was surprised to see the Senator on ABC Sunday, discussing immigration policy. I was less surprised when he wasn't asked a single question on this particular subject. The media in this country is an absolute embarrassment.


Berlusconi must have been in charge of selecting the press corps.


But seriously, what's the big deal for the press to pursue? The girls practiced the world's oldest profession and got wined & dined in the process. What's the harm? It's not like they were chained in a sweatshop making Nikes for Walmart.

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We do not discuss moderating policy in the open forum. If any of you people want to address Simon or one of the other moderators, do it via PM. I don't have a lot of rules here at PPP but this is ONE OF THEM.


Knock it off.


Now, back to the thread:


I was surprised to see the Senator on ABC Sunday, discussing immigration policy. I was less surprised when he wasn't asked a single question on this particular subject. The media in this country is an absolute embarrassment.


My bad Darin... I missed this post of yours. Your wish is granted. Please, accept my apologies.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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My bad Darin... I missed this post of yours. Your wish is granted. Please, accept my apologies.



This just shows how you operate. How could you miss that post unless you were just shooting your mouth off and doing your usual bloviating?

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This just shows how you operate. How could you miss that post unless you were just shooting your mouth off and doing your usual bloviating?


I honestly missed his post. When you brought it to my attention, I went back to the previous page. I am on the mobile version.


What do you mean, this is how I operate?... I am being sincere here. I suppose I should apologize to you to. Please accept my apologies for not seeing his post and thanks for bringing it to my attention. My previous comments were trying to bring some levity into the drama... But back on track... Menendez is a dirt ball... Not much disputing here. I hope they oust him.

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